67-020 Waialua Beach Road, Waialua, Hawaiʻi, 96791
7:00 P.M.
Meeting Materials: Find an archive of handouts and referenced materials concerning to North Schore Neighborhood Board No. 27 at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHC_YHAUoI_2hPauiSJ1nbvIiMu5giyt.
Recordings: Recordings of Board meetings can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DZJTKor6TTNYiqx5U-P2w
Rules of Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to raise their hand, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Speakers are encouraged to keep their comments under two (2) minutes, and those giving reports are urged to keep their reports less than three (3) minutes. Please silence all electronic devices.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds (2/3) vote (10) of this 15-member Board is needed to add an item to the agenda. Items may not be added if they are of major importance and will affect a significant number of people.
I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kathleen Pahinui
II. DECLARATION OF ANY CONFLICTS BY BOARD MEMBERS: Board members to state if they hold any conflicts regarding any issue under board business, per Section 2-14-116 and Section 2-13-105 of the Neighborhood Plan, that would require disclosure or recusal.
III. CITY MONTHLY REPORTS (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. Honolulu Fire Department
B. Honolulu Police Department
C. Board of Water Supply
IV. RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS: (Limited to two (2) Minutes Each)
V. BOARD BUSINESS (Limited to maximum 10 Minute Presentation)
A. Kaʻena Point National Heritage Area Feasibility Study – Ati Jeffers-Fabro
B. Ledbetter Residence, 59-817 Kamehameha Hwy, Special Management Area Permit – Jim Hayes, Planning Solutions, Inc.
C. Haleʻiwa Backyards, State Land Use District Boundary Amendment and Zone Change – Jim Hayes, Planning Solutions, Inc
VII. CITY ELECTED OFFICIALS (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. Mayor Rick Blangiardi Representative – TBD
B. Council Member Matt Weyer
VIII. STATE ELECTED OFFICIALS: (Limited to three (3) Minutes Each)
A. State Senator Brenton Awa
B. State Representatives: Sean Quinlan and Amy Perruso
A. July 23, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
B. September 24, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Agriculture Committee – Chair Racquel Achiu
B. Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee – Chair Maka Casson-Fisher
C. Cesspool Committee – Chair Kathleen Pahinui
D. Parks Committee – Chair Denise Antolini
A. Chair’s Correspondence – correspondence is emailed to board members.
B. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
C. Board Member Announcements
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Telephone (808) 768-3710 Fax (808) 768-3711; or call Neighborhood Assistant Zhoydell Magaoay at (808) 768-4224 or e-mail zhoydell.magaoay@honolulu.gov. Agendas and minutes are also available on the internet at www.honolulu.gov/nco.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to zhoydell.magaoay@honolulu.gov at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024
7:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0HkQ-GLCQw
Meeting materials can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHC_YHAUoI_2hPauiSJ1nbvIiMu5giyt
CALL TO ORDER – [0:00:28]: Chair Pahinui called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Quorum was not established with seven (7) members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Erica Lehmkuhl, Racquel Achiu, Sash Fitzsimmons, Bob Leinau, Denise Antolini, Kathleen Pahinui, SharLyn Foo, Deborah Aldrich (arrived at 7:08 p.m., and Maka Casson-Fisher (arrived at 7:10 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Mark Clemente, Casi Alexander, Michael Lyons, Leif Anderson, Michael Biechler, and Blake McElheny.
Guests: Firefighter Dustin Pope (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Scott Viera (Honolulu Police Department); Director Matt Gonser (Mayor Blangiardi’s Representative); Ryan Kobayashi (Councilmember Weyer’s Office); Representative Amy Perruso, Yvonne Yoro (Representative Amy Perruso’s Office); Johnny Aguirre, Michelle Cazimero, Lynell Dmate, Andrea Woods, Erendira Aldana, Larry McElheny, Alex Kahl, Sharryl Matsumoto, Franco Traumantano; Chad Middleton (Waimea Valley), Eric Pachowicz (Waimea Valley)(Guests/Residents). Name not included if not legible on sign-in sheet, not signed in, not stated for the record and/or not participated in discussion.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS [0:01:08] – Chair Pahinui changed the order of the Agenda to Declaration of Conflicts due to lack of quorum.
DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS BY BOARD MEMBERS – [0:01:08] – There was no declaration of conflict.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:01:47]: Firefighter Dustin Pope reported the following.
June 2024 Statistics: There was one (1) wildland/brush fire, one (1) activated alarm (no fire), 63 medical emergencies, one (1) motor vehicle collision with pedestrian, two (2) motor vehicle crashes/collisions, two (2) mountain rescues, and one (1) ocean rescue.
Fire Safety Tip: Firefighter Pope provided heat safety tips. A copy of the report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IBihHXNxjrtXDc-m4AlmL1AqF72bSq51/view?usp=drive_link.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:03:21]. Questions raised regarding access to Drum Road during fire, private land maintenance and penalties, and who is responsible for paying mountain rescues.
Member Aldrich arrived at 7:08 p.m. There were eight (8) members present. Quorum was established.
[0:05:37] – Hearing no objections, Chair Pahinui changed the order of the Agenda and returned to Election of Officers.
Chair: [0:05:54] Antolini nominated Pahinui for Chair. Hearing no other nominations and no objections, the Board conducted voice vote; 8-0-0 (Pahinui: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo). Pahinui was elected as Chair [0:06:16].
Member Casson-Fisher arrived at 7:10 p.m. There were nine (9) members present.
Vice Chair: [0:06:19] Leinau nominated Casson-Fisher for Vice Chair. [0:06:35] Antolini nominated Achiu for Vice Chair. Casson-Fisher declined the nomination. Leinau withdrew his nomination. Hearing no other nominations and no objections, the Board conducted voice vote; 9-0-0 (Achiu: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher). Achiu was elected as Vice Chair [0:07:38].
Secretary: [0:07:54] Antolini nominated Foo for Secretary. Hearing no other nominations and no objections, the Board conducted voice vote; 9-0-0 (Achiu: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher). Foo was elected as Secretary [0:08:30].
Treasurer: [0:08:34] Hearing no objections, the Board agreed to not have a Treasurer.
[0:08:58] – Chair Pahinui returned to the order of the Agenda with the City Monthly Reports.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:09:07]: Lieutenant Viera reported the July 2024 crime statistics, which may be found at https://www.honolulupd.org/.
July 2024 Statistics: There were six (6) assaults, three (3) burglaries, one (1) robbery, and nine (9) unauthorized entries to motor vehicle (UEMV). Lieutenant Viera reported one (1) fatality involving vehicle collision on Kaukonahua Road. Lieutenant Viera noted that the accident is still under investigation in which the vehicle was seized and resulted in criminal charges on the driver.
Safety Tips: Lieutenant Viera encouraged the public to use their seat belts when in a vehicle.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:10:22]. Requests were raised to possibly start including statistics on tickets and citations that HPD issue each month in a breakdown of types (speeding, no parking) and locations where they were issued and HPD to be more proactive in patrolling and penalizing bad behavior like speeding and parking violations, especially around the food trucks across McDonald’s on Kamehameha Highway. Complaints were raised about HPD officers hanging out or taking a very long break for over an hour at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. Questions raised regarding parking management at Shark’s Cove parking lot and trespassing process.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – [0:24:23]: BWS Representative Pahinui noted that there were no main breaks to report. Pahinui announced that the 2024 Annual Unthirsty Plant Sale at Hālawa Xeriscape Garden will be on Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A copy of the report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqG1XWMtR10iFhxUw8grPnICucfwNb1b/view?usp=drive_link. Pahinui encouraged the public to fill out the BWS Household Questionnaire which can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15IYmdrMIvnWe-mGtfeVBPepisDVLJHxu/view?usp=drive_link. For questions, contact Kathleen Pahinui at 808-748-5319.
MEETING DETERMINATION-DATE/TIME/LOCATION (AUGUST 2024 TO JUNE 2025) – [0:26:59]: [0:27:24] Leinau MOVED and Foo SECONDED that the North Shore Neighborhood Board will meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Waialua Elementary School. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:27:32]. The motion was adopted.
