411320 Kalanianaʻole Highway, Waimānalo, Hawaiʻi, 96795
MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting link: https://cchnl.webex.com/cchnl/j.php?MTID=m4eab55b312ed0a612abb6a9bc7720f93
Meeting number: 2496 613 1930 Password: NB32 (6232 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12YXyGq4fcxrkfzlLmf4saaylQ9Os5f9z?usp=drive_link
Purpose: The purpose of Neighborhood Boards and the Neighborhood Plan is to increase and assure effective citizen participation in the decisions of government.
Rules for Engaging: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to click the “raise hand” icon, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Remarks should not exceed three (3) minutes. Please ensure your microphone is muted unless you are speaking. You can mute and unmute for those dialing in on the phone by pressing * 6. Please state your first and last name for the record, before moving into your comment/question etc. Written testimony may also be submitted via email using the contact information listed on the Neighborhood Commission Office website. ALOHA, “Akahai”, meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness; “Lōkahi”, meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony; “ʻOluʻolu” meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness; “Haʻahaʻa”, meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty; “Ahonui”, meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance, in accordance with Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes Chapter § 5-7.5.
Notes: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds (2/3) vote, nine (9) of this 13-member Board, is needed to add an item to the agenda. Adding an item to the agenda, however, is not permitted if 1. The item to be added is of reasonably major importance and 2. Action on the item by the Board will affect a significant number of persons. Determination of whether a specific matter may be added to an agenda must be done on a case-by-case basis. Please silence all electronic devices. This meeting is being recorded.
1. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Kimeona Kane
A. Welcoming Remarks, Opening Pule/Oli – Chair Kimeona Kane, Volunteer participant
B. Purpose, Rules of the meeting and announcements – Chair Kimeona Kane
C. Roll Call – Neighborhood Board Assistant Rachel Cristobal/ Secretary Jehnna Mckeague
D. A message from our Kūpuna
E. ʻŌlelo Noʻeau o ka Mahina- #5 Aʻeaʻe mōhala i luna o ke kukui. Whiteness unfolds on the kukui trees. Used in reference to a person who grays, comparing him to a blooming kukui tree laden with white flowers
2. EMERGENCY PROVIDERS (Limited to 3 minutes)
A. Honolulu Fire Department, hfdnhb@honolulu.gov
B. Honolulu Police Department, https://www.honolulupd.org/information/ , jatkins@honolulu.gov
A. One (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 9 (Old Homestead and beach homes to Makapuʻu)
B. One (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 11 (Hale Aupuni)
A. Education Committee – 2 Vacancies
5. PUBLIC AGENCIES’ REPORT (Limited to 3 minutes)
A. Board of Water Supply – Danielle Ornelas. https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/
B. Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – Director Laura Thielen, laura.thielen@honolulu.gov (5 minutes)
6. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS REPORTS (Limited to 3 minutes each)
A. Education Reports
1) Waimānalo Elementary and Intermediate School – Principal Jamie Dela Cruz, jaime.delacruz@k12.hi.us
2) Blanche Pope Elementary School, Kula Kaiapuni o Waimānalo – Principal Heidi Rezentes, heidi.rezentes@k12.hi.us
3) Mālama Honua Public Charter School – Principal Denise Espania, despania@malamahonuapcs.org
4) Hui Mālama O Ke Kai – Maile Vickery, info@huimalamaokekai.org
5) Windward Community College – Ardis Eschenberg, ardise@hawaii.edu
6) University of Hawaiʻi, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources – Ilima Ho-Lastimosa, lipuupuu@hawaii.edu
7) Hawaiʻi Job Corps – Julie Dugan, Dugan.Julie@jobcorps.org
B. Community Organizations/Services Report Reports
1) Waimānalo Health Center – Jasmine Lefiti, Jlefiti@waimanalohealth.org (10 mins)
2) Waimānalo Hawaiian Homestead Association – Kenneth Ho, kianiani@gmail.com
C. Military Reports
1) Bellows Air Force Station – Major Dalin Chhen, dalin.chhen.4@us.af.mil, 808-864-0722 (15 minutes)
2) Marine Corps Base Hawaii – Colonel Jeremy W. Beaven, Kristi Kaluhiwa, Kristi.kaluhiwa@usmc.mil
3) Hawaiʻi Army National Guard – Colonel Ronald Hogsten, ronald.d.hogsten.mil@army.mil, 808-672-1828
7. RESIDENT/COMMUNITY CONCERNS & ANNOUNCEMENTS/PUBLIC REPORTS (Limited to 3 minutes) For Community Concerns please review the NOTE section in the box at the top of the page regarding adding items to the agenda.
