Board and Subdistrict Boundary Descriptions
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From Makapuʻu Point, along the coast in a westerly direction to the western outlet of Kuapā Pond, then inland north to May Way to Maunalua Avenue, Maunalua Avenue extended, then north to the crest of Maunalua Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range (Honolulu City Limits), thence along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to Makapuʻu Point.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1 (Marina West)
Marina West is bounded on the west by the Neighborhood No. 1 boundary with Neighborhood No. 2. From the intersection of that boundary with the crest of the Koʻolaus, the boundary runs along the crest of the Koʻolaus east to the intersection with Mauna-o-ahi Ridge, thence south along the crest of Mauna-o-ahi Ridge to the HECO substation (SPS-2) on Kawaihae Street, thence southeast on Kawaihae Street to Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence south on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to Kalanianaʻole Highway, thence on an extension of the line of Hawaii Kai Drive to the shoreline, thence west along the shoreline to the western outlet of Kuapā Pond.
Subdistrict 2 (Marina Central)
From a point on the shore line described by a southward extension of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, north on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive around the Marina to Keahole Street, thence south on Keāhole Street to Kalanianaʻole Highway, thence south to the shoreline on the extension of the line of Keāhole Street, thence west along the shoreline to the initial point.
Subdistrict 3 (Hahaione Valley)
From the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Kawaihae Street, northwest on Kawaihae Street, to the HECO (Hawaiian Electric Company) substation, thence north along the Mauna-o-ahi Ridge line to the Koʻolau crest line, thence east along the crest to the western side of the Kaluanui Ridge, thence south on the western edge of the Kaluanui Ridge to the intersection of the ridge line and an eastward extension of Pepeʻekeo Street, thence westward on the extension line to the intersection of Pepeʻekeo and Hahaʻione Streets, thence south on Hahaʻione Street to Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence west and south along Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to Kawaihae Street.
Subdistrict 4 (Hahaiʻone High Rise)
From the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Keāhole Street northwest along Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to Hahaiʻone Street, thence north on Hahaiʻone Street to Pepeʻekeo Street, thence east on a line extension of Pepeʻekeo Street to the western edge of Kaluanui Ridge, thence south on the western edge of the ridge to the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Keāhole Street.
Subdistrict 5 (Ridge and Cove)
From the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Keāhole Street north to the western edge of Kaluanui Ridge and thence along the western edge of the ridge to the crest of the Koʻolaus, thence east along the crest to Kamilo Ridge, thence south on Kamilo Ridge to a point on Hawaii Kai Drive 200 yards north of Kamilo Street, thence south and east on Hawaii Kai Drive to Lunalilo Home Road, thence south on Lunalilo Home Road to Wailua Street, thence west on Wailua Street to Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence southwest on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to the initial point.
Subdistrict 6 (Kamiloiki)
From the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Lunalilo Home Road northwest on Hawaii Kai Drive to a point on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive 200 yards north of Kamilo Street, thence north along Kamilo Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolaus, thence east along the crest to the western crest of Kamehame Ridge, thence south along the western crest of Kamehame Ridge to the Board of Water Supply station on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence west of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to the initial point.
Subdistrict 7 (Kalama Valley)
From a point on Hawaii Kai Drive at the Board of Water Supply station, north along the western crest of Kamehame Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolaus, thence east along the crest of the Koʻolaus to Makapuʻu Point, thence south and west along the shoreline to the intersection of the shoreline with a line extension of the eastern boundary of Koko Head Regional Park, thence northwest on this line to the intersection of Kalanianaʻole Highway and the eastern boundary of Koko Head Regional Park (the south corner of the sewage treatment plant area), thence along the eastern and northern boundaries of Koko Head Regional Park to a point due south of the Board of Water Supply station on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence north to that station.
Subdistrict 8 (Lunalilo Park, Mauka)
From the Board of Water Supply station on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive west along Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to Lunalilo Home Road, thence south on Lunalilo Home Road to the southwestern boundary of the Lunalilo Home Subdivision, thence southeast to the southeastern boundary of the subdivision, thence northeast to the eastern corner of the Lunalilo Home grounds, thence southeast along the boundary between the Lunalilo Park – 3 subdivision and the Lunalilo agricultural area to the boundary of Koko Head Regional Park, thence southwest along that boundary to the north corner of Koko Head District Park, thence along the northeastern and southeastern boundaries of the District Park to the intersection of Kalanianaʻole Highway and Hanauma Bay Road thence eastward along Kalanianaʻole Highway to the southern corner of the sewer treatment plant area, thence north and east along the boundary of Koko Head Regional Park to a point due south of the Board of Water Supply station on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence north to that station.
Subdistrict 9 (Lunalilo Park, Makai)
From the intersection of Lunalilo Home Road and Kalanianaʻole Highway, north on Lunalilo Home Road to the southwestern boundary of the Lunalilo Home Subdivision, thence southeast and northeast on the boundary of the Lunalilo Home Subdivision to the eastern corner of the Lunalilo Home, thence southeast along the boundary between Lunalilo Park – 3 Subdivision and the Lunalilo agricultural area to the boundary of Koko Head Regional Park, thence south on this boundary to the north corner of the Koko Head District Park, thence along the northeast and southeast boundaries of the District Park to the south corner of the District Park at Kalanianaʻole Highway and Hanauma Bay Road, thence west along Kalanianaʻole Highway to Lunalilo Home Road.
Subdistrict 10 (Marina East)
From the intersection of Lunalilo Home Road and Kalanianaʻole Highway west on Kalanianaʻole Highway to the bridge over the eastern outlet of Kuapā Pond, thence south and west along the shoreline to the intersection of the shoreline with the line of Keāhole Street extended, thence north on this line and Keāhole Street, to Hawaiʻi Kai Drive, thence north on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive to Wailua Street, thence east on Wailua Street to Lunalilo Home Road, thence south on Lunalilo Home Road to the initial point.
Subdistrict 11 (Koko Head)
From the bridge over the eastern outlet of Kuapā Pond eastward on Kalanianaʻole Highway to the south corner of the sewage treatment plant area, thence on a line extending the eastern boundary of Koko Head Regional Park to the shoreline, thence west along the shoreline to the initial point.