DETERMINATIONOF BOARD RECESS SCHEDULE (AUGUST 2024 TO JUNE 2025) – [0:27:41]: [0:27:51] Leinau MOVED and Foo SECONDED that the North Shore Neighborhood Board will recess in August 2024, December 2024, and April 2025. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:28:35]. The motion was adopted.
ADOPTION OF ORAL TESTIMONY RULES – [0:28:46]: [0:28:52] Leinau MOVED and Lehmkuhl SECONDED that speakers keep their comments to two (2) minutes. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:29:01]. The motion was adopted.
1. Traffic Concerns – [0:29:20]: Resident Larry McElheny noted that the traffic and parking problems need to be addressed immediately. McElheny proposed to the Board to think about placing a moratorium on any further development in the North Shore district.
2. School Events – [0:31:58]: Michelle Cazimero of Waialua High School announced upcoming events for the 2024-2025 school year which includes the kick-start event, opening of the school, and Homecoming activities.
3. Appropriations – [0:35:36]: Resident Alex Kahl suggested that the elected officials should appropriate allocation of taxpayer dollars back to the North Shore district to maybe work with the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) or some other entity to address the tourism traffic and parking concerns in North Shore. Kahl also suggested that the Department of Defense (DOD) should contribute to the improvements of infrastructures specifically the roads to military training sites.
BOARD BUSINESS – [0:36:50]
Creation of Board Committees and Members – [0:36:50]:
• Parks Committee – [0:37:19]: [0:39:59] Antolini MOVED and Lehmkuhl SECONDED to form the Parks Committee with Chair Denise Antolini and Members Racquel Achiu, Debbie Aldrich, Leif Andersen, Erica Lehmkuhl, Alex Kahl, and SharLyn Foo. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:40:16]. The motion was adopted.
• Agriculture Committee – [0:40:30]: [0:41:10] Achiu MOVED and Antolini SECONDED to form the Agriculture Committee with Chair Racquel Achiu and Members Leif Anderson, Ron Weidenbach, Boyd Ready, Vice Chair Casi Alexander, and Antya Miller. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:41:40]. The motion was adopted.
• Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee – [0:41:50]: [0:42:34] Casson-Fisher MOVED and Antolini SECONDED to form the Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee with Chair Maka Casson-Fisher and Members Napua Casson-Fisher, Antya Miller, and Nash Witten. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:42:50]. The motion was adopted.
• Cesspool Committee – [0:42:59]: [0:43:12] Pahinui MOVED and Casson-Fisher SECONDED to form the Cesspool Committee with Chair Kathleen Pahinui and Members Bob Leinau, Casi Alexander, TJ Cuersma, Racquel Achiu, Michael McNulty, and Bill Anderson. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:43:28]. The motion was adopted.
o Storm Water / Sewer Increase Stakeholders Advisory Group – [0:43:34]: [0:44:00] Leinau MOVED and Antolini SECONDED to confirm the appointment of Chair Pahinui to the Storm Water / Sewer Increase Stakeholders Advisory Group. Hearing no discussions, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:42:50]. The motion was adopted.
Representative Perruso Resolution for Ben Devine – [0:44:24]: Deferred to the next meeting.
Hiʻipaka LLC / Waimea Valley Responses to Draft EA – [0:45:28]: Chad Middleton noted that they will be applying for a Special Management Area (SMA) and the Conservation District Land Use (CDLU) permits. Middleton provided an overview of the project which will include a Hawaiian educational site at Puʻukua including an agroforestry garden and traditional Hawaiian hale, renovate the library area to create a Resource Center, demolish existing building and construct a new pavilion and install an office container, and expand the Visitors Center and Lūʻau area. Middleton said that as part of the Draft EA review, the Deparment of Transportation (HDOT) commented that should the paid parking be removed, Hiʻipaka will not need to implement the traffic mitigation (i.e. traffic signal). Middleton stated that hearing from the community that the traffic signal was not a desired improvement, Hiʻipaka determined to remove the paid beach parking at the start of construction. Middleton noted that the Final EA will be published in August 2024, SMA Major Permit will be submitted to Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) in late 2024, the CDUP application to the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL) sometime in 2025, and the projected start of construction in September 2025.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:53:38]. Questions were raised regarding the construction bidding process, parking situation, container office, true Hawaiian lūʻau show and menu, kamaʻāina discount to the lūʻau, and vision of the Valley.
