WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2024 at 7:30 P.M.
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Meeting Number / Access Code: 2488 190 5258
Passcode: NB25 (6225 from phones and video systems)
Join by Video System: Dial
Join by Phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
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Rules for Virtual Participation and Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to raise their hand, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Speakers are encouraged to keep their comments under three (3) minutes, and those giving reports are urged to keep their reports to less than three (3) minutes. Please silence all electronic devices.
Written Testimony: All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 530 South King Street, Room 406, Honolulu, HI 96813. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email:
I. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Danielle M. M. Bass
A. Pledge of Allegiance, Public Notice, Roll Call/Quorum
II. MONTHLY REPORTS (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
A. Honolulu Fire Department
B. Honolulu Police Department
C. Military – Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
D. Board of Water Supply (BWS)
A. Sub-District Three (3): One (1) Vacancy
IV. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Wednesday March 27, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Presentation and Motion on Lighting & Roof Cover Needs at the Mililani In-line Hockey Court, Located in Kaomaʻaikū Neighborhood Park
B. Presentation and Motion on Lighting Needs at the Mililani Skate Park, Located in Mililani District Park
VI. COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
A. Report Of Any Events or Concerns Within the Community
Any community member can come forward and express any comment or concern within decorum.
Please, limit your comments to three (3) minutes each per issue for items not on the agenda.
VII. REPORTS OF CHAIRS AND BOARD COMMITTEES (Limited to two (2) minutes each)
A. Chair’s Report
B. Treasurer’s Report – Josie Ka‘anehe
C. Community Partnerships and Community Outreach – Alex Ozawa, Chair
D. Community Recognition and Service Awards – Josie Ka‘anehe, Chair
E. Community Maintenance and Walk Audit – Martina Segura, Chair
1. Neighborhood Board Walk Form:
F. Planning, Zoning, Sustainable Development, and Climate Resilience – Trevor Nagamine, Chair
G. Transportation & OMPO – Skyler Ross, Chair
H. Military Affairs and Emergency Management – Dennis Kim, Chair
I. Health, Houselessness, and Human Services – Darsha Lee, Chair
J. Parks and Recreation & Patsy T. Mink Central Oahu Regional Park – Sabrina Gustafson, Chair
K. Education – Marilyn Lee, Chair
VIII. ELECTED OFFICIALS REPORTS (Limited to two (2) minutes each)
A. Office of Hawai‘i’s 1st Congressional District, Congressman Ed Case – Nestor Garcia
B. Office of Hawai‘i State Governor Josh Green – Toni Schwartz, Governor’s Representative
C. Office of the City & County of Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi– Tracy Kubota, Mayor’s Representative
D. Office of the City & County of Honolulu Council District 8, Councilmember Val Okimoto
E. Office of the City & County of Honolulu Council District 2, Councilmember Matthew Weyer
F. Office of State Senate District 18, Senator Michelle Kidani
G. Office of State Senate District 17, Senator Donovan Dela Cruz
H. Office of State House District 46, Representative Amy Perruso
I. Office of State House District 38, Representative Lauren Matsumoto
J. Office of State House District 37, Representative Trish La Chica
A. Next Board Meeting: The next scheduled board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 7:30 pm. Location: Mililani High School – H Building.
B. Broadcast: Videotaping of Board meetings are scheduled to be shown on ‘Ōlelo Focus 49, Every Second Thursday at 9:00 a.m., and on ‘Ōlelo Views 54, Every First and Third Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, by telephone on (808) 768-3710, fax (808) 768-3711, or e-mailing Agenda documents and minutes are also available online at
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours of the meeting, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the Board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the Board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817, fax (808) 768-3711, or email
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2024 – 7:30 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at:
Google Drive Link:
I. CALL TO ORDER – [0:01:26]
Chair Danielle Bass called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. due to technical difficulties. Roll call was conducted – [0:01:26] and quorum was established with 20 members present [0:03:18]. Note: This 23-member Board requires 12 members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Danielle Bass, Josie Kaʻanehe, Dennis Kim, Marilyn Lee, Mary Smart, Ann Freed (logged on 7:49 p.m.), Ashley Trotter, Sharon Williams, Elise Carmody, Rodney Park, Sabrina Gustafson, Leslie Among, Trevor Nagamine, Michael Dau, Emil Svrcina, Martina Segura, Skyler Ross, Katherine Kupukaʻa, Kurumi Kaapana-aki, Darsha Lee, and Ed Flores.
Board Members Absent: Alex Ozawa.