From the junction point of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and Maunalua Ridge, south along Maunalua Ridge to Maunalua Avenue extended, to Maunalua Avenue, to May Way, to the western outlet of Kuapā Pond, along the coast in a westerly direction to the east boundary of the Waiʻalae Golf Course, thence east and north along the boundary of the Waiʻalae Golf Course to the intersection of Waikui Street and Kalanianaʻole Highway, thence northeasterly along the ridgeline of the unnamed ridge east of Kapakahi Gulch to its intersection with Wiliwilinui Ridge, thence along Wiliwilinui Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to Maunalua Ridge.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts are not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (Waiʻalae Iki Ridge)
Subdistrict 2 – (Waiʻalae Iki Ridge – new increment)
Subdistrict 3 – (Waiʻalae Iki* and Wiliwilinui)
Subdistrict 4 – (Golf Course and Kalani Valley)
Subdistrict 5 – (Kainani, Wailupe & Kalanianaʻole Highway[Makai])
Subdistrict 6 – (ʻĀina Haina)
Subdistrict 7 – (Niu and Niuiki Circle, Hawaiʻi Loa Ridge)
Subdistrict 8 – (Kuliʻouʻou)
*Waiʻalae Iki was formerly known as the Golf Course addition

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and Wiliwilinui Ridge, south along Wiliwilinui Ridge to its intersection with the crest of an unnamed ridge east of Kapakahi Gulch, thence south along the ridgeline of the unnamed ridge to the intersection of Waikui Street and Kalanianaʻole Highway, thence west and south along the east boundary of the Waiʻalae Golf Course, thence along the coast in a southwesterly direction to the west boundary of the U.S. Coast Guard Reservation, thence in a straight line to the rim of the Diamond Head Crater, thence along the crater rim in a northern direction, thence in a straight line to the intersection of 18th Avenue and Diamond Head Road, thence along the 18th Avenue to Puʻu Pānini Avenue, east along Puʻu Pānini Avenue, north along the property line between 4210 and 4220 Puʻu Pānini Avenue, thence in a north and east direction along the back property lines of 4220 to 4326 Puʻu Panini Avenue to Huanui Street, east along Huanui Street east along the property line between 4405 and 4379 Puʻu Pānini Avenue, thence north along the State Tax Department designated “WaiʻalaeKapahulu Boundary” which is a line running behind one row of homes west of ʻElepaio and Hunakai Streets, north across Waiʻalae Avenue, north along the east property fence line of the Waiʻalae Drive-In Theater, thence north along the east property fence line, along the fence line extended along the rear property line (east line of Wilhelmina Rise Tract), along the rim of a bluff (east line of Maunalani Heights Tract), thence to Waiʻalaenui Gulch, thence north to the crest of the Koʻolau Range (Honolulu City Limits) and along the crest to the intersection with Wiliwilinui Ridge.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts are not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (Census Tract 9.01)
Subdistrict 2 – (Census Tract 4.02)
Subdistrict 3 – (Census Tract 5)
Subdistrict 4 – (Census Tract 6, P7)

Beginning at the rim of the bluff along the east line of the Maunalani Heights Tract, in a southern direction along the fence line of the Waiʻalae Drive-In Theater extended (east line of Wilhelmina Rise Tract), south to the fence along the east property line of the Waiʻalae Drive-In Theater, south across Waiʻalae Avenue, thence south along the State Tax Department designated “Waiʻalae-Kapahulu Boundary” which is a line running behind the row of homes west of Hunakai and ʻElepaio Streets, west along the property line between 4405 and 4379 Puʻu Pānini Avenue, west along Huanui Street, then south and west along the back property lines of 4326 to 4220 Puʻu Pānini Avenue, south along the property line between 4220 and 4210 Puʻu Pānini Avenue, thence west along Puʻu Pānini Avenue to 22nd Avenue, thence south along 22nd Avenue to and along Tax Map Designator line 3-2 and 3-i to 18th Avenue, thence south along 18th Avenue to Diamond Head Road, thence west along Diamond Head Road to Makapuʻu Avenue, thence north along Makapuʻu Avenue to Alohea Avenue, thence along Alohea Avenue to 6th Avenue, thence along 6th Avenue in a northerly direction to the H-1 Freeway, thence in a westerly direction along the H-1 Freeway to the extension of 5th Avenue, thence north along 5th Avenue to Waialae Avenue, thence east along Waiʻalae Avenue to Sierra Drive, thence north along Sierra Drive to the west line of the Wilhelmina Rise Tract, thence north along the rim of the bluff which constitutes the west line of the Wilhelmina Rise and Maunalani Heights Tracts, thence to the point of junction with the east line of the Maunalani Heights Tract.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts are not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (C.T. 6P, 7 & B – East Kaimukī & Business District)
Subdistrict 2 – (C.T. 9.02/03 – Maunalani Hts. & Wilhelmina Rise)
Subdistrict 3 – (C.T. 1 3P & 1 4 – West Kaimukī)

Beginning at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Waiʻalae Avenue, south along 5th Avenue to the H-1 Freeway, then east along the H-1 Freeway to 6th Avenue, thence in a southerly direction along 6th Avenue to Alohea Avenue, thence east along Alohea Avenue to Makapuʻu Avenue, thence south along Makapuʻu Avenue to Diamond Head Road, thence along Diamond Head Road to the intersection with i8th Avenue, thence in a straight line to the rim of Diamond Head Crater, thence along the rim of Diamond Head, thence in a straight line south to the west boundary of the U.S. Coast Guard Reservation, thence in a westerly direction along the coastline to the intersection of Kalākaua Avenue and Kapahulu Avenue, thence north along Kapahulu Avenue to Ala Wai Boulevard, thence west along Ala Wai Boulevard to a line along the end of Ala Wai Canal, thence west along the Ala Wai Canal to the Mānoa-Pālolo Drainage Canal, thence north along the Mānoa-Pālolo Drainage Canal, thence north along the north branch of Mānoa Stream, thence in a straight line across Dole Street to Waʻahila Ridge, thence north along Waʻahila Ridge to a point on the ridge which intersects with an extension of the southwest boundary of Kawao Park, thence along the southwest boundary of Kawao Park to the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence south along the Forest Reserve Boundary to Pablo Stream, thence south along Pablo Stream to a direct line drawn to the intersection of Pablo Avenue and Waiʻalae Avenue, thence east along Waiʻalae Avenue to 5th Avenue.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not included in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (C.T. 12.01 P. 13P, 27.01P, 28- St. Louis Hts., Kānewai)
Subdistrict 2 – (C.T. 15, 21 – Kapahulu, East Ala Wai)
Subdistrict 3 – (C.T. 6P, 1 6 & 1 7 – Diamond Head, Ft. Ruger, Kapiʻolani Park, Monsarrat)