U.S. ARMY 8TH MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE and 25TH COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE – [1:09:15]: There was no representative present. The training advisory can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F67nYCsaejij_s9ZHs13JUtCo08C0dE7/view?usp=drive_link.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – [1:09:27]: Director Matt Gonser provided the report which can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MTAlitrOUKi-FwjnZiethCDZbQzR1HTg/view?usp=drive_link. More information can be found at: https://www8.honolulu.gov/mayor/newsletter/. Director Gonser responded to concerns raised at previous meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:15:22].
1. Property Acquisition – [1:15:28]: Member Antolini requested a status update of the effort to purchase the Shark’s Cove property for a first responders center.
2. Project Concerns – [1:18:59]: Resident Franco Trumontano expressed concern about work being done at Mt. Kaala and asked if any work has been permitted.
Councilmember Matt Weyer – [1:19:50]: Ryan Kobayashi provided the report which can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18kSEj3Lg1Z5vX_9aH8q68nSCuZ64qQ6G/view?usp=drive_link. Kobayashi responded to questions raised at the previous meeting regarding traffic calming measures at the intersection of Naluahi Street and Farrington Highway and at Haleʻiwa Road near the Boat Harbor, speed bumps at the Haleʻiwa Elementary School, Laniākea parking drawings, and Hanapohaku facilities map request.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:22:07]. Questions was raised regarding the process of getting a public facilities map listing for the Hanapohaku property and Kuilima at Turtle Bay projects.
Senator Brenton Awa – [1:29:00]: No representative present and no report was submitted.
Representative Sean Quinlan – [1:29:02]: No representative present and no report was submitted.
Representative Amy Perruso – [1:29:14]: Representative Perruso noted that letters went out from her Office regarding Kawaihāpai. Representative Perruso reported that on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, a community meeting was held at ʻĀweoweo Beach Park around Coconut Rhinocerus Beetle (CRB) response. Representative Perruso provided updates regarding landlord tenant code and military lease renewal. The Representative announced that she and Councilmember Weyer will be having a Forum around land use and housing on Monday, August 12, 2024 at Wahiawā Elementary School from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Representative Perruso reminded the public that written testimony is due on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Questions and concerns, please contact the office at 808-586-6700 or Representative Perruso’s cell number at 808-351-0980.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:33:19]. Questions was raised regarding the letter regarding Kawaihāpai, traffic light timing at Foodland on Kamehameha Highway and the traffic light in Haleʻiwa that was made for sugar cane trucks, and leaning electrical poles in Mokulēʻia. Chair Pahinui read a text from Shelly Kunishige of HDOT regarding the Kamehameha Highway – J.P. Leong Bypass paving work.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tuesday, June 25, 2024: [1:38:50] Leinau MOVED and Foo SECONDED to adopt the Minutes as written. Hearing no discussions or corrections, the Board conducted a voice vote; 9-0-0 (Aye: Lehmkuhl, Pahinui, Fitzsimmons, Achiu, Aldrich, Leinau, Antolini, Foo, Casson-Fisher; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [1:39:24]. The Minutes were adopted.
Agriculture (Ag) Committee – [1:39:50]: Chair Achiu noted that the Committee discussed Bill 64 and the Land Use Ordinance amendments to the Agriculture section. Chair Achiu stated that the Committee have chosen three topics to present a Resolution to the Board at the next meeting as recommendations to submit to the City Council.
[1:43:09] Leinau raised a question regarding the CRB.
Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee – [1:40:53]: Health and Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair Casson-Fisher reported that the Committee has not yet met, however announced the upcoming Health and Emergency Preparedness event at the end of August 2024. Chair Casson-Fisher noted that the Committee will be discussing the crowdstrike outage and how it affected the community in regards to emergency preparedness at a future meeting.
