Office of the Mayor

Episode 93: The Honolulu Youth Commission

On this week’s episode of the One O’ahu Podcast, Honolulu Youth Commission Chair Esther Lim and second vice-chair Khan Ho join host Brandi Higa to talk about their roles on the Commission, the biggest things they’ve learned during their terms so far, and their message to those interested in serving.

The Honolulu Youth Commission

Approved by the voters in 2020, the Honolulu Youth Commission provides youth on O’ahu with a voice and presence in local government. It consists of 15 members, ages 14 to 24, who are appointed by the Mayor and the Honolulu City Council.

“I think this is a great opportunity for the next generation to really learn, not only about local government and civics and how the processes work, but ultimately to inspire other people in our generation through our work, to really drive across this point that, just because you can’t vote, just because you’re young, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a voice in local government,” explained Kahn Ho.

Both Ho and Lim were appointed to the Honolulu Youth Commission by Mayor Blangiardi.

Wins in 2024

Per the Revised Charter of Honolulu (RCH), Section 6-108(2), the Honolulu Youth Commission: “shall advise the council and mayor on the effects of policies, needs, assessments, priorities, programs and budgets concerning the children and youth of the city. The commission shall also express the policy priorities of the children and youth of the city. The commission shall respond to requests for comment and recommendation on matters referred to the commission by the council, the mayor, and any officers, agencies including semi-autonomous agencies, and executive and legislative branch advisory committees of the city.”

One of the main ways the Honolulu Youth Commission is able to make an impact is by passing resolutions. As Chair Lim explains, “Our assistant secretary, Commissioner Shea, she wrote a resolution about recommending Sister Cities from Sydney, Australia.”

Another commissioner introduced a resolution, related to recycling in parks, that was successfully implemented this past term.

Come Join Us

Successful applicants are appointed to a one-year or two-year term, depending on the appointing authority. Serving on the Honolulu Youth Commission is an opportunity for young people to get involved, no matter how familiar they are with local government. One thing all of the Commissioners have in common is a passion for helping their neighbors.

“I think that true tangible change really happens at the local level, at the neighborhood levels,” added Ho. “Not necessarily getting involved with the mayor (but) starting off with neighborhood board meetings.” He goes on to explain, “in terms of youth talking with their neighbors and engaging in dialogue around these issues that affect everyone in their community. I think that really gets the ball rolling.”

The minutes from past Honolulu Youth Commission meetings, resolutions, and presentations, can be found on the Honolulu Youth Commission website at

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