45-259 Waikalua Road, Kāneʻohe, Hawaiʻi, 96744
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2024 AT 6:30 P.M.
Meeting Link: https://cchnl.webex.com/cchnl/j.php?MTID=md7f889f918044095e4ead7d844fa6aa8
Meeting Number: 2492 915 4155
Password: NB30 (6230 when dialing from a phone or video system)
Join By Video System: Dial 24929154155@cchnl.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join By Phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access Code: 249 291 54155
Rules of Speaking: To ensure the maximum opportunity for all attendees to be heard, the following guidelines apply: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to type their question in the chat box or raise their hand using the “raise hand” function in the online zoom platform – which is indicated by a hand. If accessing the meeting using your phone and you have a comment, indicate this by pressing the symbols *3 – this will show the moderator that the person calling from that number wishes to speak. To mute/unmute your phone, press *6.
Please wait until recognized by the chair to begin comments and address those comments to the chair. All official reports, comments or concerns shall be three (3) minutes or less.
Please Kōkua: To help all attendees the opportunity to hear presentations & comments, please place your device on mute until you would like to speak. When you are recognized, unmute yourself and make your comments.
The Board may act on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds vote (12) of this 17-member Board is needed to add an item to the agenda. Items may not be added if they are of major importance and will affect a significant number of people.
I. CALL TO ORDER – Vice Chair Adriel Lam 6:30 – 6:32
II. FILLING OF VACANCIES ON THE BOARD: Subdistrict 2-Windward Mall, Subdistrict 7-Puohala
A. Honolulu Fire Department
B. Honolulu Police Department
a. Discussion: speeding and enforcement – Fleitel
b. Discussion: Arrest of trespassers on Haiku Stairs – Sakamoto
C. Hawaii Department of Transportation
a. Discussion: Information regarding flooding and slope stability near H3 onramp in Kāneʻohe and Yacht Cub Knolls – Tomey
D. Marine Corps Base Hawaii
IV. BOARD BRIEFS & DISCUSSION (10 minutes each) 6:50 – 7:20
A. Sewer rate increases – Dept of Environmental Services, Director R. Babcock
B. Climate Change & Resiliency Collaborative – Colin Lee
V. RESIDENT/ COMMUNITY CONCERNS (3 minutes each) 7:20 – 7:30
A. Unpermitted businesses operating in residential area’s
VI. ELECTED OFFICIALS (2 minutes each) 7:30 – 8:10
Note: The two minutes is for formal comments and not to include community Q & A
A. US Representative Jill Tokuda & Q & A
a. Question for CD-2: What legislation are you planning to introduce to benefit CD-2 and most importantly, What is your strategy for developing alliances a Republican majority in the House of Representatives? – Radke
B. Governor Green’s Representative
a. Board member follow-up relating to He’eia State Park contract renewal and commercial operations – Fleitell
C. Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative
a. Requesting update on Stormwater Utility deadlines, and any decisions made to enact.
D. Council Member Esther Kiaaina
a. Governor, Mayor & City and County Q&A
E. Senator Jarrett Keohokalole
F. Senator Brenton Awa
G. Representative Lisa Kitagawa
H. Representative Scot Matayoshi
I. Representative Natalia Hussey-Burdick
J. Representative Mike Lee
a. State Officials: Q&A
VII. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS (3 minutes each) 8:10 – 8:16
A. Windward Community College
B. Ko’olau Resilience Hub Network – Fleitell
A. Approval of October 2024 minutes
B. Discussion and possible voting on Good Government Reforms
A. Attended Meeting Reports
B. Community Engagement Committee – Lam, Bryant
C. Emergency Preparedness Committee – Carstensen, Fleitell, Quitevis
D. Education Committee – Sevier
E. Transportation – Sevier, Lam, Sakamoto
F. Military Affairs – Radke, Downing
G. Haiku Stairs – Sevier
H. State Legislative – Tomey (Jan 2025)
I. Environmental – Bryant
J. HPD Liaison -Carstensen, Sakamoto
K. Planning – Lam
L. Homeless/Kauhale – Burbage, Bryant, Fleitell
A. Aquarium Fishing EIS comment deadline (January 6, 2025) -Bryant
B. December 19, 2024 is a short meeting with city and state monthly reports and adjournment for a holiday pot luck gathering and community fellowship. A location has not yet been confirmed.
C. Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Benjamin Parker Elementary School or using the virtual login credentials listed on page 1 of this document.
