67-020 Waialua Beach Road, Waialua, Hawaiʻi, 96791
7:00 P.M.
Meeting Materials: Find an archive of handouts and referenced materials concerning to North Schore Neighborhood Board No. 27 at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHC_YHAUoI_2hPauiSJ1nbvIiMu5giyt.
Rules of Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to raise their hand, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Speakers are encouraged to keep their comments under two (2) minutes, and those giving reports are urged to keep their reports less than three (3) minutes. Please silence all electronic devices.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds (2/3) vote (10) of this 15-member Board is needed to add an item to the agenda. Items may not be added if they are of major importance and will affect a significant number of people.
I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kathleen Pahinui
II. DECLARATION OF ANY CONFLICTS BY BOARD MEMBERS: Board members to state if they hold any conflicts regarding any issue under board business, per Section 2-14-116 and Section 2-13-105 of the Neighborhood Plan, that would require disclosure or recusal.
III. CITY MONTHLY REPORTS (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. Honolulu Fire Department
B. Honolulu Police Department
C. Board of Water Supply
IV. RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS: (Limited to two (2) Minutes Each)
V. BOARD BUSINESS (Limited to maximum 10 Minute Presentation)
A. Turtle Bay Development – Jessica dos Santos, Kupaʻa Kuilima
VII. CITY ELECTED OFFICIALS (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. Mayor Rick Blangiardi Representative – Dr. Kealoha Fox
B. Council Member Matt Weyer
VIII. STATE ELECTED OFFICIALS: (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. State Senator Brenton Awa
B. State Representatives: Sean Quinlan and Amy Perruso
A. November 26, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Agriculture Committee – Chair Racquel Achiu
B. Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee – Chair Maka Casson-Fisher
C. Cesspool Committee – Chair Kathleen Pahinui
D. Parks Committee – Chair Denise Antolini
A. Haleʻiwa Walkways Presentation, December 11, 2024: Pahinui, Andersen, Lyons
B. CM Weyer Landfill Townhall, December 14, 2024: Pahinui, Achiu, Biechler, Lyons, Antolini, Clemente
C. Rep Perruso and CM Weyer Wahiawa Landfill Townhall
A. Chair’s Correspondence – correspondence is emailed to board members.
B. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
C. Board Member Announcements
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Telephone (808) 768-3710 Fax (808) 768-3711; or call Neighborhood Assistant Zhoydell Magaoay at (808) 768-4224 or e-mail zhoydell.magaoay@honolulu.gov. Agendas and minutes are also available on the internet at www.honolulu.gov/nco.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to zhoydell.magaoay@honolulu.gov at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
7:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sojpYE-GK3c.
Meeting materials can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHC_YHAUoI_2hPauiSJ1nbvIiMu5giyt
CALL TO ORDER – [0:01:54]: Chair Pahinui called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Quorum was established with 10 members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Racquel Achiu, Deborah Aldrich, Erica Lehmkuhl, Bob Leinau, Kathleen Pahinui, SharLyn Foo, Leif Anderson, Denise Antolini, Michael Biechler, Casi Alexander (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), Blake McElheny (arrived at 7:06 p.m.), and Maka Casson-Fisher.
Board Members Absent: Sash Fitzsimmons, Mark Clemente, and Michael Lyons.
Guests: Firefighter Dustin Pope (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant R. Baysa (Honolulu Police Department); Deputy Director Dr. Kealoha Fox (Mayor Blangiardi’s Representative); Kelly Anaya (Councilmember Weyer’s Office); Yvonne Yoro (Representative Amy Perruso’s Office); Senator Brenton Awa, Elizabeth Tavake, Hanu Lewis, Mark Talia, and Crystal Alana-Pang (Senator Brenton Awa’s Office); Larry McElheny, Karen Gallagher, Dawn Bruns, Michelle Cazimero, Layla Jabor, Brooke Berry, Jenn Holmberg, A. Teixeira, Kuʻuipo Garrido, Melvin Amantiad, Lani Chow, Elisa Hagan, Chris Hagan, Kahuau Kalawa, Sierra Martin, Andrea Woods, Lynell DaMate, Christian Adams, Erendira Aldana, Zaz Dahlin (Guests/Residents). There were approximately 74 participants. Name not included if not legible on sign-in sheet, not signed in, not stated for the record and/or not participated in discussion.
DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS BY BOARD MEMBERS – [0:01:58]: There were no declaration of conflicts.
Chair Pahinui took the agenda out of order to accommodate the arrival of HFD and HPD.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – [0:02:29]: BWS Representative Pahinui provided the report, which can be found at: BWS November 2024 Report. Pahinui reported one (1) main break on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 67-354 Kukea Circle. Pahinui announced that BWS is looking to fill permanent full-time positions. To apply, go to https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/jobs.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:03:04].
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:03:17]: Firefighter Dustin Pope reported the following.
October 2024 Statistics: There were four (4) wildland/brush fires, two (2) nuisance fires, one (1) activated alarm (no fire), 50 medical emergencies, one (1) motor vehicle collision with pedestrian, three (3) motor vehicle crashes/collisions, one (1) mountain rescue, and one (1) ocean rescue.
Fire Safety Tip: Firefighter Pope provided kitchen and cooking safety tips. A copy of the report can be found at: HFD November 2024 Report No. 1 and HFD November 2024 Report No. 2.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:04:56]. Questions were raised regarding fire breaks and the proactive measures of fire breaks and removal of invasive grasses.
Member Alexander arrived at 7:03 p.m. There were 11 members present.
North Shore First Responder Center (NSFRC) – [0:06:53]: Resident Larry McElheny read a motion from the Sunset Beach Community Association that unanimously passed, requesting the Mayor to send another letter to the landowner by December 15, 2024, making a specific offer to purchase the three Hanapohaku parcels for the NSFRC at fair market value, to be determined by an independent appraisal, and requesting the landowner’s support for the Mayor to apply to the City Clean Water and Natural Lands Fun to purchase the parcels.
Member McElheny arrived at 7:06 p.m. There were 12 members present.
Paumalū Press – [0:10:29]: Resident Karen Gallagher distributed Paumalū Press magazine and invited the public to sign the petition for the North Shore First Responder Center, to join rallies, and contact the Mayor to make an offer to the landowners.
Wind Turbines – [0:11:29]: Resident Dawn Bruns requested that the public testify at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., to finalize the 1.25 wind turbine setback for the remainder of 20-year power purchase agreement terms.
Waialua High School Events – [0:12:37]: Student Activities Coordinator Michelle Cazimero provided a summary of their November 2024 events. Cazimero announced upcoming events, which included the Spirit/No Hate assembly, and marching band’s parade participation in the Waikiki Christmas Parade, Ala Moana Centerstage, Honolulu City Lights Parade, and the Haleiwa Christmas Parade.
Keep Hawaiʻi Pono – [0:14:08]: Layla Jabor and Brooke Berry, together formed Keep Hawaiʻi Pono, which is a group dedicated to spreading education and awareness about the development at Kuulima. Jabor announced that they are organizing a grassroots meeting at Sunset Beach Elementary School Cafeteria. Follow their Instagram, Keep Hawaii Pono to stay updated of when that meeting will be.
North Shore Chamber of Commerce Events – [0:15:21]: Erica Lehmkuhl announced the Christmas Tree Lighting is going to be on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the green space at North Shore Marketplace; Haleʻiwa Christmas Parade is on Friday, December 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.; The North Shore Chamber of Commerce Annual Christmas Party honoring Kim Johnson for the Kokua Foundation, on Thursday, December 12, 2024. Visit www.GoNorthShore.org to find out about any of the events.
Chair Pahinui returned to HPD report.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:16:51]: Lieutenant R. Baysa reported the November 2024 crime statistics, which may be found at https://www.honolulupd.org/.