From the junction point of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and Waiʻalaenui Gulch, thence south along Waiʻalaenui Gulch, thence in a direct line to the rim of a bluff constituting the west boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract, thence southwest along the west boundary of the Maunalani Heights and Wilhelmina Rise Tracts to Sierra Drive, thence south along Sierra Drive to Waiʻalae Avenue, thence west along Waiʻalae Avenue to the junction of Pablo Avenue and Waiʻalae Avenue, thence in a direct line to Pablo Stream, thence north along Pablo Stream to the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence north along the Forest Reserve Boundary to southwest boundary of Kawao Park, thence along an extension of the Kawao Park boundary to Waahila Ridge, thence north along Waʻahila Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the Koʻolau Range to the junction with Waiʻalaenui Gulch.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1
Beginning at thejunction of the Koʻolau Range and Waiʻalaenui Gulch, south along Waiʻalaenui Gulch, thence in a direct line to the rim of a bluff constituting the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract, thence southwest along the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights and Wilhelmina Rise Tracts to a point directly opposite Kalua Road, thence west to the intersection of Kalua Road and 1 0th Avenue, thence in a northerly direction along 1 0th Avenue to Carlos Long Street, thence southwest along Pablo Avenue, thence northeast along Orchid Street to Carlos Long Street, thence north along Carlos Long Street to Gardenia Street, thence southwest along Gardenia Street to the Forest Reserve Boundary, thence northeast along the Forest Reserve Boundary to the southwest boundary of Kawao Park, thence along an extension of the Kawao Park boundary to Waʻahila Ridge, thence north along Waʻahila Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to the junction with Waiʻalaenui Gulch.
Subdistrict 2
Beginning at the intersection of 1 0th Avenue and Kalua Road, thence northwest along Kalua Road to the Forest Reserve Boundary, thence in a northerly direction along the Forest Reserve Boundary to Gardenia Street, thence northeast along Gardenia Street to Carlos Long Street, thence south along Carlos Long Street to Orchid Street, thence southwest along Orchid Street to Pablo Avenue, thence east along Pablo Avenue to the intersection with Carlos Long Street, thence east and south along 10th Avenue to the intersection with Kalua Road.
Subdistrict 3
Beginning at the junction of Pākuʻi Street and the rim of a bluff constituting the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract, northwest along Pākuʻi Street to Pukebe Avenue, thence southwest along Pukebe Avenue to Pablo Stream, thence north along the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary to the Tax Key Boundary (3-3/3-4), thence along the Tax Key Boundary to Kalua Road, thence southeast along Kalua Road to 1 0th Avenue, thence in a straight line east to the rim of a bluff constituting the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract, thence southwest along the rim of this bluff to the junction with Pākuʻi Street.
Subdistrict 4
Beginning at the junction of Pākuʻi Street and the rim of the bluff constituting the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract to and south along Sierra Drive to Waiʻalae Avenue, thence northwest along Waiʻalae Avenue to the junction with Pablo Avenue, thence in a direct line to Pablo Stream, thence north along Pablo Stream to the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence east along Pukebe Avenue to Pākuʻi Street, thence along Pākuʻi Street to the junction with the rim of the bluff forming the western boundary of the Maunalani Heights Tract.

From the junction of the Koʻolau Ridge with Waʻahila Ridge, south along Waʻahila Ridge, across Dole Street to Mānoa Stream, thence south along Mānoa Stream to (old) Waiʻalae Avenue, west along Waiʻalae Avenue to the H-1 Freeway, west along H-1 Freeway to Punahou Street, north along Punahou Street to the Nehoa Street intersection, west along the northern property boundaries of the homes along the northern side of Nehoa Street to the east boundary of homes on the east side of ʻUalakaʻa Street, thence north along the property lines parallel to ʻUalakaʻa Street to the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence north along the Forest Reserve Boundary, and north along the rim of the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Flats to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the Koʻolau Range until the junction with Waʻahila Ridge.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict i – (C.T. 31 .01 – Woodlawn)
Subdistrict 2 – (C.T. 31 .02 – Upper Mānoa)
Subdistrict 3 – (C.T. 29.30 – Middle Mānoa)
Subdistrict 4 – (C.T. 27.01, 27.02 – Lower Mānoa)

Beginning at the junction of Waiʻalae Avenue and Mānoa-Pālolo Drainage Canal, south along the Mānoa-Pālolo Drainage Canal, thence west along the Ala Wai Canal to Kalākaua Avenue, thence north along Kalākaua Avenue to King Street, thence east along King Street to Punahou Street, thence north along Punahou Street to the H-1 Freeway, thence east along the H-i Freeway to Waiʻalae Avenue, thence north along Waiʻalae Avenue to the Mānoa-Pālolo Drainage Canal.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at the junction of Ala Wai Boulevard and Kapahulu Avenue, thence south along Kapahulu Avenue to the ocean, thence in a westerly direction along the coastline to a line extending to the entrance to the yacht basin, thence north along that line to the Ala Wai Canal, thence along the Ala Wai Canal in a northeasterly and easterly direction to a straight line connecting the end of the Ala Wai Canal with the Ala Wai Boulevard, thence along the Ala Wai Boulevard to its junction with Kapahulu Avenue.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (C.T. 19.01, 19.02 – Beach, DeRussy, ʻIlikai)
Subdistrict 2 – (C.T. 20.01, 20.02 – Ala Wai, Kūhiō, Seaside)
Subdistrict 3 – (C.T. 18.01, 18.02 – Waikīkī Jungle Area)

Beginning at the junction of the face of the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Valley and an unnamed ridge, thence along a line descending along the northeast side of the ridge, thence south along the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence south along the east side of the property lines on the east side of ʻUalakaʻa Street to the property lines on the north side of Nehoa Street, thence east along these property lines to Punahou Street, south along Punahou Street to King Street, thence west along King Street to Ward Avenue, thence north along Ward Avenue to the H-1 Freeway, thence west along the H-1 Freeway to Pele Street, thence north along Pele Street and Pele Street extended to the rim of Punchbowl Crater, thence east along the rim of Punchbowl Crater, thence in a straight line to Prospect Street, thence southeast along Prospect Street to Nehoa Street, along Nehoa Street to ʻAuwaiolimu Street, thence north along ʻAuwaiolimu Street to Kanaha Stream, thence north along Kanaha Stream to the Forest Reserve Boundary, thence in a northwesterly direction along the Forest Reserve Boundary to the face of the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Valley, thence north along the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Valley to its junction with an unnamed ridge.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (C.T. P30, 32,33, 34.01 – Tantalus, Mott-Smith, Heulu)
Subdistrict 2 – (CT. 34.02, 35 – Kinaʻu, Lower Makiki, Kewalo)
Subdistrict 3 – (CT. 34.03, P41, P43 – East Punchbowl)

Beginning at the junction of King Street and Kalākaua Avenue, southeast along Kalākaua Avenue to the Ala Wai Canal, thence southwest along the Ala Wai Canal and a line extending through the channel of the yacht basin, thence along the coastline in a westerly direction to a line extension of Keawe Street, thence north on Keawe Street to Ala Moana Boulevard, west along Ala Moana Boulevard to South Street, thence north along South Street to King Street, east along King Street to Alapaʻi Street, north along Alapaʻi Street to Beretania Street, east along Beretania Street to Ward Avenue, thence south along Ward Avenue to King Street, thence east along King Street to Kalākaua Avenue.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1
Beginning at the junction of King Street and Kalākaua Avenue, southeast along Kalākaua Avenue to Kapiolani Boulevard, thence west along Kapiʻolani Boulevard to Keʻeaumoku Street, thence northeast along Keʻeaumoku Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Kalākaua Avenue.
Subdistrict 2
Beginning at the junction of Keʻeaumoku and King Streets, south along Keʻeaumoku Street to Kapiʻolani Boulevard, thence west along Kapiʻolani Boulevard to Pensacola Street, thence north along Pensacola Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Keʻeaumoku Street.
Subdistrict 3
Beginning at the junction of King and Pensacola Streets, south along Pensacola Street to Kapiʻolani Boulevard, thence southeast along Kapiʻolani Boulevard to Kalākaua Avenue, thence southeast along Kalākaua Avenue to the Ala Wai Canal, thence southwest along the Ala Wai Canal and a line extending through the channel of the yacht basin, thence along the coastline in a westerly direction to the western property line of the Ala Moana Regional Park, thence north along the western property line of the Ala Moana Regional Park to Ala Moana Boulevard, thence west along Ala Moana Boulevard to Ward Avenue, thence northeast and north along Ward Avenue to King Street, thence east along King Street to Pensacola Street.
Subdistrict 4
Beginning at the junction of Beretania Street and Ward Avenue, thence south and southwest along Ward Avenue to Ala Moana Boulevard, thence east along Ala Moana Boulevard to the western property line of the Ala Moana Regional Park, south along this property line to the coastline, thence along the coastline in a westerly direction to a line extension of Keawe Street, thence northeast along Keawe Street to Ala Moana Boulevard, northwest along Ala Moana Boulevard to South Street, thence northeast along South Street to King Street, east along King Street to Alapaʻi Street, thence north along Alapaʻi Street to Beretania Street, thence east along Beretania Street to Ward Avenue.

