Office of Council Services

Who we are

The Office of Council Services (“OCS”) is a legislative branch agency established in 1973 that consists of highly qualified attorneys, analysts, and professional staff who are responsible  for providing support, research, drafting, and legal services to the Honolulu City Council, its committees, and members.

OCS's Vision

We believe that research and advice from OCS should be comprehensive, concise, and credible to enable the City Council to take the course of action that is in the best interest of the people of the City and County of Honolulu. 

Powers, Duties, and FUnctions

Section 3-601, Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu 1973 (Amended 2017 Edition), as amended, established the Office of Council Services to assist the City Council in the exercise of the Council’s legislative power.

The 1971-1972 Charter Commission described OCS as “a necessary adjunct to and is supportive of the policy-formulation or legislative role of the city council” and stated that OCS was to be used by the Council “as a tool for decision making – to assist it in analyzing the city’s policies and financial programs for their effectiveness and adequacy and in identifying alternative programs and policies and major problems which endanger the public interest and welfare. Such an office shall provide staff support to subject areas within the jurisdiction of the legislative body.”  Report of the 1971-1972 Charter Commission, pages 12-13. 

Under the City Charter, there is a “clear and definitive separation of the legislative power and the executive power of the city and county.”  City Council v. Fasi, 52 Haw. 3, 467 P.2d 576 (1970).  Prior to the formation of OCS, the City Council relied upon the Mayor and the executive branch for research and legal advice, raising questions about the independence and power of the legislative branch.   OCS is one of those very tools that the Council “is necessarily empowered and authorized to employ” for obtaining “the necessary expertise to review, evaluate, consolidate, and to advise the council on these various proposals.”  Akahane v. Fasi, 58 Haw. 74, 565 P.2d 552 (1977).  

OCS has also served as the Revisor of Ordinances since 1993.

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