November 2024 Statistics: There were 584 total calls for service, two (2) burglaries, four (4) motor vehicle collisions involving vehicles that are towed, nine (9) unauthorized entries to motor vehicle (UEMV), seven (7) criminal citations issued, 144 parking citations, 79 traffic infractions, and 671 total traffic citations.
Safety Tips: Lieutenant Baysa provided shopping safety tips.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:18:26]. Questions were raised regarding traffic citations and exhibition speed.
BOARD BUSINESS – [0:22:09]:
Chair Pahinui announced that the Turtle Bay development presentation is scheduled for January 2025 and Queens Wahiawā is scheduled for a future date.
Three (3) Absence Letter – Member Michael Biechler – [0:22:53]: There was no motion to vacate the seat.
North Shore Development Moratorium Resolution – [0:24:04]: Chair Pahinui noted that the Moratorium is for large scale developments of which the North Shore area are being inundated with. A copy of the resolution can be found at: North Shore Neighborhood Board Moratorium Resolution. The Resolution would put a moratorium on new development and new commercial park and beach activities until the updated North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan is adopted by the City Council and signed by the Mayor. There were a lot of discussions. The moratorium is needed due to the continuously growing pressures of overcrowding from visitors and gridlocked vehicular traffic on the only highway access resulting in a severed degradation to the health, safety, well-being and rural way of life of residents of the North Shore, concerns regarding evacuations during a natural disaster, protection of natural resources and recreational areas, the carrying capacity of the island and region, over commercialization of the parks and beaches, mis-use of agricultural lands, negative impacts to marine and land wildlife, coastal erosion and continued building along the eroding coastline, and egregious zoning violations. This Resolution was initially brought up in September 2024, however it was deferred because of concerns regarding residential development and renovation, impact on small business, etc. Board members and community supports the intent of the Resolution, at the same time raised concerns regarding certain terms such as “development” and “commercial” were not really defined, concrete data are missing, impact on accessory dwelling units (ADUs), residential agriculture, zoning change, and DPP enforcement. Chair Pahinui took a temperature check regarding how the Board felt about deferring the Resolution to make the amendments that have been recommended. The Resolution was deferred to January 2025. Chair Pahinui invited the public to submit any revisions and comments to contact her.
Haleʻiwa Backyards, Motion on Project Concept as a Whole – at the request of community and Board members – [0:48:04]: Chair Pahinui noted that the project was on the agenda last month and the motion was specific to an action regarding the State land use boundary, which that motion failed. Chair Pahinui noted that she had received questions and comments from the community and Board members asking if the Board could revisit this project and look at a different motion on this project. Chair Pahinui provided a brief summary and distributed copies of the presentation that was presented at the last meeting, which can be found at: Haleʻiwa Backyards Project Presentation. Discussions followed. [0:52:38] – Casson-Fisher MOVED Biechler SECONDED that the North Shore Neighborhood Board (NSNB) opposes the Haleʻiwa Backyards project and the steps needed to execute the proect as presented during the October 22, 2024, meeting. The board believes that the proposed development poses significant threats to the cultural integrity, environmental sustainability, and community character of Haleiwa and the broader North Shore region; specifically, the following: 1.) Cultural Impact: The project undermines the historic and cultural fabric of Haleʻiwa by promoting large-scale development incompatible with the area’s identity as a culturally rich and community-oriented town; 2.) Community Displacement and Overdevelopment: The project prioritizes commercial interests over local needs, exacerbating housing challenges and potentially driving long-time residents out of their community; 3.) Environmental Concerns: The project relies on outdated environmental assessments and disregards current concerns about climate change, sea level rise, and sustainable land use practices. The potential harm to sensitive ecosystems, including the wetlands and nearby marine environments, is unacceptable; and 4.) Lack of Meaningful Community Engagement: Although the developers have held some public meetings, the project does not reflect genuine community input. The overwhelming opposition voiced by residents highlights a disconnect between the developers’ vision and the community’s desires. For these reasons, the NSNB firmly opposes the Haleiwa Backyards project and urges the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) and other relevant agencies to halt its approval process until the concerns of the North Shore community are addressed through updated environmental assessments, genuine community consultation, and adherence to sustainable development principles. More discussions followed. Hearing no further discussions, the Board conducted a roll call vote; 12-0-0 (Aye: Achiu, Aldrich, Andersen, Antolini, Biechler, Casson-Fisher, Foo, Lehmkuhl, Leinau, McElheny, Pahinui; Nay: None; Abstain: None) – [1:08:55]. The motion was adopted. Chair Pahinui will draft a letter and will forward to City, State elected and Department officials.