Beginning at the junction point of the Koʻolau Ridge and a ridge (Puʻu Konahuanui), south along the face of the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Flats, thence south along the Forest Reserve Boundary to Tantalus Drive, along Tantalus Drive to Kanahā Stream, south along Kanahā Stream to ʻAuwaiolimu Street, southeast along ʻAuwaiolimu Street to Nehoa Street, along Nehoa Street to Prospect Street, along Prospect Street, thence in a straight line to the rim of Punchbowl Crater, thence in a westerly direction along the rim of Punchbowl Crater, thence in a straight line to Pele Street, south on Pele Street to the H-1 Freeway, to Nuʻuanu Avenue, north along Nuʻuanu Avenue to a point south of Ahi Place, thence in a straight line west to Waolani Stream, thence north along Waolani Stream to Kapālama-Waolani Stream Divide (ridge), north to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the Koʻolau Ridge to Puʻu Konahuanui.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1:
Starting at the Tantalus Drive Bridge (over Kanahā), north along the Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve Boundary, thence west along the Forest Reserve Boundary to its northwest corner, thence southwest in a straight line just south of Kekuanonii Street to Pauoa Stream, thence west along Pauoa Stream to the bridge at Lusitana Street, thence along Lusitana to Pauoa Road, thence northwest on Pauoa Road to Pacific Heights Road, thence southwest along Pacific Heights Road to Kuakini Street and northwest along Kuakini to Nuʻuanu Avenue, thence southwest on Nuʻuanu Avenue to the H-1 Freeway, thence southeast along the H-1 Freeway to Pele Street, thence east on Pele Street and continuing to the rim of Punchbowl Crater, thence east along the rim of Punchbowl Crater to a line connecting the rim and the southwest corner of Stevenson Intermediate School, thence southeasterly along that connecting line to Prospect Street, thence east along Prospect Street to Nehoa Street, thence east along Nehoa Street to ʻAuwaiolimu Street, thence north on ʻAuwaiolimu Street to Kahanā Stream, thence north along Kahanā Stream to the Tantalus Drive Bridge along the Forest Reserve Boundary.
Subdistrict 2:
Beginning at thejunction point of the Koʻolau Ridge and a ridge (Puʻu Konahuanui), south along the face of the ridge on the east side of Pauoa Flats, thence south along the Forest Reserve Boundary to Pauoa Stream, thence west along Pauoa Stream to the intersection of Pauoa Road and Pali Highway, thence north on Pali Highway to the Nuʻuanu Stream Bridge, then in a northern direction to Bluff Ridge following a path between Pacific Heights and Nuʻuanu Valley, thence north along Bluff Ridge (following a path between Pacific Heights and Nuʻuanu Valley, thence north along Bluff Ridge) to the Koʻolau Range.
Subdistrict 3:
From the northern crest of the Koʻolau Range south to Kapālama-Waolani Stream Divide (ridge) to Waolani Stream, then in a straight line east to ʻAhi Place, thence east on ʻAhi Place to Nuʻuanu Avenue, thence south on Nuʻuanu Avenue to Kuakini Street, thence east on Kuakini to Pacific Heights Road, thence north along Pacific Heights Road to Pauoa Road, thence west along Pauoa Road to Pali Highway, thence north on Pali Highway to Nuʻuanu Stream Bridge, thence in a northern direction to Bluff Ridge following a path between Pacific Heights and Nuʻuanu Valley, and north along Bluff Ridge to the Koʻolau Range.

Beginning at the intersection of H-I Freeway and Ward Avenue, south along Ward Avenue to Beretania Street, west along Beretania Street to Alapaʻi Street, south along Alapaʻi Street to King Street, west along King Street to South Street, south along South Street to Ala Moana Boulevard, east along Ala Moana Boulevard to Keawe Street, thence south along Keawe Street and a straight line extended, thence west along the coastline to a straight line running parallel to Pier 17 which extends to Honolulu Harbor, thence in a straight line north to King Street, thence north along Nuʻuanu Stream to School Street, thence east along School Street to Nuʻuanu Avenue, thence south along Nuʻuanu Avenue to the H-I Freeway, thence east along the H-I Freeway to Ward Avenue.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at the intersection of Waolani Stream and Kapālama-Waolani Stream Divide (ridge), south along Waolani Stream to a point south of Ahi Place where a straight line is drawn parallel to Ahi Place to Nuʻuanu Avenue, thence south along Nuʻuanu Avenue to School Street, thence west along School Street to Likelike Highway, thence north along Likelike Highway to Kalihi Street, thence north along Kalihi Street to Akahi Street, east parallel to Akahi Street, thence north along the northwest boundary of Kamehameha Schools and north along Kamanaiki-Kapālama Stream Divide (ridge) to Kapālama-Waolani Stream Divide (ridge), thence south to Waolani Stream.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (C.T. 46 part – Puʻunui)
Subdistrict 2 – (CT. 47 – ʻĀlewa/Liliha)
Subdistrict 3 – (C.T. 48 – Kapalāma/Kamehameha Heights)
Subdistrict 4 – (CT. 49 – Lanakila)
Subdistrict 5 – (CT. 50 – Kuakini)

Beginning at the intersection of School Street and Nuʻuanu Stream, south along Nuʻuanu Stream to King Street, thence in a straight line to a line running parallel to Pier 17, extending southeast through Honolulu Harbor, thence west along the ʻĀnuenue Island coastline to a straight line in a northwesterly direction through Keʻehi Lagoon, thence northeast in a straight line to the mouth of Kalihi Stream at Nimitz Highway, west on Nimitz Highway to Middle Street, thence north on Middle Street to the east boundary of Fort Shafter Military Reservation opposite Kahauiki Street, thence west and north along the east boundary of Fort Shafter Military Reservation to Notley Street, thence east on Notley Street to School Street, east on School Street to Nuʻuanu Stream.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (Council District I – C.T. 53, 54, 55, 56 & 57)
Subdistrict 2 – (Council District II – C.T. 58, 59, 60)
Subdistrict 3 – (Council District III – C.T. 61, 62)

