85-601 Farrington Highway, Waiʻanae, Hawaiʻi, 96792
Tuesday, July 2, 2024 @ 6:30- 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Link: https://cchnl.webex.com/cchnl/j.php?MTID=maeed5df2e50a092fa1c71b930428e094
Meeting number: 2492 938 7667
Password: NB24 (6224 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 2492 938 7667
Physical Location: Waianae District Park Multi-Purpose Room
85-601 Farrington Hwy, Waianae, HI 96792
*This is an alternate meeting location open to public participation.
Other available options include participating by WebEx and phone; instructions listed above.
In-Person / Webex
Rules of Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to a) in attendance at physical location please raise your hand to be recognized by the chair; When recognized by the Chair, state your name for the record and then address comments to the Chair. Speakers are encouraged to keep their comments under two (2) minutes, and those giving reports are urged to keep their reports to three (3) or five (5) minutes or less, including Q&A, and depending on your Item section allotment.
Please silence all electronic devices in physical location if you need to answer a call please step outside.
Working Agreements: Please be respectful while others are speaking, let’s agree to disagree and please refrain from making any comments and gestures towards fellow community members on any topic. While addressing concern please stay within the 2 minutes or yield the remaining of your time if less and try to stay on topic one concern at a time. No more than two concerns shall be heard in one single meeting any more than the allotted amount please feel free to fill out our concern sheets in writing or speak to me after our meeting is adjourned.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. A two-thirds vote (5) of this 9-member Board is needed to add an item to the agenda. Items may not be added if they are of major importance and will affect a significant number of people.
*COVID-19 Adjusted Protocols: Due to the transition from all virtual-to-virtual meetings with a physical location, we will implement both in person and online courtesy and procedures. During the remote meeting, please mute your device when you are not speaking or requesting to speak.
1. Call to Order: Tiana Wilbur, Chair–
2. Pule Wehe: Calvin Endo
3. City Emergency & First Responders Reports: (Limited to three (3) minutes each including Q&A)
3.1 Honolulu Fire Department (HFD)
3.2 Honolulu Police Department (HPD)
3.3 Ocean Safety(Lifeguard)
4. Recognitions:
4.1 Senator Maile Shimabukuro
4.2 Westside Hawaiian Civic Clubʻs:
• Makaha- Georgianna Navarro
• Waianae- Georgette Stevens
• Lualualei- Joseph Lapilio
• Nanaikapono- Sanoe Marfil
5. Board Business:
5.1 Approval of Tuesday, May 7, 2024
5.2 Approval of Tuesday, July 9, 2024 Agenda
5.3 Report of Board Members attendance at other Meetings; and Board Member declaration of conflict of interest regarding any issue under board business, that would require disclosure or recusal.
5.4 Nominations and Voting for officers: Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, Treasurer
5.5 open floor for nominations for Board Member in subdistrict 2 seat, receive introductions, voting
5.6 Discussion on participation on Aug 3rd Waianae Elementary and Boys and Girls club fields and all future events, by sending email to all board members for us to participate to be visible in community, maybe also doing a free booth at least monthly at our Makeke markets. More engagement and interaction year-round with our community.
6. Presentations:
6.1 HECO- Wild fire prevention projects, Kurt Tsue
7. Residents’/Community Concerns: Limited to two (2) minutes each.
8. City Monthly Reports, Military, Public Safety & Community Reports: (Limited to three (3) minutes each including Q&A)
8.1 Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s Representative – Director Dawn Apuna
8.2 Honolulu Councilmember Andria Tupola, County District 1
8.3 Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Christopher Sugimoto, Civil Engineer (written)
8.4 U.S. Army Garrison – Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Yun (written)
8.5 U.S. Navy– Victor Flint, Community Planning & Liaison Officer (written)
9. Elected Officials or their Representatives: (Limited to three (3) minutes each)
9.1 Congresswoman Jill Tokuda District 2 Report
9.2 Governor Green’s Representative
9.3 State Senator Interim/ office staff, Senate District 22 (Vacant)
9.4 State Representative Cedric Gates, House District 45
9.5 State Representative Darius Kila, House District 44
10. Board Committee Reports and Membership: (Limited to three (3) minutes each.) Monthly meetings are tentatively scheduled until an official agenda is filed with the Honolulu City Clerk’s Office.
• Transportation: Chair Richard Landford, 1st Thursday
• Parks & Ocean Safety: Chair Kalei Wilbur, 2nd Tuesday
• Housing & Homelessness: Chair Cross Crabbe and Vice Chair Calvin Endo, 3rd Tuesday
• Natural Resources: Water and Land: Chair Philip Ganaban and VC Richard Landford, 3rd Thursday
• Hawaiian Affairs: Chair Kaukaohu Wahilani, 1st Thursday
• Education, Health & Public Safety: Chair Calvin Endo and Vice Chair Cross Crabbe, 3rd Tuesday
• Business and Economic Development: Chair Philip Ganaban and VC Richard Landford, 3rd Thursday
11. Announcements
11.1 The next regular meeting of the Wai’anae Neighborhood Board No. 24 is 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
11.2 If you are interested in attending any Neighborhood Security Watches in your area, please reach out for us to connect you.
11.3 Community events: see westside stories, School supply drive at Pililaau park drop off for Aug 3rd event, Lahoihoiea – pokai waianae kupuna council July 27th, July 30th Maililand Back to School by Catholic charities, Waianae Public Library schedule for month of July, get out and support our local artists and talent, DFM City Department and State DOT- Mahalo for your quick responses and diligence in our moku.
11.4 Community Consciousness and Values: Be part of the Solution not the Problem; letʻs put the unity back in community!!!
11.5 Other Announcements
12. Adjournment
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive Neighborhood Commission agendas and minutes. Additions, deletions, and corrections to the list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office, Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817; please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to nco@honolulu.gov, or fax 768-3705 to be added to the mailing list or visit https://www.honolulu.gov/esub/email-subscribe-nco.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, call the Neighborhood Assistant Jeffrey Jones at 768-3720, e-mail jeffrey.jones@honolulu.gov at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov.