Honolulu Complete Streets

Kaimukī, Kapahulu, Kāhala, and Diamond Head


The City and County of Honolulu has several ongoing Complete Streets improvements in the works for the Kaimukī, Kapahulu, Kāhala, and Diamond Head neighborhoods. These projects will contribute to create a network of streets that are safe and convenient for all people, whether they are traveling by foot, bicycle, transit, or ride-share, and regardless of age or ability.

The Opportunity

Kaimukī, Kapahulu, Kāhala, and Diamond Head are vibrant neighborhoods – home to thousands of residents, eclectic businesses, and major community destinations. However, the Kaimukī, Kapahulu, Kāhala, and Diamond Head streets in many ways prioritize motorists, leaving a strong need for improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The City is studying the feasibility of safety improvements as part of upcoming road repaving projects in these neighborhoods with the aim of increased safety and mobility for all roadway users. Complete Streets are:

  • Safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities
  • Accommodating to all modes, including foot, bicycle, and automobile
  • Integrated with the community’s vision and sense of place
  • Supportive of community health and transportation equity


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Upcoming and Current Projects

Kīlauea Avenue Roadway Improvements

In addition to pedestrian safety improvements, the City is studying the feasibility of a 4-to-3 lane “road diet” on Kīlauea Avenue between 18th and Pāhoa Avenues. Road diets are effective traffic calming measures that can significantly reduce rear-end and left-turn crashes and allow for the opportunity to install bicycle lanes. 

Community Meetings
Kāhala Neighborhood Board Meeting Materials:

Pedestrian Crossing Improvements

The City is evaluating current conditions and potential improvements to the sight-distance of crossing pedestrians, shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians, and calming traffic. These areas include Kapahulu, Campbell and Monsarrat Avenues. 

Harding and Kaimukī Avenues Walkway Improvements

The City is in the planning stages of completing the missing sidewalks on Harding Avenue between 17th and 21st Avenues and on Kaimukī Avenue between Kapahulu to 6th Avenues on both sides of the street.

18th Avenue Bikeway Improvements

The City is studying the feasibility of narrowing the travel lanes on 18th Avenue from Kīlauea Avenue to Diamond Head Road to provide space for striped buffered bike lanes for enhanced safety.

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