Beginning at the intersection of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and the Kalihi-Moʻole Stream Divide (ridge), south along Kamanaiki-Kapālama Divide (ridge), south along the northwest boundary of Kamehameha Schools to ʻAkahi Street, thence west in a straight line parallel to ʻAkahi Street to Kalihi Street, south along Kalihi Street to Likelike Highway, south on Likelike Highway to School Street, west on School Street to Notley Street, thence west on Notley Street to the east boundary of Fort Shafter Military Reservation, thence north along the east boundary of Fort Shafter to Kalihi-Manaiki Stream Divide (ridge), to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to the Kalihi-Moʻole Stream Divide (ridge).
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Beginning at the intersection of Moanalua Road and Puʻuloa Road, south along Puʻuloa Road to Peltier Avenue, thence west along Peltier Avenue, thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of Camp Catlin Naval Reservation, thence in a westerly direction along Salt Lake Boulevard to Hālawa Stream, thence north along Hālawa Stream to Moanalua Road, thence east along Moanalua Road to the intersection with Puʻuloa Road.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and Hālawa Stream, south along Hālawa Stream to a point opposite the mouth of Hālawa Stream in East Loch, thence south (south and east of Ford Island) to a point in Middle Loch, thence in a northwesterly direction up Middle Loch to a point south and west of the tip of Pearl City Peninsula, thence in a northeasterly direction through East Loch to the mouth of Waimalu Stream, thence north along Waimalu Stream to Kamehameha Highway, west on Kamehameha Highway to Kaʻahumanu Street, north on Kaʻahumanu Street to the southern edge of the Crown at Wailuna community, west and north and east along the edge of the Crown at Wailuna community to the ridge between Waiau Gulch and Punanani Gulch, north on the ridge between Waiau Gulch and Punanani Gulch to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to a junction with Hālawa Stream.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1 – (Hālawa Heights, Hālawa Valley, & Ford Island).
Subdistrict 2 – (ʻAiea & ʻAiea Heights).
Subdistrict 3 – (Pearlridge & Waimalu).
Subdistrict 4 – (Newtown, Royal Summit, ʻAiea side of Kaʻahumanu)

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and the ridge between Waiau Gulch and Punanani Gulch, south along the ridge between Waiau Gulch and Punanani Gulch to the western edge of the Crown at Wailuna community, south and east along the Crown at Wailuna community boundary to Kaahumanu Street, south along Kaahumanu Street to Kamehameha Highway, east on Kamehameha Highway to Waimalu Stream to East Loch, Pearl Harbor, thence to a point south and west of the tip of Pearl City Peninsula, thence north through Middle Loch in a straight line to Oʻahu R.R. & Land Co. R.R. (abandoned) R.O.W., east along the Oʻahu R.R. & Land Co. right-of-way to Waiʻawa Stream, north along Waiʻawa Stream to Kamehameha Highway, west on Kamehameha Highway to the H-2 Freeway, north on the H-2 Freeway to Kīpapa Stream, thence north and east along Kīpapa Stream to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence east along the crest of the Koolau Range to the extension of the ridge between Waiau Gulch and Punanani Gulch.
Subdistrict Boundary:

Beginning at the junction of the H-2 Freeway and the Mililani Memorial Park Road, south along the H-2 Freeway to Kamehameha Highway, thence east along Kamehameha Highway to Waiʻawa Stream, thence south along Waiʻawa Stream to Oahu R.R. & Land Co. R.R. (abandoned) R.O.W., thence west along the Oʻahu R.R. & Land Co. R.R. right-of-way to a point where a straight line is drawn south through Middle Loch to a point south and west of the tip of Pearl City Peninsula, thence to a point south of Waipiʻo Point, thence in a northwesterly direction through West Loch to a point south of Leowaena Street, thence north along the setback from Leowaena Street to Kunia Road, thence north along Kunia Road to the intersection with Kupehau Road, thence east along power lines to Waikele Stream, thence south along Waikele Stream to Kipapa Stream, thence north along Kipapa Stream to the Mililani Memorial Park Road, thence along the Mililani Memorial Park Road to the H- 2 Freeway.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Sub-District 1:
Beginning at the junction of the H-1 Freeway and Kunia Road, north along Kunia Road to the intersection with Kupehau Road, thence east along power lines to Waikele Stream, thence south along Waikele Stream to the H-1 Freeway, thence west along the H-1 freeway to the junction of the H-1 Freeway and Kunia Road.
Sub-District 2:
Beginning at the junction of the H-2 Freeway, Ka Uka Boulevard and Mililani Memorial Park Road, south along the H-2 Freeway to Kamehameha Highway, thence east along Kamehameha Highway to Waiawa Stream, thence south along Waiʻawa Stream to the Oʻahu Railway and Land Company railroad (abandoned) right-of-way, thence west along the Oʻahu Railway and Land Company railroad (abandoned) right-of-way to a point where a straight line is drawn south through Middle Loch, thence west to the cane haul road immediately east of Waipahū High School, thence north along the cane haul road to Farrington Highway, thence east to Kamehameha Highway, thence north along Kamehameha Highway toH-1 Freeway, thence west along the H-1 Freeway to Waikele Stream, thence north along Waikele Stream to Kīpapa Stream, thence north along Kīpapa Stream to the intersection of Kamehameha Highway and the Mililani Memorial Park Road (abandoned) right-of-way, thence east along Mililani Memorial Park Road (abandoned) right-of-way to Ka Uka Boulevard, thence north along Ka Uka Boulevard to the junction of the H-2 Freeway, Ka Uka Boulevard and Mililani Memorial Park Road.
Sub-District 3:
Beginning at the Junction of the H-1 Freeway and Kunia Road, east along the H-1 Freeway to Kamehameha Highway, thence south along Kamehameha Highway to Farrington Highway, thence west along Farrington Highway to the cane haul road immediately east of Waipahū High School, thence south along the cane haul road immediately east of Waipahū High School to a point directly west of a point along the Oʻahu Railway and Land Company railroad (abandoned) right-of-way from where a straight line is drawn south through Middle Loch, thence south through Middle Loch to a point south and west of the tip of the Pearl City Peninsula, thence to a point south of Waipiʻo Point, thence in a northwesterly direction through West Loch to a point south of Leowaena Street, thence north along the setback from Leowaena Street to Kunia Road, thence north along Kunia Road to the junction of the H-1 Freeway and Kunia Road.

