715 Hoʻomoana St, Pearl City, Hawaiʻi, 96782
Waiau District Park, 98-1650 Kaahumanu St, Pearl City
3:00 PM
PCNB Documents Posted on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V5AlaHjrMVo42KclDDH1qS-pc2oJVF9l?usp=drive_link
Purpose of this Special Meeting: Pearl City Neighborhood Board No. 21 to facilitate this meeting while acting on resident complaints to bring the many families together with officials, lawmakers, non-profit 501c3 groups and others to identify a potential way-ahead for the Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery.
MEETING POLICY – Adopted August 27, 2024
Rules of Speaking:
Virtual: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to open the list of participants and click the “raise hand” icon by their name. When recognized by the Chair, address comments to the Chair. Remarks should not exceed 3 minutes. (Please cancel the “raise hand” icon after speaking. Presentations must be kept under 10 minutes. The “chat” box can also be used to ask simple questions. Board Members are required to keep their video active during the board meeting.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. Board actions such as draft resolutions and outgoing letters will be posted for the public on Google Drive.
Board Agenda Items: The Board is requesting that all written reports presented at the board meeting be soft copy emailed to the Board Chair and Website Manager: lveray@hawaii.rr.com and info@pearlcitynb.com. All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Blvd, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov
I. CALL TO ORDER – Co-Chaired by Chair Larry Veray and Vice Chair Charmaine Doran
a. Time Limit Policy and Procedures
b. All attendees are to sign in for the record
c. Introduction of Pearl City Neighborhood Board Members
a. Facilitation of a major community issue with the abandoned Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery that has negatively impacted the surrounding community for the past decade
b. Facilitate a way ahead to remove squatters and mitigate desecration of the cemetery and surrounding neighborhoods
c. Facilitate the revitalization of the cemetery
d. Facilitate discussions between state and city officials, the nonprofit organization and the public
(1) Government Officials:
(a) State Representative Gregg Takayama – Background on Governor Signing HB 2192
(b) State Senator Glenn Wakai – Creative Idea for long-term sustainability for maintaining the cemetery
(2) Background and Update on the Cemetery – President Larry Veray, Friends for Sunset Memorial Cemetery Nonprofit 501c3
(a) Introduction of members
(b) Current Upkeep of the Cemetery by Volunteers
(c) Continued Desecration of the Cemetery by the Homeless and Transients
(d) The Need to Secure the Cemetery with Funding Grants
(e) Reintegration of utilities: water, electricity, porta-potti
(f) Survey of Gravesites of the Cemetery and Website of Location of known Graves an Internment
(a) Potential Way-Ahead Recommendations
(3) Holu Hou Energy – President Ted Peck
(a) Proposed Solar PV Integration Plan for the Cemetery
a. Listening to the concerns from the families who have their loved ones buried or interned at the cemetery
b. Capturing Family participants Vote and Support on potential ideas and way-ahead for the cemetery
c. Closing comments by officials, nonprofit and public
A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board’s agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapalama Hale, Suite 160, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Telephone (808) 768-3710 Fax (808) 768-3711. Agendas and minutes are also available on the internet at www.honolulu.gov/nco.
All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817. Fax: (808) 768-3711. Email: nbtestimony@honolulu.gov.
If you require special assistance, auxiliary aid and/or service to participate in this event (i.e. sign language interpreter; interpreter for language other than English, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the NCO at (808) 768-3710, or email your request to nco@honolulu.gov at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting. Any individual wishing to attend a Neighborhood Board meeting who has questions about accommodations for a physical disability or a special physical need should call the NCO at 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. The Pearl City Neighborhood Board Chair can be reached at Lveray@hawaii.rr.com or phone: (808) 221-2503
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
Event shows physical location; however, other options of participation may also include WebEx and phone. If available, instructions for WebEx and phone can be found at the top of the agenda.