A. Waimānalo Hoʻolauleʻa- Kalani Kalima
B. Other
8. ELECTED OFFICIALS’ REPORTS (Limited to 5 minutes)
A. City Councilwoman Esther Kiaʻāina, ekiaaina@honolulu.gov (808) 768-5003
B. State Senator Chris Lee, senlee@capitol.hawaii.gov (808) 587-8388
C. State Representative Lisa Marten, repmarten@capitol.hawaii.gov (808) 586-9450
D. Govenor Josh Green, https://governor.hawaii.gov/, (808) 586-0034
E. Congresswoman Jill Tokuda, https://tokuda.house.gov/
A. Discuss and Motion to Create a Resolution Urging the State of Hawaiʻi to Uphold Its Fiduciary Duty to the Native Hawaiian People
B. Discuss and Motion to Urge the Department of Transportation to Install a Speed Table at the Cross Walk Fronting McDonalds on Kalanianaʻole Highway and at St. Matthews Church on Kalanianaʻole Highway
C. Discuss and Motion to Urge the Department of Transporation to Install Delineators at the Maauka Corner Across of McDonalds to Discourage Illegal Overtaking
D. Discuss and Motion to Create a Letter Urging the Department of Hawaiian Home Land to Engage In Community Outreach for Installation of a 4 Way Stop Sign at ʻOluʻolu Street and Hihimanu Street
E. Kenani Gramber Three Absences
F. Zoltan Rudolics Three Absences
G. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes (Requires a Board Member motion and a second.)
1) Monday, September 10, 2024 Meeting
10. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS – Chair Kimeona Kane (Five 5 minutes)
A. Neighborhood Commissions Office Announcements – Neighborhood Board Assistant Rachel Cristobal
The next regular meeting of the Neighborhood Commission is scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. on Webex, and at Kapālama Hale.
B. The next Waimānalo Neighborhood Board No. 32 Regular Monthly meeting will be on Monday November 11, 2024 at 07:00 pm and will be a hybrid meeting.
C. The Education Committee meeting is on the second Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm.
D. The Hawaiian Affairs and Natural Resources Committee meeting is on the second Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm.
E. The Parks and Recreation Committee meeting is to be scheduled on the second Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
F. The Waimānalo Community Plan Committee meeting is on the second Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
G. 2024 ʻŌlelo Broadcast Schedule – The Waimānalo Neighborhood Board No. 32 meetings are broadcast on ʻŌlelo Channel 49 on the fourth (4th) Monday of the month at 9:00 p.m. and on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Saturdays of the month at 3:00 p.m. Video replay can be found at http://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html
H. The Hawaiʻi Kai Neighborhood Board #1 meeting is scheduled on the last Thursday of the month. Please confirm at www.honolulu.gov/nco
I. The Kahaluʻu Neighborhood Board #29 meeting is scheduled on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Please confirm at www.honolulu.gov/nco
J. The Kāneʻohe Neighborhood Board #30 meeting is scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Please confirm at www.honolulu.gov/nco
K. The Kailua Neighborhood Board #31 meeting is scheduled on the 1st Thursday of the month. Please confirm at www.honolulu.gov/nco
11. ADJOURNMENT, CLOSING REMARKS, & PULE – Chair Kimeona Kane (2 Minutes)
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this Board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96817; Telephone (808) 768-3710 Fax (808) 768-3711; or Email nco@honolulu.gov. Agendas and minutes are also available on the internet at www.honolulu.gov/nco
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to nco@honolulu.gov at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the Board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the Board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov
At Large- Kapiʻolani Nee,
At Large- Jehnna Mckeague,
Subdistrict 1- Lourdes Millan, millan.lourdes1@gmail.com
Subdistrict 2- Kimeona Kane, kimeonakane@gmail.com
Subdistrict 3- Moeata Mokulehua, j.mokulehua@gmail.com
Subdistrict 4- Brenda Wong, ihilanijowong@yahoo.com
Subdistrict 5- Chassity Santiago,
Subdistrict 6- Ted Ralston, ted.ralston@gmail.com
Subdistrict 7- Kenani Gramberg, kenanigramberg@gmail.com
Subdistrict 8- Kūʻike Kamakea-ʻŌhelo, kuike.farmaloha@gmail.com
Subdistrict 9- VACANT
Subdistrict 10- Zoltan Rudolics,
Subdistrict 11- VACANT
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDVV1le9XUM
Reports and other meeting materials can be found at:
I. CALL TO ORDER – [0:00:01]
Chair Kimeona Kane called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and recited the rules.
