Traffic Advisory – Sewer Work: May 6-10, 2024
HONOLULU – The Department of Environmental Services alerts the public of traffic affected this next as city crews and contractors conduct sewer work between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (or *8 p.m. and 6 a.m.). Dates and locations provided below:
May 6 |
710 Kailua Rd |
Kailua |
Main Rehabilitation |
May 7 |
105 Oneawa St |
Kailua |
Main Rehabilitation |
May 8 |
105 Oneawa St |
Kailua |
Lateral Rehabilitation |
May 9 |
29 Hoolai St |
Kailua |
Lateral Rehabilitation |
May 10 |
1304 Mokapu Blvd |
Kailua |
Lateral Rehabilitation |
May 7-10 |
106 Puuhale Rd |
Kalihi-Palama |
Main Rehabilitation |
May 10 |
106/108 Puuhale Rd |
Kalihi-Palama |
Manhole Rehabilitation |
May 6 |
2403 Coyne St |
Moiliili |
Main Rehabilitation |
Major sewer projects for May 6-10, 2024
Hart Street/Waiakamilo Road Replacement Sewer Project
Waiakamilo Rd between Dillingham Blvd and Hart St
(1415 Dillingham Blvd to 420 Waiakamilo Rd)
URL: Sewer Projects Construction Map
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