Guests: Captain Shaun Wray (Honolulu Fire Department); Officer M. (Honolulu Police Department); Michelle Chang, Kurt Tsue (Hawaiian Electric); Ronald Kuroda (Queen’s Medical Center); Robin Kalohelani (Queen’s Medical Center – West Oahu); Nestor Garcia, Annika Nozaki (Congressman Case); Toni Schwartz (Governor Green); Kelly Anaya (Councilmember Weyer); Representative Amy Perruso; Tracy Kubota (Mayor Blangiardi); Representative Lauren Matsumoto, Representative Trish La Chica; Allurie Joy Almogela (Senator Dela Cruz); Eric Kamanu (Councilmember Okimoto); Judith Kawamura, Jocelyn Roberts, Robb Tanaka, Ken Inouye, Mark Nonaki, Chancy, Justin Case, Kanani, KC, Mark Clemente, Randall Suzuka, Ricky H., Shay, Shecky Medeiros, Sheryl Gardner, Smolee, Vanessa, Wes (Residents and Guests); Rachel Cristobal (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name not included if not legible or stated for the record. There were approximately 52 total participants.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:03:28]: Captain Shaun Wray reported the monthly statistics for February 2024 and March safety tips on smoke alarms.
• Report:
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:05:23]: Officer M. reported the following:
• Monthly statistics for March 2024
• Website:
• Neighborhood Security Watch: If individuals are interested, they are asked to call at (808) 723-8710.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:08:14]
• Can you check on whether there have been any aggressive dog reports in Mililani near Rec 1?
• Can people legally spy on you in your backyard with a drone?
• Can we arrange a watch to monitor illegal fireworks?
Member Freed logged on at 7:49 p.m.; 21 members are present.
Military – Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Division – [0:11:24]: No representative present.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – [0:11:42]: No representative present.
• Report:
Approval of Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes: [0:12:03] MOVED by Gustafson and SECONDED by Ross to approve the Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes as written. [0:12:30] Hearing no objections, the motion was ADOPTED; 21-0-0 (Aye: Bass, Kaʻanehe, Kim, Marilyn Lee, Smart, Among, Freed, Trotter, Williams, Carmody, Park, Darsha Lee, Gustafson, Ross, Dau, Nagamine, Svrcina, Segura, Kupukaa, Flores, Kaapana-Aki; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Hawaiian Electric Outages in Mililani Town – [0:13:21]: Michelle Chang and Kurt Tsue reported that the recent outages in Mililani Town are due to a combination of newly installed wildfire safety settings and faults in the underground cables buried directly in the ground. Hawaiian Electric expanded its wild fire safety strategy to improve public safety in areas identified by the State of Hawaii as at risk for wild fires, which includes Mililani. The settings are set to reduce the potential for sparking and ignition. Their engineers are currently working to determine where the underground cable faults have been occurring and will be designing a project that will help reduce the frequency of the outages in the near term.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:17:30]
• Is this the first area you are making lines sensitive to wildfires?
• Are there any plans to have better communication with the public for when events like this happen?
• Can I get a notification from HECO when my power goes out?
• How many linemen do we have to service Mililani?
• Is it recommended we get a battery with our PV system to help with power supply during this time?
• Do we call our PV installer or HECO for information on how to get a battery system?
• Will installation of a battery effect our PV agreement with HECO?
• Do you have any advice on what we can do in the interim to mitigate the issue until this situation is resolved?
• What do you envision for areas like Waipio where electrical lines run above ground to mitigate the high risk?
• Are these outages at homes with smart meters?
• What causes a disruption for these underground cables?
• How frequently have these disruptions occurred?
• How long have the disruptions lasted?
• Are there any ways to plan for these outages?
Wahiawa General Hospital Emergency Department Closure – [0:32:30]: Brian Cunningham explained that the closure of the emergency department stems from several ongoing challenges. These include a decrease in the local physician population leading to reduced patient volumes and revenue. Consequently, the hospital faces difficulties in funding daily operations and meeting major capital needs, such as maintaining HVAC systems in a large building. While the closure is temporary, it has raised questions and concerns among members of the public.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:36:22]
o How many of the diagnostic services are being canceled out?
• Is Queen’s going to demolish or remodel the hospital?
• How many months until the HVAC system is back up?
• Where did all the long-term people under Wahiawa’s care go?
• Why wasn’t the closure communicated more clearly with the members of the community?
• What happened to the patients of the hospital prior to the closure?
• What is the estimated delay in providing emergency medical services to members of the area now that they must be rerouted?
