Storm Water Quality

Healthy yard Care

Want healthy beautiful yards and healthy beautiful ocean? Come learn how yard care can affect waters at one of our upcoming Demonstration Fairs! 
Visit informational tables with content centered on understanding soils, nutrients, and plants.

Level up your yard care practices with free information and materials to help protect our local waters.

Soil test supplies and native plants given (one per household) while supplies last.

Enter to win a yard care kit with materials to make a compost bin, fertilizer and soil amendment samples, and advanced soil test kit.


How does yard care affect water quality?

Overuse of fertilizers, excess yard waste, and erosion from bare soils contributes to contamination of our streams, wetlands, and ocean.

You are the solution!

It’s easy to have a healthy, beautiful lawn in Hawai‘i without fetilizer runoff or erosion. You can save money and time while protecting our environment and still have a healthy yard that looks great all year!

The following guide book was developed with the help of University of Hawai‘i Master Gardeners and landscape professionals. Click on the image to access.

6 Simple Steps to Healthy Easy-Care Yards:

  1. Promptly remove and properly dispose of all yard waste.
  2. Cover all soil with plants, preventing erosion.
  3. Store fertilizers in sealed containers.
  4. Test soils for nutrient levels to determine if fertilizers are needed.
  5. Use only the types and amounts of fertilizers needed.
  6. Install storm water landscaping features designed to capture and soak in excess rain.

Level up your yard care practices!
Learn about how your current practices rate and opportunities to better protect our waters – and improve your yard care!

bar chart

Click image to view and download guidebook.

Learn more about the following Healthy Yard Care topics.

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