Beginning at the intersection of Kunia Road and H-i Freeway, thence south along Kunia Road, thence south along the setback from Leowaena Street to West Loch, southeast through West Loch to a point south of Waipiʻo Point, thence south to the entrance to Pearl Harbor, thence west along the coast to the eastern property line of the Barbers Point Naval Air Station (BPNAS), thence north along the BPNAS property line to the junction with the old OR&L (Oʻahu Railway and Land) right-of way, thence in a straight line north to a point where Waimānalo Road intersects Kaloʻi Gulch, thence north along Kaloʻi Gulch to the H-I Freeway, thence east along the H-i Freeway to the Kunia Road intersection.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at Kaʻena Point thence east along the south boundary of Kaʻena Military Reservation extended, east along the south boundary of Kaʻena Military Reservation, east to top of the south rim of the Waiʻanae Range, south east along the Waialua-Waiʻanae District Boundary (crest of the Waiʻanae Range) to the junction of the Wahiawā-Waiʻanae District Boundary, thence south along the Wahiawā-Waiʻanae District Boundary to the junction of the Wahiawā-Waiʻanae District Boundary and the Lualualei Naval Reservation, south west along the Lualualei Naval Reservation to Lualualei Homestead Road, west to the junction of Māʻiliʻili Road and Lualualei Homestead Road; west to the crest of Puʻu Māʻiliʻili; thence for 3000 feet along this crest to the southern boundary of the Waiʻanae WWTP, west along this boundary to the Pacific Ocean, thence north to the point of beginning.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (Waiʻanae)
Subdistrict 2 – (Mākaha)

Beginning at the intersection of the H-2 Freeway and the south boundary line of the Leilehua Golf Course (Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary line), thence south along the H-2 Freeway to the Mililani Memorial Park Road, thence southwest along the Mililani Memorial Park Road, thence south along Kāpapa Stream to Waikele Stream, thence north along Waikele Stream, to power lines on the western bank, thence in a westerly direction to Kupehau Road, thence from the intersection of Kupehau Road and Kunia Road in a straight line southwest to Puʻu Moʻopuna, thence in a straight line northwest to Palikea on the west boundary of the Honouliuli Forest Reserve, thence north along the crest of the Waianae Ridge to Puʻu Kānehoa, thence east along Huliwai Gulch to Kunia Road, thence north along Kunia Road, thence along the south and east boundary to Wheeler Air Force Base, thence north along Kamehameha Highway to the south line of Leilehua Golf Course, thence along the Leilehua Golf Course boundary to the H-2 Freeway.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1
Starting at the intersection of the H-2 Freeway and the south boundary line of the Leilehua Golf Course (Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary line), east along H-2 Freeway to its intersection with Meheula Parkway, then south and west along Meheula Parkway to Kamehameha Highway, then north along Kamehameha Highway to the south boundary line of the Leilehua Golf Course, then east along the south boundary of the Leilehua Golf Course to the starting point.
Subdistrict 2
Starting at the Neighborhood Board No. 25 boundary point on Kamehameha Highway at its intersection with Waikalani Drive, then south along Kamehameha Highway to Meheula Parkway, then south and west along Meheula Parkway extended to Waikele Stream, south along Waikele Stream to the Neighborhood Board No. 25 boundary, then west, north, and east along the Neighborhood Board boundary to the starting point.
Subdistrict 3
Starting at the Kamehameha Highway and Meheula Parkway intersection, south and west along Meheula Parkway extended to Waikele Stream, south along Waikele Stream to the Neighborhood Board No. 25 boundary, then south and east along that Neighborhood Board boundary to Kamehameha Highway, then north on Kamehameha Highway to the starting point.
Subdistrict 4
Starting at the Kamehameha Highway and Meheula Parkway intersection, south along Kamehameha Highway to the Neighborhood Board No. 25 boundary, then east and north along that Neighborhood Board boundary to Meheula Parkway and H2 Freeway junction, then west and south along Meheula Parkway to the Kamehameha Highway starting point.

Beginning at the intersection of the Poamoho Trail (Waialua-Wahiawā District Boundary) and the crest of the Koʻolau Range (east boundary of ʻEwa Forest Reserve), thence south along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary line thence west along the Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary to the closest point of the Waikakalaua Gulch, thence west along the northern boundary of the Waikakalaua Gulch to the H-2 Freeway, thence north along the H-2 Freeway to the south boundary of the Leilehua Golf Course, thence west along the Leilehua Golf Course boundary to Kamehameha Highway, thence along the east and south boundary of Wheeler Army Air Field, thence south along Kunia Road to Huliwai Gulch, thence west along Huliwai Gulch to Puʻu Kānehoa, thence north along the west boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation (crest of Waiʻanae Range), thence east along the north boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation (Waialua-Wahiawā District Boundary), thence southeast along Kaukonahua Stream, thence east along the Waialua-Wahiawā District Boundary (Poamoho Stream) to the intersection of Poamoho Trail and the crest of the Koʻolau Range.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at the mouth of Waialeʻe Stream thence south along Waialee Stream to ʻŌʻio Gulch, thence south along ʻŌʻio Gulch to ʻElehāhā Stream, thence southeast along the crest of the Koʻolau Range (east boundary of Kawailoa Forest Reserve), thence south to Poamoho Trail, thence west along the Waialua-Wahiawā District Boundary (Poamoho Stream), thence northwest along Kaukonahua Stream, thence west along north boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, (Waialua-Wahiawa District Boundary), thence west along the crest of the Waiʻanae Range (Waialua-Waiʻanae District Boundary), top of the south rim of the Waiʻanae Range, the south boundary of the Kaʻena Military Reservation, and the south boundary of Kaʻena Military Reservation extended, thence northeast along the Pacific Ocean to the mouth of Waialeʻe Stream.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1 – (Mokulēʻia)
Is comprised of the area bounded by the Pacific Ocean shoreline at Kaiea Place, south along Kaiea Place, east along Waialua Beach Road to Puʻuiki Street, south along Puʻuiki Street for 500 feet to Old Cane Haul Road, south and then west along Old Cane Haul Road to Farrington Highway, west along Farrington Highway to Mt. Kaʻala Road, south along Mt. Kaʻala Road to the summit of Mt. Kaʻala, west along the south boundary of the Kaʻena Military Reservation and south boundary of Kaʻena Military Reservation extended, east along the Pacific Ocean shoreline to the point of beginning.
Subdistrict 2 – (Waialua)
Is comprised of the area bounded by the Pacific Ocean shoreline at Kaiea Place, east along the shoreline to Kiʻikiʻi Stream, south along Kiʻikiʻi Stream to Poamoho Stream, southeast along Poamoho Stream to the Waialua-Wahiawā District Boundary, south then west along Kaukonahua Stream, west along the north boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, west along the ridge of the Waiʻanae Range to the summit of Mt. Kaʻala, north along Mt. Kaʻala Road to Farrington Highway, east along Farrington Highway to Old Cane Haul Road, east then north along Cane Haul Road to Puʻuiki Street, north to Waialua Beach Road, west along Waialua Beach Road to Kaiea Place, north along Kaiea Place to the point of beginning.
Subdistrict 3 – (Haleʻiwa)
Is comprised of the area from the mouth of Kiʻikiʻi Stream at Kaiaka Bay, south along Kiʻikiʻi Stream to Poamoho Stream, southeast then east along Poamoho Stream (Wahiawā Division Boundary) to the ridge of the Koʻolau Range, north then northwest along this ridge to a point directly opposite Kawaiiki Stream, then in a straight line to and west along Kawaiiki Stream to Paʻalā Uka Pūpūkea Road, north along Paʻalā Uka Pūpūkea Road to Anahulu Stream, west along Anahulu Stream to the shoreline at Waialua Bay (Haleʻiwa Boat Harbor), southwest along the Pacific Ocean shoreline to Kaiaka Bay and the point of beginning.
Subdistrict 4 – (Kawailoa)
Is composed of the area from the mouth of the Anahulu Stream at Waialua Bay (Haleʻiwa Boat Harbor), north then northeast along the Pacific Ocean shoreline to Waimea Bay, southeast along the Waimea River and continuing east along the Elehāhā Stream to the Kooʻlau Range ridge, southeast along this ridge to a point opposite Kawaiiki Stream, then in a straight line west to and along Kawaiiki Stream, to Paʻalā Uka Pūpūkea Road, north along Paʻalā Uka Pūpūkea Road to Anahulu Stream, west along Anahulu Stream ending at the Pacific Ocean shoreline at Waialua Bay and the point of beginning.
Subdistrict 5 – (Pupukea/Sunset)
Is composed of the area from the mouth of the Waialeʻe Stream, south along the Waialeʻe Gulch to ʻŌʻio Gulch, south along ʻŌʻio Gulch to ʻElehāhā Stream, west along ʻElehāhā Stream to Waimea River, along the Waimea River to Waimea Bay, then northeast along the Pacific Ocean shoreline to the point of beginning.