• Can you elaborate on the Koa Ridge project with Wahiawa Association?
Acquisition and Future Operations of Central Oʻahu Medical Centers – [0:47:05]: Robin Kalohelani expressed her belief that the transition would occur smoothly, with the hospital continuing to function with its current staff. However, due to emerging HVAC issues, they needed to reevaluate the facility and devise a plan to ensure the hospital could operate within an accelerated timeframe. She stressed the importance of maintaining emergency services and outlined the services the community can expect upon acquisition and readiness for reopening.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:51:12]
• Can you update us on the certificate of need?
• Can you clarify what a certificate of need is?
• Is your intention to provide an in-patient hospital facility?
• What is your long-term intention?
• Is the Koa Ridge medical center project part of the medical plan here?
• Once the patient gets stabilized in the ER what happens to the patient?
• Does treatment of a patient depend on the openings of where they can be transferred for further care or the choice of the family?
• Will Koa Ridge outpatient services be implemented prior to the next phase of Queens Medical Center?
• Are you saying Queens Medical Center has nothing to do with Koa Ridge?
• Is Queens no longer involved with the Koa Ridge medical facility?
• Is there an Emergency Room in Kahuku Hospital or for emergency care in the Mililani clinics?
• Can you elaborate on the reasons you would need to go to an emergency room verse an urgent care?
• Can we get a presentation from Castel and Cooke regarding the Koa Ridge medical center facility?
• What about a shuttle between Wahiawa and Queen’s West?
• Are there anything in the works to work with discharges?
• What can be done with the outpatient space at Wahiawa?
• What is there for near drowning patients?
• What is the timeline and plan for the upgrades and reopening of the Emergency Department?
Update with Mililani Town Association Regarding Fallen Tree – [1:22:25]: Resident Judith Kawamura provided her update from attending the Mililani Town Association (MTA) Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. She was directed to get in touch with City and County, so she had made arrangements to meet with the MTA General Manager David O’Neill. She hopes to get a better understanding on the roles of the MTA and how to be proactive with the City and County regarding to community concerns and issues.
• Chair’s Report – [1:24:35]: Chair Bass provided a brief report.
• Community Partnerships and Community Outreach – Alex Ozawa – [1:25:38]: No representative present.
• Community Recognition and Service Awards – Josie Kaʻanehe – [1:25:47]: No report.
• Community Maintenance and Walk Audit – Martina Segura – [1:25:55]: Segura informed about Neighborhood Board Walk Form:
• Planning, Zoning, Sustainable Development, and Climate Resilience – Trevor Nagamine – [1:26:22]: Nagamine provided a brief report.
• Transportation & OMPO – Skyler Ross – [1:27:51]: Ross provided a brief report.
• Military Affairs and Emergency Management – Dennis Kim – [1:31:00]: No report.
• Health, Houselessness, and Human Services – Darsha Lee – [1:31:19]: Darsha Lee provided a brief report.
• Parks and Recreation & Patsy T. Mink Central Oahu Regional Field – Sabrina Gustafson – [1:32:13]: No report.
• Education – Marilyn Lee – [1:31:21]: No report.
Office of Hawaiʻiʻs 1st Congressional District, Congressman Ed Case – [1:32:37]: Nestor Garcia introduced Annika Nozaki, visiting from Washington D.C., and announced the upcoming grand opening of the Akaka Clinic on Roosevelt Avenue, scheduled for Friday, April 5, 2024. The outpatient facility will begin accepting patients as early as Monday, April 8, 2024. Annika disclosed her focus areas in education, financial services, and social security, emphasizing her current efforts to collaborate with community members and organizations to secure funding specifically for fiscal year 2025. She also highlighted Congressman Case’s recent actions, including passing federal funding for fiscal year 2024 with colleagues to ensure government operations and voting on a TikTok divestment bill.
U.S. Congress Constituent Services Guide:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:36:30]
• Is the Congressman still concerned with reforming the Jones Act?
• Do you have any results from the Congressman’s commission that looked at the firework importation at the ports?
• Do you think the problems with the port of Baltimore will cause problems here?
• Is there any infrastructure money available to help implement the HECO improvements/upgrades?
• Can you let the Congressman know this is a priority issue brought to the board by the community.
• How do you feel and how does the Congressman feel about possibly raising the retirement age of individuals for social security?
• Would it be possible to make participation in social security voluntary?
• Wouldn’t it be easier for Congress to take up the social security issue rather than forming a commission?