Board Members Present: Kimeona Kane, Brenda Wong, Kapi’olani Nee, Jehnna McKeague, Moeʻata Mokulehua, Ted Ralston (joined at 7:05 p.m.), Lourdes Millan (joined at 7:14 p.m.), and Kūʻike Kamakea-Ohelo (joined at 7:19 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Kenani Gramberg, Chassity Santiago, and Zoltan Rudolics.
Guests: Firefighter Adam Rose (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Akagi, Sargent Krekel (Honolulu Police Department); Director Laura Thielen (Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative); Denise Espania (Mālama Honua Public Charter School); Major Dalin Chhen, Jennifer Wehrmann (Bellows Air Force Station); Kristi Kaluhiwa (Marine Corps Base Hawaii); Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina, Irene Limos (Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina’s Office); Representative Lisa Marten; Sharon Hurd (Governor Josh Green’s Office); Senator Chris Lee; Jasmine Lefiti, Christie Carvalho (Waimānalo Health Center); Josh Atwood, Ryan Change (Department of Land and Natural Resources); Nicole Gray (Congresswoman Jill Tokuda); Joe Watt (Key Project); Austin Kino, Karin O., Lillie, Mauks, Sonelle Poe, Taylor Campbell, Austin Kino, Brenda Lowrey, Jadine Urasaki, Jonathan Ho, M & K, Pilialoha (Residents & Guests); Rachel Cristobal (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible, signed-in, not stated, and/or not participated in the discussion. There were 42 total attendees.
Pule – [0:03:29]: Chair Kane asked Resident Kanela if she could open in pule. Kanela opened the meeting in pule.
Roll Call – [0:04:35]: Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) Rachel Cristobal conducted a roll call. Quorum was not established with 5 members present [0:05:34]. Note – This 13-member Board requires 7 members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Member Ralston joined at 7:09 p.m.; 6 members present.
A Message From Our Kupuna – [0:05:58]: No Kupuna; Chair Kane recited a section from a book called, “Sites of Oahu.”
ʻŌlelo Noʻeau o ka Mahina – [0:07:18]: Chair Kane shared ʻŌlelo Noʻeau o ka Mahina- #3 A ‘ai ka manu i luna. The birds feed above. An attractive person is compared to a flower-laden tree that attracts birds.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:07:43]: Firefighter Adam Rose provided the statistics for the month of August 2024. The fire safety tip for the month was to move over for emergency vehicles.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:09:51]
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:11:16]: Lieutenant Akagi introduced himself and Sargent Krekel. Lieutenant Akagi reported the statistics for the month of August 2024 and safety tip regarding car break ins.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:13:00]
Member Millan joined at 7:14 p.m.; 7 members present.
Member Kamakea-Ohelo joined at 7:19 p.m.; 8 members present.
1 Vacancy in Subdistrict 9 (Old Homestead and beach homes to Makapuʻu) and 1 Vacancy in Subdistrict 11 (Hale Aupuni) – [0:21:38]: Hearing none.
Hawaiian Affairs and Natural Resources Committee – 1 Vacancy – [0:23:01]: Chair Kane asked if there were any Board Members that were currently not on a committee if they were interested in joining. Hearing none.
Chair Kane announced that Member Kamakea-Ohelo was present – [0:23:33].
Chair Kane asked Neighborhood Assistant Rachel Cristobal to provide the amount of Board Members present. Rachel stated there were 8 Board Members present – [0:23:40].
Waimānalo Community Plan Committee – 1 Vacancy – [0:23:47]: Chair Kane asked if there were any Board Members that were currently not on a committee if they were interested in joining. Hearing none.