Cesspool Committee – [1:44:24]: Chair Pahinui announced that the Committee will start up again in September 2024. Chair Pahinui noted that the Stakeholders Advisory Group for Sewer and Storm Water discussed cesspool conversions.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – [1:45:35]:
1. Next Regular Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
2. Civil Beat Event: Chair Pahinui announced that Civil Beat will be hosting a candidate grilling of the three (3) Senate candidates by reporters at the Wailua Community Association on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
Submitted by: Zhoydell Magaoay, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy
Finalized By: Chair Kathleen Pahinui
7:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ciuj7l49kM
Meeting materials can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHC_YHAUoI_2hPauiSJ1nbvIiMu5giyt
CALL TO ORDER – [0:00:29]: Chair Pahinui called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. Quorum was established with 12 members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action. The Board and community took a moment of silence to honor a community member killed in a pedestrian accident earlier in the day.
Board Members Present: Erica Lehmkuhl, Racquel Achiu, Sash Fitzsimmons, Bob Leinau, Denise Antolini, Kathleen Pahinui, SharLyn Foo, Mark Clemente, Maka Casson-Fisher, Michael Lyons, Leif Anderson, Deborah Aldrich, Casi Alexander (arrived at 7:11 p.m.), and Blake McElheny (arrived at 8:04 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Michael Biechler.
Guests: Firefighter Dustin Pope (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant A. Baysa, Sergeant A. Lipka (Honolulu Police Department); Councilmember Matt Weyer, Kelly Anaya (Councilmember Weyer’s Office); Representative Amy Perruso; Representative Sean Quinlan; Senator Brenton Awa; Cheyenne Curvey, Russell Peremu, Daryl Robertson, Louella Robertson, Tim C., Lynell DaMate, Karen Gallagher, Christian Adamas, Mike Mitchell, Rick Mann, Gil Riviere, Ben Harbin, Carol Philips, Ben Devine, Paul McCurdy, Darrel Whitaker, Erendira Aldanh, Alfredo Antonio (Guests/Residents). There were approximately 74 participants. Name not included if not legible on sign-in sheet, not signed in, not stated for the record and/or not participated in discussion.
DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS BY BOARD MEMBERS – [0:01:25]: Clemente declared conflict with the North Shore Development Moratorium Resolution because he works for the Carpenters’ Union.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – [0:01:57]: Firefighter Dustin Pope reported the following.
August 2024 Statistics: There were two (2) wildland/brush fires, one (1) nuisance fire, four (4) activated alarms (no fire), 40 medical emergencies, one (1) motor vehicle collision with pedestrian, four (4) motor vehicle crashes/collisions, one (1) mountain rescue, and one (1) ocean rescue.
Fire Safety Tip: Firefighter Pope reminded the public about the Move Over for Emergency Vehicles Law. A copy of the report can be found at: HFD September 2024 Report.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:03:35]. Inquiries were raised regarding the recent wildland fires in the North Shore area.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – [0:04:59]: Lieutenant Baysa reported the August 2024 crime statistics, which may be found at https://www.honolulupd.org/.
August 2024 Statistics: There were two (2) aggravated assaults, two (2) burglaries, 42 motor collisions, eight (8) motor collisions with vehicles towed, eight (8) unauthorized entries to motor vehicle (UEMV), and 940 total calls for service. Lieutenant Baysa reported citations issued as requested by the Board – six (6) criminal offenses, 226 parking violations, and 719 traffic violations. Lieutenant Baysa noted that HPD cannot separate the statistics by location as requested by the Board.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:06:50]. Concerns raised regarding e-bikes and motorbikes safety & regulation and reporting of illegal vacation rentals.
Member Alexander arrived at 7:11 p.m. There were 13 members present.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – [0:15:31]: BWS Representative Pahinui waived her report and went straight to questions. A copy of the report can be found at: BWS September 2024 Report.
Christmas Parade [0:16:10]: Resident Karen Gallagher announced that the annual Haleʻiwa Town Christmas Parade will be on Friday, December 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Expect road closures. If you have any questions, contact Erica Lehmkuhl at 808-723-0953.
Ahupuaʻa Sign – [0:16:35]: Resident Gallagher reported that the Ahupuaʻa sign at the entrance to Sunset Beach Elementary School is facing the wrong way. Chair Pahinui requested Ms. Gallagher to send an email reminder of the concern.
