Department of Environmental Services

Updated Notification – Notification of elevated bacterial level shown in single sample of treated effluent taken at Kailua Regional WWTP

Notification of elevated bacterial level shown in single sample of treated effluent taken at Kailua Regional WWTP – Updated Notification

HONOLULU – An elevated count of a specific type of bacteria, enterococcus, was measured in single samples of treated effluent collected at the Kailua Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) July 14, 2024, at 9:19 a.m., and July 15, 2024, at 7:55 a.m.  Both single samples were higher than the single sample daily maximum limitation for enterococcus under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Kailua Regional WWTP. 

The samples were collected at the effluent monitoring station, within the plant, before discharging at the deep ocean outfall located approximately 5,000 feet from the shoreline at a depth of 105 feet below the surface of the water.  Enterococcus analysis requires a 24-hour test.  The most recent prior single samples, taken July 12 and July 13, were within the daily permit limitations. The city’s daily shoreline monitoring results since July 12 are well within water quality standards, and continue to show there is no shoreward movement of effluent from the outfall.

The city will continue to collect additional daily samples of the treated effluent at Kailua Regional WWTP and will collect daily samples at shoreline stations near the WWTP until the data confirms effluent enterococcus levels remain within the permit limit. 

During this time, signs remain posted to stay out of waters around the outfall.  This notification will be updated upon confirmation of the city’s additional monitoring efforts.



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