Office of Hawaiʻi State Governor Josh Green – [1:45:38]: Toni Schwartz reported the following: News conference on the latest updates on the Maui Wildfire; the number of individuals who are in need of permanent housing has fallen from 7,796 to 3,109; 850 units are under construction with midsummer moving dates; expanded Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) eligibility retroactively for all compact of free association families; and completed the temporary replacement for the King Kamehameha III Elementary School.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:50:03]
• When was Scott voted in?
• Is there still a Hurricane Relief fund?
Office of the City & County of Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi – [1:50:34]: Tracy reported the following:
• Town Hall Meetings: Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Wahiawā Elementary.
o 2024 Town Hall Meetings:
• The Honolulu Zoo came in 4th place for the 2024 USA Today 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards for the “Best Zoo in America” category.
• Responses to questions raised from the previous meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:52:41]
• Does the administration anticipate requesting additional funding to fund more ambulance units?
• Can you check on the status of the Storm Water fee?
• Who is responsible for watering the street trees?
Office of the City & County of Honolulu Council District 8, Councilmember Val Okimoto – [1:56:29]: Eric Kamanu reported the following: First round of budget briefings has been completed; opportunity to introduce their amendments to the budget; last full council meeting was on Monday, March 25, 2024; requested for funds for the expansion and training for the Honolulu Police Department; requested for funds for law enforcement and pathway internship programs; the Honolulu Fire Department has solicited and executed a contract for the department first twin engine helicopter; and funds were added into the district park development.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:00:00]
• What’s the status of resolution 65?
• Why was Councilmember unable to attend the meeting tonight?
• What is the Councilmember’s position on the proposed pay raise?
Office of the City & County of Honolulu Council District 2, Councilmember Matthew Weyer – [2:03:00]: Kelly Anaya reported the following:
• The City’s Office of Economic Revitalization is offering a rent and utility help relief program on Saturday, March 30, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
• 2024 Climate Champions Internship Program:
• Newsletter:
• Watch Council Meetings:
• Responded to questions raised from the previous meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:06:00]
• Why was Councilmember unable to attend the meeting tonight?
• What is the Councilmember’s position on the proposed pay raise?
Office of State Senate District 18, Senator Michelle Kidani – [2:06:43]: Trevor Nagamine reported that education week was held during the previous week. Senator Kidani was informed that day that the Governor has released a 7million dollar CIP appropriation for improvements to Kamehameha Highway between Kuahelani Avenue to Lanikuhana Avenue.
• Newsletter:
Office of State Senate District 18, Senator Donovan Dela Cruz – [2:07:56]: Allurie Joy Almogela announced that Senator Dela Cruz is attending current Ways and Means Committee hearings for department budget decisions.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:08:48]
• Do you know when the senator will be next available to attend out meetings
Office of State House District 46, Representative Amy Perruso – [2:09:34]: Representative Perruso informed that the House passed a budget without necessitating deductions from department or agency budgets. She emphasized the importance of monitoring Senate Bill 3207, which proposes removing the cap on the superintendent’s salary, expressing her concerns about the bill. Additionally, Representative Perruso highlighted the Governor’s announcement of new nominees for the Board of Education, including Elynne Chung, former Principal of Mililani Middle School, as well as initiatives such as the Hazard Awareness and Resilience Program (HARP) 2.0. Furthermore, she mentioned she was named as a finalist for the Board for The Nation’s Report Card (NAEP).
• Newsletter:
Office of State House District 38, Representative Lauren Matsumoto – [2:14:10]: Representative Matsumoto reported the following:
• Town Hall Meeting: Friday, April 12, 2024 at Mililani District Park from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
• Mid-session survey
• Mililani Citizen’s Patrol & Suicide Prevention Training
• Floor presentations for Mililani High School Champions
• Department of Transportation’s (DOT) plans for Mililani Mauka’s emergency access road.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:18:01]
• What is the status of bill 2743 about a cesspool tax?
Office of State House District 37, Representative Trish La Chica – [2:18:58]: Representative La Chica reported that there’s a legislative survey, which can be found on her website and the back of her newsletter. During the recess she visited some of district schools and advocated for some funding that had been left on the lapse list. She noted that the House budget, which had undergone crossover, successfully reinstated a significant amount of funding while also introduced new allocations for schools.
• Newsletter:
Increase in Scams – [2:21:38]: Board member Freed announced that she has been talking to others in the community and found out that the number of scams is increasing.
IX. ADJOURNMENT – [2:22:11]: The meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
Submitted by: Rachel Cristobal, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy
Finalized by: Sabrina Gustafson
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.