U.S. ARMY 8TH MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE and 25TH COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE – [1:09:09]: No representative present.
Senator Brenton Awa – [1:09:39]: Senator Awa introduced his office staff – Elizabeth Tavake, Hanu Lewis, Mark Talia, and Crystal Alana-Pang. Senator Awa noted that he put in a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) request to get monies for Waialua High School’s football field earlier in the year and announced that the Governor approved $750,000 to get a crown emergency repairs to the field. Senator Awa also noted that he will be working on a CIP request for Genki balls in the cesspools.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:14:03]. Questions raised regarding Genki balls and costs, cesspools, community participation and engagement, transparency and Sunshine Laws, Avian flu, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, football field, and HDOT projects.
Member Alexander left the meeting at 8:28 p.m. There were 11 members present.
Representative Sean Quinlan – [1:33:12]: No representative was present and no report was submitted. Chair Pahinui noted that Representative Quinlan informed her of his absence due to illness.
Representative Amy Perruso – [1:33:29]: Yvonne Yoro announced the People’s Budget meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at Mililani High School Library, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For any concerns or bill ideas, contact Representative Perruso’s office at 808-586-6700 or repperruso@capitol.hawaii.gov.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – [1:36:27]: Deputy Kealoha Fox briefly introduced herself. Deputy Fox provided the report, which can be found at: Mayor Blangiardi’s November 2024 Newsletter. Deputy Fox highlighted the City’s proposal to increase sewer fees and the updated flood maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:38:42].
Coastline Access – [1:38:46]: Member McElheny raised concerns regarding residents having access to the coastline safely and be able to safely bring young children to the water by exploring resident only parking at some of the City beach parks, particularly in the North Shore area. He wants the residents to safely take their children to the ocean and not inviting more visitors, so the children will turn into stewards of the coastline.
Mayor’s Stance on Sharks Cove – [1:40:01]: Member Foo noted at the Mayor’s Town Hall meeting that the Mayor was very specific and saying it could be done, regarding making an offer to the landowners for the North Shore First Responder Center. Foo is requesting a follow up on what the Mayor meant when he said, “it could be done” regarding Sharks Cove and the First Responder Center.
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle – [1:40:40]: Member Andersen is requesting if the Mayor has any plans to combat the Rhinoceros Beetle. [1:42:41] – Member Antolini asked what is the plan for taking care of the cocoas and other things that are getting hit in the beach parks and what is the plan for replacement of something that would be resilient in terms of coastal erosion.
Laniakea Project – [1:41:51]: Member Antolini asked what is the process going to be for the disposition of the Mauka City park acreage, which is about roughly three (3) acres.
Haleiwa Walkways Update – [1:43:24]: Member Biechler requested for an update to the Haleiwa walkways.
Intersection Alignment – [1:43:39]: Member Biechler noted the alignment of the intersection on Goodale Avenue and Kealohanui Street is very odd and needs resolved. Biechler wants to keep the bike path but make the intersection something that is safe and easy for visitors and other people pulling up to the intersection and have no clue how to treat this intersection.
Trees – [1:46:15]: Vice Chair Achiu asked what will replace the trees at Aliʻi Beach Park that have been marked to be cut down because of the roots of those trees are very big and been there for a long time could pose erosion concerns.
Testimonies – Wind Turbines – [1:47:22]: Resident Dawn Bruns noted that the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency and the Mayor have in the past supported the 1.25 miles setback for the wind turbines and noticed that the DPP person has been the only one testifying in person recently and is kind of struggling, so therefore, Resident Bruns is requesting that the Mayor send someone who can assist the Councilmembers when they have questions.