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96817, by telephone on (808) 768-3710, fax (808) 768-3711, or e-mailing nco@honolulu.gov Agenda documents and minutes are also available online at http://www.honolulu.gov/nco/boards.html
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours of the meeting, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the Board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the Board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817, fax (808) 768-3711, or email nbtestimony@honolulu.gov
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to nco@honolulu.gov at least three business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2024 – 6:30 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b27iVjXvK3I&t=2s
Meeting materials: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bP-j4YYw0YCi4sBV5QEZ8TwVGavf7v_K
I. CALL TO ORDER – [0:00:04]: Chair Mo Radke called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Quorum was NOT established with 8 members present. Note this 17-member Board requires nine members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.
Board Members Present: Adriel Lam, Mark Brandle, Lora Burbage, Mo Radke, Donald Sakamoto, Dale Carstensen, Kim Tomey, Neil Fleiell, and David Shizuma (6:34 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Bryan Heverly, Patty Yamashiro, Greg Quitevis, Holly Sevier, Elena Bryant, and Cecil Downing.
Guests: Captain Jacob Char (Honolulu Fire Department); Sandford Yue (Honolulu Police Department); Kristi Kaluhiwa (Marine Corps Base Hawaii); Director Andy Kawano (Mayor Rick Blangiardi); Jaren McCartney and Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina, Kendra Oishi (Rep Tokuda); Ardis Eschenberg (Windward Community College); Diosa Mae Daga (Kalihi Palama Neighborhood Board No. 15); Stephanie Grams (Crossfit Kāneʻohe); Keiki Kipapa, Annette Tashiro, Margaret Teruya, Matthias Keller, Richelle Benson, Len Rossoff, Alana Powers, Annn Lemke, Leah Chang, Haunani Kahea, Lisa Uyesato, Rocky Kaluhiwa, Maydeen Lu, S. Keph, Marie and George Samudio, Roy Yee, Pam and Pat Huber, Pearl Anderson, Kyle Ross, Tom Heiden, Zack Pilien, Patrick Shine, Ailien Kamatura, Denise Kubo-Hokama (Residents and Guests); and Spencer Johnson (Neighborhood Commission Office). There were 65 total participants.
II. FILLING OF VACANCIES ON THE BOARD [0:00:10]: There were two vacancies, one in Subdistrict 2-Windward Mall, and one in Subdistrict 7-Puohala. Resident Haunani Kahea volunteered. Residency was not held in either vacant Subdistricts.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:01:10]: Captain Jacob Char reported the monthly statistics for September 2024 and fire safety tips.
• Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jbiQOBE3K9yu1LQ9sZJ7aHR0-1wbS2Y4/view?usp=sharing
Shizuma arrived at 6:34 p.m., quorum was established with nine members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:04:50]: No representative was present. A representative was present after board briefs.
Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) – [0:15:18]: Kristi Kaluhiwa provided the report and highlighted the following: lighting at MCBH field; H-3 speeding enforcement efforts; Special Olympics Event; Hokulea docking; and a Climate Control Presentation for the November 2024 NB30 meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:09:00] Board Member Fleiell raised concerns regarding with the base hotline not being responsive to his messages that he would leave on their recording, aircraft still flying over Haiku towards the Marine Corp Base flight runway, etc. Board Member Sakamoto requested if the following flyer information could be emailed to him. Chair Radke commented that enforcement for speeding on the H-3 should not be only going towards the base, but should be going towards the other oppiset direction after the scenic lookout.
Hawaii Department of Transportation – [0:12:38]: No representative was present.
IV. BOARD BRIEFS – [0:12:50]
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle: Keith Weiser, Hawaii Invasive Species Council, presented information on how to identify Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles, infested trees, and how to remove the beetle. Full Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zbsqgqsR0B2bNy5KXdY8zfEGfj15MdVm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109277524049125488691&rtpof=true&sd=true
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:25:42] Board Member Tomey raised the folowing: Risky materials being sold at different stores that may have coconut rhinoceros beetles being hard to identify in bags of compos or mulch when purchahsing; where is the guide for the community management for coconut rhinoceros beetles being posted on the website, etc. Resident Rossoff raised the following: Why aren’t there any companies or vendors who exterminate coconut rhinoceros beetles not being listed on your website;what efforts has the state done on the neighbor islands to exterminate the coconut rhinoceros beetles, etc. Board Member Sakamoto raised the following question can the coconut rhinoceros beetles be sterilize similar to the concept that was done for the fruit flys.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:36:48]: Lieutenant Sanford Yue reported the monthly statistics for September 2024.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:25:42] Board Member Sakamoto raised the following: How many people were arrested for traspassing on the Haiku stairs, and can you provide and update regarding with the 52 speeding vehicles on the H-3.
• Abandoned Vehicles: Diosa Mae Daga and Steph Grams raised concerns regarding illegal parking and abandoned vehicles fronting CrossFit Kaneohe.