Beginning at the mouth of Waialeʻe Stream, thence south along Waialeʻe Stream to ʻŌʻio Gulch, thence south along ʻŌʻio Gulch to Elehaha Stream, thence southeast along the crest of the Koʻolau Range (east boundary of Kawailoa Forest Reserve), thence along the Koʻolauloa-Wahiawā Boundary to Puʻu Kaʻaumakua, thence east along the Koʻolauloa-Koʻolaupoko District Boundary to Kaʻōʻio Point, thence north along the coast to the mouth of Waialeʻe Stream.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Common Boundary
Subdistrict 1 – Kahuku (Mālaekahana-Lāʻie District Boundary Line)
Subdistrict 2 – Lāʻie (Lāʻiemaloʻo Stream)
Subdistrict 3 – Hauʻula (Pokiwai Place [between nos. 044 and 047])
Subdistrict 4 – Punaluʻu (Ridge Line)
Subdistrict 5 – Kaʻawa-Kahana

Beginning at Puʻu Kaʻaumakua on the crest of the Koʻolau Range, east along the crest of the ridge constituting the south boundary of the Hauʻula Forest Reserve and the Koʻolauloa-Koʻolaupoko District line, thence south along the coast to a point south of Heʻeia Pier and north of Matson Point, thence in a northwesterly direction along the crest of an unnamed ridge, thence in a westerly direction along the crest of the ridge north of Heʻeia Meadowlands to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence north along the Koʻolau Range to Puʻu Kaʻaumakua.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
Subdistrict 1 – (Kualoa-Hakipuʻu-Waikāne-Waiāhole)
(House numbers on Kamehameha Highway from and including opposite pole 197 to 48-009) extends on the shoreline between Lae 0 Ka ʻŌʻio on the boundary between Area 28 and Area 29 to the ridge separating Waiāhole from Kaʻalaea whose peak is Puʻu Kauaʻi, up to and including house number 48-009 (Manatad) on the shore of Kānʻeohe Bay.
Subdistrict 2 – (Kaʻalaea-Kahaluʻu)
(House numbers on Kamehameha Highway, 47-889 to but not including 47-507) extends from the Waiāhole border with Sub-Area 1, includes the valleys drained by the Kaʻalaea and Waiheʻe Streams, to the border of the Kahouna (Kahaluʻu) Fishpond on its Kahuku side, and to the boundaries with Sub-Areas 3 and 4 which meet at the intersection of Kahekili Highway and ʻAhaʻōleloRoad (includes 47-530 – Chong), the boundary with Sub-Area 3 is from this intersection makai along the centerline of Kahekili to its intersection with Kamehameha Highway and thence along its centerline Kānʻeohe bound to but not including Dr. Raymond Yap’s Kahouna Fishpond. The Texaco Service Station, [au’s Drive-In and Hygienic Store, together with the Simon Chong’s are in Sub-Area 2; Kahouna Fishpond is in Sub-Area 3; the boundaries between Sub-Areas 2 and 4 follow the back property lines from the Kahekili-ʻAhaʻōlelo intersection mauka to the ridge separating Waihee Valley from Kahaluʻu-mauka; properties on Māpele Road are in Sub-Area 2; the boundary crosses Māpele Road a short distance Kahuku side of ʻAhaʻōlelo Road; the properties served by ʻAhaʻōlelo Road are in Sub-Area 4; (the boundary crosses Māpele between poles 20 and 21, Kānʻeohe side of 47-430).
Subdistrict 3 – (ʻOkana-Waialua-Pākole-Heʻeia-Kea)
(House numbers on Kamehameha Highway 47-507 through 46-494) extends from the boundary with Sub-Area 2 described above and at the intersection of Kahekili and ʻAhaʻōlelo the mauka boundary becomes the centerline on Kahekili Honolulu bound to the intersection with ʻĀhuimanu Road; this part becomes the boundary between Sub-Areas 3 and 4. The mauka boundary continues along Kahekili to where it intersects with a makai ridge that separates the area served by Okana Road from the new developments (Kahaluʻu Gardens, etc.); this ridge is a short distance Kahuku side of Hui wa [oop; this part of the mauka boundary on Kahekili separates Sub-Area 3 from 5. The makai slopes of the coastal range of hills served by Ulani Street, Uiu Street and Kamehameha Highway are in Sub-Area 3 from and including the Kahouna Fishpond to and beyond Heʻeia-Kea fishing pier to include house numbers 46-481 makai and 46-494 mauka on Kamehameha Highway. The boundary on the Kānʻeohe side of Sub-Area 3 is the boundary between Area 29 and Area 30; from but not including Lae o Kealohi (Matson Point) up the ridge to Puʻu Māʻeliʻeli, thence toward the Koʻolau Mountains. From Puʻu Māʻeliʻeli to the top of the ridge through which Kahekili traverses through the large cut is the Area 29/Area 30 boundary; the ridge line from Puʻu Māʻeliʻeli towards Kahekili a short distance Kahuku side of Hui Iwa Loop is the boundary between Sub-Area 3 and Sub-Area 6.
Subdistrict 4 – (ʻĀhuimanu)
This includes the narrow area between Sub-Areas 2 and 3. It is served primarily by both ʻAhaʻōlelo Road and ʻĀhuimanu Road, mauka of Kahekili. Its Kahuku side boundary has been described under Sub-Area 2 above; its makai boundary is the centerline on Kahekili between ʻAhaʻōlelo and ʻĀhuimanu Roads; its Kānʻeohe side boundary starts at the headwaters of ʻĀhuimanu Stream, follows the stream makai to the culvert at the intersection with ʻĀhuimanu Place, and at that point the boundary follows the centerline of ʻĀhuimanu Road makai to its intersection with Kahekili.
Subdistrict 5 – (Temple Valley)
Its Kahuku side boundary is as described under Sub-Area 4; its makai boundary is the centerline on Kahekili from the intersection with ʻĀhuimanu Road Honolulu bound to the crown of the large cut through the ridge that separates Area 29 from Area 30 (Kānʻeohe); its Kānʻeohe side boundary is the ridgeline from that cut to the top of the Koʻolaus.
Subdistrict 6 – (Hui Iwa Loop)
This area is triangle-shaped, on the makai side of Kahekili; its mauka boundary being the centerline of Kahekili, a boundary common with Sub-Area 5; its Kahuku side boundary is common with Sub-Area 3 as described above, which separates it from the area served by ʻOkana Road; its Kānʻeohe side boundary is the ridgeline from Puʻu Māʻeliʻeli to the Koʻolaus, which is the boundary between Area 29 and Area 30. Included are the subdivisions of Mokuloa, Kahaluʻu Colony and Gardens, ʻĀhuimanu Gardens, the Temple Shopping Center.