Councilmember Matt Weyer – [1:48:36]: Kelly Anaya provided the report, which can be found at: Councilmember Weyer’s November 2024 Report. Anaya stated that the Councilmember attended a community meeting regarding the swimming pool and recreation center at Kahuku District Park. Anaya provided legislative updates on Bill 22, which was vetoed by the Mayor; Bill 64 will be taken up at full Council on Wednesday, December 11, 2024; Bill 59 was introduced, which will reduce single-use plastic containers at City facilities and events; and Bill 61, which will prohibit performing wheelies on public roadways using certain motorized vehicles. Anaya provided updates to concerns raised at previous meeting which included raised crosswalks at Haleʻiwa Elementary and Waialua Beach Road, Goodale Avenue bike lanes, ahupuaʻa signage Sunset Elementary and Haleʻiwa Beach Park, damaged bus stop at Waimea, damaged palms from the CRB, bike path overgrowth, DMV kiosk, and Kawailoa limiting green waste collection.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:55:13].
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – [2:22:53]: Biechler MOVED and Leinau SECONDED to adopt the October 22, 2024 Minutes as written. The Board conducted a voice vote and hearing no objections, the Minutes were adopted as written.
Agriculture Committee – [2:04:44]: Committee Chair Achiu noted that the Committee is diligently and consistently following Bill 64. Committee Chair Achiu also noted that the Agriculture Committee had a Special Committee Meeting to address the Conservation Reservce Program (CPR) agriculture lots that are in Mokulēʻia and other areas, specifically Mahiko Farms. Committee Chair Achiu announced another special meeting in December 2024, regarding the bird flu situation.
Health and Emergency Prepareness Committee – [2:08:09]: Committee Chair Casson-Fisher acknowledged Chair Pahinui and the sponsors for the recent Health and Emergency Preparedness Fair that was held on November 9, 2024. Committee Chair Casson-Fisher announced that the next meeting will be sometime in January 2025.
Cesspool Committee – [2:09:32]: Committee Chair Pahinui announced the next Cesspool Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 via zoom. Committee Chair Pahinui noted that the Committee will be working Representative Perruso’s office on possible issues regarding cesspools and the ability to update some rules for the Department of Health (DOH).
Parks Committee – [2:17:06]: Committee Chair Antolini noted that the Park Committee meets at various parks at 7:00 a.m. Committee Chair Antolini stated that the Committee visited the Haleʻiwa Beach Park, Aliʻi Beach Park, and Waimea Bay. Committee Chair Antolini noted that the focus of the Committee is on the need for better maintenance, need to support the staff and more staffing, and need for enforcement similar to the pilot park ranger program in town parks. Committee Chair Antolini also noted the need to focus on Capital Improvement Projects for the beach facilities, looking at partnerships such as Adopt-A-Park program and community partners. Committee Chair Antolini announced that the next Park Committee will be on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, in the evening, at Waialua Community Association.
BOARD MEMBER ATTENDANCE AT COMMUNITY MEETINGS / PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chair Pahinui noted several Board members at the Agriculture Committee Special Meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – [2:13:22]:
Next Regular Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, January 28, 2025. The Board will recess in December 2024. Chair Pahinui noted that the January 2025 meeting will be devoted to Arete and Turtle Bay developments.
Board Member Announcements: A question was asked regarding Arete whether the work is on pauce. Member Antolini recommended going to Arete’s website. Vice Chair Achiu recommended checking out Paumalū Press as it is filled with projects that are happening in North Shore. Member Casson-Fisher announced that the Waialua Hawaiian Civic Club and the Pnana Leo o Waialua Hawaiian Emergent Preschool will be gathering at the Waialua Courthouse for talk story about Lā Kūʻokoʻa.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
Submitted by: Zhoydell Magaoay, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy
Finalized By: Chair Kathleen Pahinui
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.