Education Committee – 3 Vacancies – [0:24:10]: Chair Kane asked Member Nee if this was the committee that she would like to join and she acknowledged that she would. Chair Kane asked Member McKeague if there were any committees that interested her. Due to technical difficulties, Member McKeague didn’t respond until a few moments later in the meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:24:39]
Waimānalo Community Plan Committee – 1 Vacancy (Continued) – [0:25:16]: Chair Kane asked Member McKeague if she has any interests for any of the committees. Member McKeague apologized as she was experiencing technical difficulties. She answered that would like to join the Waimānalo Community Plan Committee.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – [0:26:27]: Danielle Ornellas reported that there was 1 water main break during the month of August 2024.
● Imagine a Day Without Water: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14_CMzS5A68Qsbz7KDHCgylEYkGpfOo6R/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:28:06]
Member Santiago joined at 7:31 p.m.; 8 members present.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – [0:37:28]: Director Laura Thielen reported the following:
● The Fire Department will be providing a monthly report online, so that individuals can access a searchable database with mapping.
● Provided the following responses to concerns raised from the previous meeting:
○ Hunānāniho Beach Park’s fence repairs
○ Alternative location for the children basketball team during the closure of the Waimānalo Gym.
○ Camping permit statistics
○ Awaiting responses regarding information relating to plaque or other form of recognition and the gymnasium timeline.
● Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a2V5pPcyQ03xdUX0NCnsRqp-jfwQm9_d/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:45:48]
Education Reports – [0:59:01]
Waimānalo Elementary and Intermediate School – Principal Jamie Dela Cruz, jaime.delacruz@k12.hi.us – [0:59:01]: No representative present. Chair Kane announced that they will be celebrating their 100 years in May of 2025. The schools are in need of staff, volunteers, drivers, and substitute teachers.
Blanche Pope Elementary School (BPES), Kula Kaiapuni o Waimānalo – Principal Heidi Rezentes heidi.rezentes@k12.hi.us – [1:00:05]: No representative present.
Mālama Honua Public Charter School – Principal Denise Espania, despania@malamahonuapcs.org – [1:00:15]:
Hui Mālama O Ke Kai – Maile Vickery, info@huimalamaokekai.org – [1:05:01]: No representative present.
Windward Community College (WCC) – Ardis Eschenberg, ardise@hawaii.edu – [1:05:05]: No representative present.
University of Hawaiʻi, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) – Ilima Ho-Lastimosa, lipuupuu@hawaii.edu – [1:05:09]: No representative present.
Hawaiʻi Job Corps – Julie Dugan, Dugan.Julie@jobcorps.org – [1:05:21]: No representative present. Chair Kane announced Hawaiʻi Job Corps celebrated 60 years of service.
Community Organizations/Services Report Reports – [1:05:44]
Waimānalo Health Center – Jasmine Lefiti, Jlefiti@waimanalohealth.org – [1:05:44]: Jasmine Lefiti announced that on Thursday, September 26, 2024 that they will be having their annual meeting at the health center. She also announced that has a guest speaker, Christie Carvalho that will be providing a presentation. Christie introduced herself as the Director of School Health Services and presented a slide presentation regarding the school health services that they provide. There are health education and mentoring services provided to individuals from the ages from 6 to 24. She also shared the schedules of the different program topics such as good hygiene, healthy relationships, and etc.
● Annual Meeting Information: https://www.waimanalohealth.org/news_posts/annual-meeting-on-thursday-september-26
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:15:15]
Waimānalo Hawaiian Homestead Association – Kenneth Ho, kianiani@gmail.com – [1:25:37]: No representative present.
Military Reports – [1:25:40]
Bellows Air Force Station (BAFS) – Major Dalin Chhen, dalin.chhen.4@us.af.mil (808) 864-0722 – [1:25:42]: Major Dalin Chen announced that Jennifer Wehrmann was also present and they will be discussing the RAV results from April 2024ʻs meeting along with a few future plans. Jennifer introduced herself and informed that she is responsible for the restoration efforts at the Bellows Air Force Station. A slide presentation was presented regarding to time critical removal action to the following locations:
● TG001, TG001a – Former Large Bomb Range
● TM001 – Former Urban Warfare Training Facility
● TS002 – Former Skeet Range
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:29:31]
Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) – [1:45:39]: Kristi Kaluhiwa reported the following updates:
● MCBHʻs community relations, education department, and their school liaison will be visiting Hui Mālama O Ke Kai on Friday, September 13, 2024.