• Parking: Resident Haunani Kahea raised concerns regarding illegal parking on Pahia Road near the new Vietnamese Restaurant.
• Unpermitted businesses operating in residential areas: Multiple residents including Pat Huber were present and submitted testimony regarding Aloha Oahu Weddings operating at 46-133 Lilipuna Road. Testimony: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12zHbjjM-5NRJmOGboCTfHnfbdRIkUgNq/view?usp=sharing
• Neighborhood Security Watch: Lisa Uyesato reported a coordination meeting at Hoomaluhia Gardens on Saturday, October 19, 2024.
• Commercial Businesses: Auntie Rocky Kaluhiwa commented on illegal commercial businesses.
• Loud Vehicles: Resident Haunani Kahea raised concerns regarding loud vehicle noises.
• Heeia State Park: A resident inquired about the contract for Heeia State Park.
Representative Jill Tokuda – [1:26:16]: Kendra Oishi reported the following; Bills supporting child care, and military academy nomination applications.
Governor Josh Green‘s Representative – [1:05:00]: Ilihia Gionson reported the following; Invasive species eradication efforts, The Department of Health 2023 data breach, and upcoming roadwork projects.
• Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14qHl2KEKN-ZHIbDVZKvgrGn10_tAxAN4/view?usp=sharing
Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – [1:11:43]: Director Andy Kawano (Budget & Fiscal Services) provided the report and highlighted the following: Follow-up for the Red Hill Claims filed for $1.2 Billion, and the newsletter.
• Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q8BJ3Mgdv4FX2F0htCbF9D1J4i9utWLd/view?usp=sharing
Councilmember Esther Kiaʻāina – [1:13:44]: Councilmember Kiaʻāina reported the following; City Grants and Aids Application deadline, Bill 46 Empty Homes Tax, Bill 44 relating to speed limits in school zones, stream clearing.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:19:48] Vice-Chair Lam raised the following regarding with the pot holes at the intersections and throughout the Kaneohe Kamehameha Highway not being repaired till 2025 posing safety concerns of people marching and tripping along at our upcoming Kaneohe Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024. Board Member Burbage raised her concerns that she brought-up at previous meeting regarding with the repaving of Paleka Road and Waikalua Road Kamehameha intersections that haven’t been repaved yet. Board Member Fleiell raised his concerns regarding with the reduction of speed limit from 25 mph to 20 mph, and how difficult it would be for HPD to enforce, etc. Board Member Sakamoto raised the following: He attended the State Elections Commission Board meeting in August 27, 2024 to submit testimony, and he remarked that the board chair was quite rude to other board members and testifiers; He attended the Honolulu Rate Commission meeting in October 8, 2024 in which Director Roger Morton of department of Transportation Services reported that the June 14, 2024 cyber-attack causing the city to lose some $300,000 from revenues not collected through the Holo for TheBus. Resident Kaluhiwa expressed her thanks to Councilmember Kiaʻāina for reporting about the illegal businesses, etc. Resident expressed his concerns regarding that Councilmember Kiaʻāina to not support any settlement regarding with reimbursment for the HPD shooting death.
Jarrett Keohokalole – [1:29:33]: No representative was present.
Senator Brenton Awa – [1:29:50]: No representative was present.
Representative Lisa Kitagawa – [1:29:53]: No representative was present.
Representative Scot Matayoshi – [1:29:58]: No representative was present.
Representative Natalia Hussey-Burdick – [1:30:10]: No representative was present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:30:53] Resident raised the following: Why was the U-turn at Kamehameha highway by Kaiser was changed; why can’t the state add a second right lane by Castle junction going up to the Pali.
Windward Community College: Ardis Eschenberg provided a brief report including Kailua High School partnership programs.
Approval of September 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes – [1:36:50]: [1:36:57] – Lam Moved and Brandle Seconded the motion to approve the September 2024 meeting minutes as written by Donald Sakamoto. Hearing no objections, the motion was adopted; 9-0-0 (AYE: Lam, Brandle, Burbage, Radke, Sakamoto, Carstensen, Tomey, Fleiell, Shizuma. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: None.) [1:37:05].
Discussion and possible voting for Bill 46 Honolulu Empty Homes Tax – [1:37:18]: Discussion followed.
• Next Regular Board Meeting – [1:47:45]: The next regular meeting of the Kāneʻohe Neighborhood Board is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., at Benjamin Parker Elementary School or using the virtual login credentials listed at the top of page 1 of this document.
• CERT: There is a Community Emergency Response Team meeting at Christ Church Uniting, on November 2, 2024.
X. ADJOURNMENT – [1:52:49]: The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Submitted by: Spencer Johnson, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Neighborhood Assistant
Finalized by: Donald Sakamoto, Treasurer
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.