Honolulu Liquor Commission

Certificate of Registration (Liquor Card)

Registration Counter Hours
Open Monday through Friday
7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

(Closed on weekends and holidays)

Directions to our office

Parking Information

To get a Certificate of Registration (Liquor Card), make an appointment using AlohaQ.


Bring the following items to your appointment:

    1. Certificate of Registration (Liquor Card) Form, completed and printed
    2. Valid, Unexpired, Government-issued Photo ID, showing your name and date of birth (e.g., Driver’s License, State ID, US Passport, Military ID, etc.)
    3. $10 processing fee per Liquor Card.  We accept cash or Discover/MasterCard/VISA card  (applicable service fee may apply).
    4. First time getting a Liquor Card?  New applicants must also provide proof of valid Social Security Number (SSN):
      • Original Social Security Card (a copy or photo of the SS card is NOT acceptable);
      • Original, printed Wage and Tax Statement (W-2), which shows your SSN (a photo of the W-2 is NOT accpetable);
      • Original, printed SSA-1099 or non-Social Security Administration 1099 with the applicant’s name.  (Handwritten 1099’s are NOT accepted.)
      • A printed pay stub with the applicant’s name and Social Security Number.  

Manager & Bartender Cards:

In addition to the items listed above, managers and bartenders must also:

5.  Successfully complete Server Training (ST), pass the test, and bring a copy of the email confirming you “PASSED” server training.
6.  (Managers only) Submit a printed complete Manager Authorization Letter signed by their employer.

Manager and bartender cards expire four (4) years from the date of the last ST you successfully completed.  If it has been over four (4) years since you last attended ST, you must take ST again and pass the t4est to get a Manager or Bartender card.  


For class 2 (Restaurant) liquor licenses (license numbers that begins with the letter “R”), only Managers, Bartenders, and Dancers (if applicable) need liquor cards to work.  See below.

Blue Card 

(On-Premises consumption)

Manager or Assistant Manager

Server Training Required
Must be at least 21 years of age
Valid for four (4) years from current server training certification

Purple Card

(Off-Premises consumption – Retail Store)

Manager or Assistant Manager

Server Training Required
Must be at least 21 years of age
Valid for four (4) years from current server training certification

Yellow Card

(On-Premises consumption)


Server Training required
Must be at least 18 years of age.  
Valid for four (4) years from current server training certification

Gray Card

(On-Premises consumption)

General Staff or Host

Must be at least 18 years of age
Valid for four (4) years from effective (issuance) date

Not required for
Restaurant (class 2) liquor licenses

Green Card

(On-Premises consumption)


Must be at least 21 years of age
Valid for one (1) year from effective (issuance) date

Red Card


Bartender or General Staff
Minor Employee

18-20 years of age
Valid for four (4) years from effective (issuance) date

16 – 17 years of age (must provide additional documentation )
  • Completed and submit Request for Employment of a Minor (LIQ-LIC-157);
  • Copy of minor’s government issued photo ID
  • Copy of Hawaii Certificate of Age, Wage, and Standards card:  (Procedures for Obtaining a Child Labor Certificate – State of Hawaii)
  • Original signed and dated letter of parental/guardian consent
  • Original signed and dated letter of academic standing from minor’s school official on school letterhead; and
  • Original signed and dated letter from licensee

To request approval for a minor(s) to perform/entertain at a licensed premises, please complete the Request for Minors Performing at Events (LIQ-LIC-125) form and follow the requirements as stated.

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