● Generalʻs Change of Command on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
● Multiple cannon fires
● Community resiliency is requesting to go to all the Neighborhood Boards to share information and would like to join the next Waimānalo Neighborhood Board meeting.
● Update on noise concerns and reporting by scanning a QR code.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:49:33]
Hawaiʻi Army National Guard – Major Sean Dodge, sean.m.dodge.mil@army.mil (808) 672-1828 – [1:51:41]: No representative present.
Request For Militaryʻs Help with Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles – [1:51:57]:
Resident Karen suggested that since the military is effective in getting things done, it might be worth appealing to them for assistance in eradicating the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles. She mentioned the possibility of using netting and other proven trapping supplies.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:53:25]
Sending Drones to Kuliʻouʻou Ridge Trail – [1:53:54]: Josh Adwood from The Department of Land and Natural Resources and Ryan Chang from The Forestry Crew shared information about the Coqui Frogʻs population at the back of Waimānalo. There has been a public report earlier in the year at high elevations about 200 meters below the summit of the Kuliʻouʻou Ridge Trial, which is inaccessible by foot. They announced that drones will be deployed to those areas that cannot be accessed by foot.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:55:40]
Put In Contact with the Waimānalo Agriculture Association – [2:06:14]: Joe Watt announced that he attended a Windward Community College Little Fire Ant presentation and spoke with individuals in the nursery. So he asked the Waimānalo Neighborhood Board if he could be put in contact with the Waimānalo Agriculture Association. Joe provided his contact information (808) 940-4150.
City Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina, ekiaaina@honolulu.gov (808) 768-5003 – [2:07:07]: Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina reported the following:
● Expressed gratitude to those that supported the Resolution proposing Hawaiian Homelandʻs development in Kailua.
● Bill 64 (2023), FD1 – Accessory Agricultural Uses – Committee on Planning and the Economy, Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. – https://www.honolulucitycouncil.org/bill64/
● Deadline for filing exemption claims and tax credit applications – Deadline is Monday, September 30, 2024 – https://realproperty.honolulu.gov/tax-relief-and-forms/exemptions/home-exemption/
○ Email: bfsrpmailbox@honolulu.gov Phone: (808)768-3799
● Contact Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina: Email: ekiaaina@honolulu.gov Phone: (808) 768-5003
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:12:03]
State Senator Chris Lee, senlee@capitol.hawaii.gov (808) 587-8388 – [2:16:31]: Senator Chris Lee reported the following:
● Expressed gratitude to those that were at Blanche Pope Elementary. He, Representative Marten, and Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke read to the kids and distributed backpacks.
● Shared information that he learned from New Zealand regarding how the country handles invasive species issues.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:21:26]
State Representative Lisa Marten, repmarten@capitol.hawaii.gov (808) 586-9450 – [2:32:56]: Representative Marten reported the following:
● Response to a question that was brought up during the previous meeting regarding the Makai Pier and access for fishermen.
● Army Core Engineering Projects list
● Submitted a request on initial flood control study
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:36:24]
Governor Josh Green’s Representative, https://governor.hawaii.gov (808) 586-0034 – [2:40:34]: Sharon Hurd reported the following:
● State of Hawaiʻi Health and Social Services job fair was held in August 2024
● Hawaiʻi received green light for broadband equity, access and deployment program
● Responded to Joe Wattʻs question regarding the Department of Agriculture and grants.
● Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MNm6NdnWJN6IH-gElATOcIRvfG8cJGHx/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:45:16]
Congresswoman Jill Tokuda, https://tokuda.house.gov/ – [2:40:40]: No representative present.
● Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UaRkDYhV6vWLkEot0irBg65qrBw3B3jt/view?usp=drive_link
Chair Kane acknowledged that it was 9:58 p.m. and asked the Board if there were any objections to defer Board Business to the next meeting. Hearing no objections – [2:58:23].
IX. BOARD BUSINESS – [2:58:23]
Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes – [2:58:23]:
● Monday, August 12, 2024 Meeting – [2:58:23]: Deferred to the next meeting.
Due to the lack of time, the announcements were not read during the meeting.
Chair Kane asked Member Kamakea-Ohelo to close the meeting off with pule. Member Kamakea-Ohelo provided a pule. Chair Kane adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m. – [2:59:45].
Submitted by: Rachel Cristobal, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy, NCO
Final approval by: Jehnna McKeague, Secretary, NB32
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.