911 Lifeguard Option – [0:17:02]: Resident Gallagher suggested a lifeguard option to the 911 emergency system.
Speed Humps Extension – [0:17:22]: Resident Delphine expressed her support of the speed humps in the area and requested that speed humps be extended toward the Paalaa Kai Homes area because there are a lot of vehicles using that route to bypass the traffic and are speeding through the Paalaa Kai Homes area.
Lighting Request – [0:18:03]: Resident Delphine requested to install more lighting at the children’s playground area in Haleʻiwa Beach Park for safety reasons and presence of houseless individuals around the Park.
Park Gate Lock – [0:19:09]: Resident Napua Casson-Fisher noted police presence in the past at Kaiaka Beach Park, but lately they have not been there. Casson-Fisher raised concerns regarding people cutting the locks of the gate and observed activities that were not there before in the evening hours at Kaiaka Beach Park. Casson-Fisher requested police presence around the area again.
Paalaa Ahupuaʻa Sign – [0:19:47]: Resident Napua Casson-Fisher noted the Paalaa and Kamananui Ahupuaʻa signs are swapped the wrong way. She did contact the City, but did not get a response yet.
Collapsed Beachfront Homes – [0:20:04]: Resident Antolini raised concerns with two homes off Ke Nui Road, near Sunset Beach that are posing public safety/hazard issue. These homes are falling into the ocean.
Unimproved Sidewalk – [0:21:29]: Foo noted a tragic accident in the morning killing an elderly woman walking on an unimproved sidewalk near Kamehameha Highway and Pūpūkea Road, in the Pūpūkea area. Foo requested installing walk path, sidewalk, safety mitigations such as guardrails toward Waimea.
Issues Concerning the Driveways on Kaukonahua Road / Wilikina Drive and Kamehameha Highway Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) Update – [0:22:46]: Chair Pahinui noted that group have made contact with the egg farm owner. Chair Pahinui noted that the gravel gets wash away, and when it rains, it is very puddly. The owner is aware of the problem and the owner want it to get it fixed. The PIG will schedule a meeting with the owner and requested Councilmember Weyer or a representative from his office to join the meeting as it may require additional City resources to address the concerns.
[0:24:33] – Hearing no objections to rearranging the order of the Agenda, Chair Pahinui flip-flopped the order of the Agriculture Committee Resolution and Moratorium Resolution.
North Shore Development Moratorium Resolution – [0:24:41]: Chair Pahinui stated that she will read the Resolution into the record, then will have a discussion, and amend the Resolution as needed. The Resolution can be found at: North Shore Development Moratorium Resolution. Chair Pahinui stated that the Resolution was created to address concerns raised from residents regarding carrying capacity, traffic, and safety. The Resolution requests that the City impose a moratorium on all residential, commercial, and agricultural development and permits for commercial beach activity in the area under the updated North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan until the update plan becomes part of the Land Use Ordinance; the moratorium does not apply to owner-occupied remodeling or rebuilding of single-family homes on non-coastal parcels or the replacement of cesspools with septic tanks.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [0:26:28]. Board members and community members support the intent of the Resolution, however, are concerned with the implications of the moratorium to current developments and improvements from pausing, the rising costs of projects, and the length of the moratorium. The community agrees that North Shore is dealing with lots of vehicle traffic in the area, existing infrastructures cannot handle any more projects, and the status quo is not acceptable. Chair Pahinui will take all the comments, rework the Resolution, and bring this item back into the agenda in January 2025.
Member McElheny arrived at 8:04 p.m. There were 14 members present.
Agriculture Committee Resolution for Bill 64 – [1:14:13]: Agriculture Chair Achiu provided a brief overview of the efforts of the Agriculture Committee to address concerns with Bill 64. Agriculture Chair Achiu stated that the Committee generated three (3) recommendations or amendments that the Committee would like to present and gain support, to submit to the City Council. Agriculture Vice Chair Alexander noted that the Committee discussed all sections of the draft Bill 64 related to Agriculture and captured comments. Vice Chair Alexander announced that the Second Reading of the draft Bill 64 is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the City Council. Vice Chair Alexander read the proposed Resolution which can be found at: Agriculture Committee Resolution for Bill 64. The Agriculture Committee proposed a Resolution on the promotion of a regulatory environment that facilitates rather than hinders agricultural production on agricultural lands. The Resolution affirms the importance of creating a regulatory environment that supports and enables rather than hinders agricultural production on Oahu’s agricultural lands, and urges the Council to consider the North Shore NB affirmation as the basis for discussing all draft uses, usage standards, and definitions relevant to agricultural zoned lands proposed for inclusion in or exclusion from Bill 64.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [1:28:25]. Board members and community members raised concerns regarding the Resolution not being specific enough in regards to the number of animals allowed in each dwelling, the consideration of livestock smell and noise, and the required setbacks in the farm dwellings, zoning requirements, and the common property resources (CPRs).
