Tuesday, April 16, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Meeting Materials: Find a referenced archive of handouts and materials for Neighborhood Board No.12 at:
Recordings of Board meetings can be found at:
Video-Teleconference: The Board will be making a good-faith effort to provide the public with the opportunity to observe the meeting as it happens and an opportunity to provide oral testimony without a physical presence in the physical meeting room, in accordance with the Governor’s Eighth Supplementary Proclamation, Related to the COVID-19 Emergency. Please ensure that your computer or phone is muted unless you are speaking.
Please join us by Webex
Meeting link:
Meeting number/Access code: 2493 014 7034
Password: NB12 (6212 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Physical location: Kapālama Hale 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Room 153, Honolulu, HI 96817
*This is an alternative meeting location open to public participation.
Rules of Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to raise his/her hand, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Our public and elected officials giving reports are encouraged to keep their comments to less than three (3) minutes, board member’s comments limited to two minutes for each order of business, presenters are limited to 10 (ten) minutes for the presentation portion and community member input is limited to two (2) minutes per participant. Please silence all electronic devices.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS Ch. 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds (2/3) vote (10) of this 15-member Board is needed to add an item to the agenda. Adding an item to the agenda, however, is not permitted if (1) the item to be added is of reasonably major importance and (2) action on the item by the board will affect a significant number of persons. Determination of whether a specific matter may be added to an agenda must be done on a case-by-case basis.
I. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Patrick Smith
II. CITY MONTHLY REPORTS (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
A. Honolulu Fire Department
B. Honolulu Police Department
1. District 1
2. District 5
3. Neighborhood Security Watch Reports – Paula Kurashige
C. Board of Water Supply
There are two (2) vacancies in Subdistrict 1 (Punchbowl).
(Proof of residency required, Oath of Office, as needed)
A. OahuMPO (Metro Planning Org) – Rae Gee
B. Papakolea Community Updates
V. RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
VI. ELECTED OFFICIALS (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
A. Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – Director Kim Hashiro
B. Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam
C. Governor Josh Green’s Representative
D. District 13 Senator Karl Rhoads
E. District 27 Representative Jenna Takenouchi
F. Federal Elected Officers & other Elected Officials
A. Spectrum residential property usage
B. Potential Monster Home in Pacific Heights – construction activity
C. Traffic safety issues around Pali Hwy.
D. Approval of Tuesday, February 20, 2024 Meeting Minutes
A. Mayor’s Town Halls
B. To help UH, take survey at
C. Neighborhood Board No. 12 scheduled to air on Channel 49 on Thursday, May 02, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. has been moved to Channel 49 on Friday, May 03, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. This change affects this airdate only.
D. Next Regular Board Meeting – The Nuʻuanu Neighborhood Board No. 12 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this Board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Telephone (808) 768-3710 Fax (808) 768-3711; or Email Agendas and minutes are also available on the internet at
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the Board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the Board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email:
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.