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and the crest of the ridge north of Heʻeia Meadowlands, thence east along the crest of the ridge north of Heʻeia Meadowlands, thence south and east along the crest of an unnamed ridge to a point south of Heʻeia Pier and north of Matson Point, thence south along the coastline (but including Mokuoloʻe Island) to the southwest boundary of the Kāneʻohe Marine Corps Air Station at the junction of the H-3 Freeway and Kāneʻohe Bay, thence in a southwesterly direction along the crest of Mahinui Ridge, thence in a southwesterly direction along the Kāneʻohe-Kailua Boundary to Kamehameha Highway to its junction with Kalanianaʻole Highway and Pali Highway, (including Hawaiʻi Loa College) thence southwest along the Pali Highway to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence north along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to its junction with the crest of the ridge north of Heʻeia Meadowlands.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
The Subdistricts on the enclosed maps were selected after analyzing the topography, population pattern, and traditional community identity of the individual areas. Both natural boundaries (gullies, streams, ridges) and man-made boundaries (roads, fences, ditches) were used, with the natural boundaries selected where possible. A conscious effort was made to preserve accepted neighborhoods, resulting in Subdistricts having unequal, but not widely discrepant, populations. An attempt was made to provide for imminent growth from new developments by designating some Subdistricts as high growth areas.
Subdistrict 3 and Subdistrict 4
The common boundary separating Subdistrict 3 and Subdistrict 4 shall extend west along the Heʻeia/Kāneʻohe District Boundary up to the Waiāhole Forest Reserve line, then west to the ridge of the Koʻolau Range.
Subdistrict 4 and Subdistrict 8
The common boundary separating Subdistrict 4 and Subdistrict 8 shall extend west along the northwest boundary of the Kāneʻohe Forest Reserve to Puʻu Keahiakahoe on the ridge of the Koʻolau Range.
Subdistrict 8 and Subdistrict 10
The common boundary separating Subdistrict 8 and Subdistrict 1 0 shall extend along the Likelike Highway to the ridge of the Koʻolau Range.

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koʻolau Range and the Pali Highway, south and east, then north along the Pali Highway to the junction of Kalanianaʻole Highway and Kamehameha Highway, thence west along Kamehameha Highway to the Kāneʻohe-Kailua Boundary, thence east along the Kāneʻohe-Kailua Boundary to Mahinui Ridge, thence north along Mahinui Ridge to the southwestern corner boundary of the Kāneʻohe Marine Corps Air Station, thence east along the boundary of the Kāneʻohe Marine Corps Air Station to the southeastern corner boundary of the Kāneʻohe Marine Corps Air Station, thence southeast along the coast to the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base, thence west along the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base, thence south along the west boundary of Bellows, thence west along the Olomana Golf Course boundary, thence south and west along Aniani Nui Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence north along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to the Pali Highway.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts are not outlined in the petition)
Subdistrict 1 – (Kalaheo Beach Lots, Lanikai, Kailua Beach area)
Subdistrict 2 – (Enchanted Lake, Keolu area)
Subdistrict 3 – (Maunawili)
Subdistrict 4 – (Coconut Grove, ʻAikahi, Kailua Town area

Beginning at the junction of the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base and the Pacific Ocean, then west along the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base, thence south along the west boundary of Bellows, thence west along the boundary of Olomana Golf Course Boundary, thence south and west along Aniani Nui Ridge to the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence south along the crest of the Koʻolau Range along the Koʻolaupoko-Honolulu District Boundary line to Makapuʻu Point, thence north along the coast to the northern boundary of Bellows Air Force Base.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
(Boundaries of Subdistricts not outlined in the petition.)
Subdistrict 1 – (Flamingo St., Saddle City, Bellows, other country homes on Kailua side of Kumuhao St.)
Subdistrict 2 – (Core Homes)
Subdistrict 3 – (Mekia-Poalima Area)
Subdistrict 4 – (Banyan Tree)
Subdistrict 5 – (Village Area)
Subdistrict 6 – (Beach Lots, except for makai side of Kalanianaʻole Hwy.)
Subdistrict 7 – (ʻOluʻolu Homestead, plus makai side of Kalanianaʻole Hwy.)
Subdistrict 8 – (New Homestead)
Subdistrict 9 – (Old Homestead and beach homes to Makapuʻu)
Subdistrict 10- (Farm Lots)
Subdistrict 11- (Hale Aupuni)

Beginning at a point where the eastern property line of Barbers Point Naval Air Station (BPNAS) intersects with the shoreline, thence west and northwest along the coast to Waimānalo Gulch, thence north and east along Waimānalo Gulch to the west boundary of the Nānākuli Forest Reserve to Palikea, thence in a straight line southeast to Puʻu Moʻopuna, thence in a straight line northeast to the junction of Kupehau Road and Kunia Road, thence south along Kunia Road to the H-1 Freeway, thence west along the H-1 Freeway until it intersects with Kaloi Gulch, thence south along Kaloi Gulch to Waimānalo Road, thence south in a straight line to the junction with the old OR&L (Oʻahu Railway and Land) right-of-way and the BPNAS property line, thence along the eastern BPNAS property line to the shoreline.
Subdistrict Boundaries:
At- Large.

Beginning at the intersection of the Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary and the crest of the Koʻolau Range, thence south along the crest of the Koʻolau Range to Kīpapa Stream extended, thence southwest along Kīpapa Stream to the H-2 Freeway intersection, thence north along the H-2 Freeway to the northern boundary of the Waikakalaua Gulch, thence east along the northern boundary of the Waikakalaua Gulch to the intersection of the closest point of the Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary, thence east along the Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary to the intersection of the Wahiawā-ʻEwa District Boundary and the crest of the Koʻolau Range.
Subdistrict Boundaries:

Beginning at the junction of the Waiʻanae-Wahiawā District Boundaries to Puʻu Kānehoa, thence south along the west boundary of the Honouliuli Forest Reserve boundary to Palikea, thence southwest along the western boundary of the Nānākuli Forest Reserve to Waimānalo Gulch, thence south along the Waimānalo Gulch to the Pacific Ocean, thence north along the coast to the southern boundary of the Waiʻanae WWTP, thence east along this southern boundary to Puʻu Māʻiliʻili, thence east along Puʻu Māʻiliʻili for approximately 3,000 feet, thence southeast to the junction of Māʻiliʻili Road and Lualualei Homestead Road, thence east along Lualualei Homestead Road to the Lualualei Naval reservation, thence east and north to the point of beginning along the Lualualei Naval Reservation.
Subdistrict Boundaries: