Federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) This is the official site of the EAC, a federal agency established by the Help America Vote Act. The EAC provides election resources and guidance to State and local election agencies but has no regulatory authority.
Federal Voting Assistance Program (Military & Overseas Citizens) This is the official site of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, an agency within the U.S. Department of Defense that provides information on voting to uniformed and overseas citizens.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) This is the official site for the Federal Election Commission. The FEC monitors campaign spending at a federal level.
Office of Elections This is the State of Hawaii’s Office of Elections website. The State of Hawaii Office of Elections is responsible for polling place and counting center operations within the State of Hawaii.
Campaign Spending Commission This is the State Campaign Spending Commission’s website. The Commission is responsible for receiving candidate filing and organizational reports as well as issuing advisory opinions and receiving complaints on campaign finance matters for State office.
State Ethics Commission This is the State of Hawaii Ethics Commission website. The State Ethics Commission receives financial disclosure filings for certain State officials and issues ethics advisory opinions relating to State government ethics matters.
The Hawaii State Legislature This is the website of the Hawaii State Legislature. The website contains legislative information on individual state legislators, text of bills, resolutions, and agendas.
City and County of Honolulu This is the main page of the City and County of Honolulu government.
Office of the City Clerk This is the home page of our main office. You will find information on the legislative activities of the Honolulu City Council, bill and resolution text, and meeting agendas at this site.
Honolulu City Council This is the main page for the Honolulu City Council legislative branch with links to individual councilmembers’ web pages.
City Ethics Commission This is the official site of the City Ethics Commission. The City Ethics Commission is responsible for providing ethics training to City employees, issuing ethics advisory opinions, and receiving complaints on City ethics matters.
Overseas Vote Foundation The Overseas Vote Foundation is a private organization that promotes voting and elections to American citizens living abroad.
League of Women Voters Hawaii This is the main page of the Hawaii chapter of the League of Women Voters with links to individual county chapters as well.