Honolulu Complete Streets

Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan

The Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan is a long-term action plan to create vibrant, safe, and accessible streets to enable those of all ages and abilities to get around safely and comfortably by walking. Walking is the oldest and most efficient, affordable, and environmentally-friendly form of transportation. It’s how everyone from keiki to kūpuna can independently get to community destinations; how transit riders get to and from their stops; and how drivers and cyclists get from parking to the front door. Pedestrian activity helps to build strong and safe communities, is the primary way that neighbors get to know one another, and improves mental and physical health.

The Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan includes an inventory of existing pedestrian conditions, identifies pedestrian safety issues and High Pedestrian Injury Locations, proposes pedestrian programs, and prioritizes safety improvements including missing walkway projects to facilitate walking and multimodal travel consistent with the City and County of Honolulu’s Complete Streets law.

Please click on the images and links below to view/download the Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan documents.

Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan

Quick Access Links (click above for full plan):

Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan Flyer


Plan Development

The Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan development process involved the following steps: data collection, determining geographic focus, project development, and creation of actions and policies. Public and stakeholder engagement was critical throughout development of the Plan.

Community Outreach

Your input has played a critical role in shaping the Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan. Community engagement started in 2018 and continued up to the formal comment period on the Draft Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan that concluded on August 6, 2021. The City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services conducted public input outreach in 2018 – 2020 that included a public meeting, various pop-up and community events, and online surveys to engage the public and solicit their input on the Oʻahu Pedestrian Plan. The public meeting was held on April 24th, 2019, and a meeting recording can be viewed via Facebook Live. Meeting materials are available at the links below to view and/or download. Click images below to view a recording of the Community Meeting and City Council Presentation.

Community Meeting

City Council Presentation

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