Office of Housing

Mayor’s Housing Stakeholders Group is a forum designed to exchange perspectives with housing developers and identify barriers that slow or prevent increased housing production on O‘ahu.

Mayor's Housing Stakeholder Group

The housing shortage on O‘ahu is a complex challenge that has persisted for decades, affecting residents across the island. In response, one of our key housing goals is to facilitate the delivery of approximately 18,000 new housing units between FY 2022 and FY 2029. While we have begun optimizing our housing finance programs and modernizing our permitting processes, we recognize that these efforts alone will not be sufficient to accelerate housing production. We must also explore and support a variety of housing options, including pathways to homeownership for our residents.

To further our efforts, we have actively engaged with the local development community to gather feedback, share insights, and identify the specific barriers that impede increased housing production. This collaborative initiative has led to the establishment of the Mayor’s Housing Stakeholders Group, which officially commenced meetings in June 2024.

The group consists of a diverse array of stakeholders, including developers, community leaders, and housing advocates, all committed to finding actionable solutions. Through regular discussions, we aim to address critical issues such as regulatory challenges, financing hurdles, and community engagement, ensuring that all voices are heard in the process.

“Building a brighter future for O‘ahu means tackling our housing crisis head-on. We must work together with our community and stakeholders to create sustainable, affordable housing solutions that benefit all residents.” said Denise Iseri-Matsubara, former Executive Director of the Office of Housing.

By working together, we aspire to create a more efficient housing development landscape that not only meets the immediate needs of our residents but also fosters long-term sustainability and accessibility in housing options across O‘ahu.

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