About Us
Duties of the Honolulu Liquor Commission
Pursuant to Chapter 281 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Liquor Commission has the sole jurisdiction, power, authority and discretion to grant, refuse, suspend, and revoke any license for the manufacture, importation, or sale of liquor within the City and County of Honolulu. The Commission also hears and adjudicates violations of Liquor Laws and Rules committed by liquor licensees and non-licensees. The City Charter administratively attaches the Liquor Commission to the Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, but is entirely funded through revenues generated from liquor licenses and fees deposited into the Liquor Commission Special Revenue Fund.
The five Commissioners of the Honolulu Liquor Commission are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Honolulu City Council. Commissioners serve a five-year term.
Jeffrey Hong
Dillon Hullinger
Vice Chairperson
Hope Lālā
Kevin Sakamoto
Edmund K.B. Hyun
Honolulu Liquor Commission Hearings Room
Support Services
There are two support services branches of the Honolulu Liquor Commission, the Administrative Services Branch and the Field Services Branch. They each provide different functions as listed below:
Administrative Services Branch
- Administrative Support (accounting, payroll)
- Liquor License Applications and Renewals
- Issuance of Certificates of Registration (liquor cards)
- Hearings
- Auditing
- Training
- Special Projects
Field Services Branch
- Complaints
- Investigations
- Licensee Investigations