[1:39:32] – The Chair called for a quick recess because a community member did not adhere to the two-minute testimony rule and refuse to end his testimony. Other community members present at the meeting contacted HPD. [1:39:35] – Chair Pahinui reconvened the meeting.
[1:59:55] – Alexander MOVED and Foo SECONDED to accept the Resolution as amended to include an additional topic that would adjust the definition of nature-based activities and to not include vacation cabins. Discussions followed. Hearing no further discussions, the Board conducted a roll call vote; 11-0-3 [Aye: Achiu, Aldrich, Alexander, Andersen, Antolini, Casson-Fisher, Foo, Lehmkuhl, Leinau, McElheny, Pahinui; Nay: None; Abstain: Clemente, Fitzsimmons, Lyons) [2:03:35]. The motion was adopted.
[2:04:22] – Chair Pahinui changed the order of the agenda.
Representative Amy Perruso – [2:04:59]: Representative Perruso presented certificates to former State Senator Gil Riviere and Ben Devine for their work in protecting Kawaihāpai Airfield and its community. Representative Perruso reported that there is a lot going on in the district with respect to land management. The Representative will be asking the Agribusiness Development Corportation (ADC) for a full report on their tenants and the agricultural uses to which the tenants are putting those lease lands. Representative Perruso is requesting the support of the Board in this endeavor and will provide a report at the next meeting regarding the findings from ADC. Representative Perruso announced that the land use and housing forum will be on Monday, September 30, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Wahiawā Elementary School.
Representative Sean Quinlan – [2:12:41]: Representative Quinlan reported that the Van Emmerick properties are critically endangered and they are probably going to fall into the ocean soon. Representative Quinlan noted that there are two (2) cesspools on the property. The Representative will have an emergency meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, with the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP), Attorney General’s Office, and OCCL. Representative Quinlan noted that he sent out a letter to DPP asking them to pause or delay issuing building permits on the Turtle Bay Resort development.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:15:09].
Senator Brenton Awa – [2:26:51]: Senator Awa noted that he will be working on Bills that prohibit foreigners from buying homes, agriculture lands, and around military lands for the next Legislative Session. Senator Awa stated that he has received a text message from the DLNR Director Don Chang regarding complaint filed against the land owner to remove the debris and take aggressive action. The Senator noted that the Department of Agriculture (HDOA) is coming out with an emergency Proclamation regarding the rhinoceros beetle, which will be requesting to eliminate the fee for burning and to cut down the time for the permit. Senator Awa reported homeless sweep at Haleʻiwa Harbor.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed – [2:32:17].
U.S. ARMY 8TH MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE and 25TH COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE: Deferred to the next meeting due to time constraint. The training advisories can be found at: U.S. Army Training Advisory Media Release; Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JJPMRC) Information; and JPMRC Notice.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative: Deferred to the next meeting due to time constraint. The Mayor’s Newsletter can be found at: Mayor Blangiardiʻs September Newsletter or https://www8.honolulu.gov/mayor/newsletter/. Responses to concerns raised from previous meeting can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hgKyBEM0Ohw6wa08eHJ1nhxUBrmBl-RK/view?usp=drive_link.
Councilmember Matt Weyer: Deferred to the next meeting due to time constraint. Councilmember Weyer’s report can be found at: Councilmember Matt Weyer’s September 2024 Report.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tuesday, July 23 2024: Deferred to the next meeting due to time constraint.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Deferred to the next meeting due to time constraint.
Next Regular Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
Submitted by: Zhoydell Magaoay, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy
Finalized By: Chair Kathleen Pahinui
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.