Department of Environmental Services

Office of Environmental Communications

The role of ENV’s Office of Environmental Communications (OEC) is vital to getting the word out to the public keeping them abreast of all facets of wastewater, refuse, recycling, construction, and maintenance affecting their everyday lives.

OEC works closely with the mayor’s communication staff and other departments to ensure ENV’s information is presented accurately and timely, which is crucial to the department’s success.

The role of ENV communications

The role of ENV communications is to brand and promote its services to current and new customers. ENV utilizes its communications through social media, media relations, client events, and press releases.

ENV communications serves not only the public, but internally through the City and County of Honolulu’s Intranet. This assists management to keep staff in the know about what’s going on within the department and strengthens the various divisions.

The ENV OEC is led by the Public Information Officer III. He strategizes methods of both external and internal communications to meet the needs of ENV’s communications goals.

Functions of OEC

The communications division wears many hats.

Functions of OEC include:

  • Managing ENV’s website and social media, including working with the city’s website developers, posting regular social media updates, and engaging the public through social media channels.
  • Running educational promotions, either on social media, local radio and TV, or at physical locations.
  • Holding or participating at large local events.
  • Overseeing media relations, including writing and distributing news releases, responding to media inquiries, and maintaining up-to-date information on ENV.
  • Public speaking, including representing ENV in public settings and preparing directors to speak at events such as news conferences.
  • Managing marketing materials, including brochures, newsletters, and flyers.
  • Duties include but not limited to photographer, videographer, editor, writer, and drone pilot.
  • Finding opportunities for advertising, whether in print, TV, or online.
  • Handling crisis communications when an event threatens public safety such disruptions in service or a sewer spill.
  • Creating and implementing a 4-year Strategic Communications Plan, often in conjunction with new management.
  • Overseeing internal communications, including internal announcements.
  • All of these functions of the communications division help strengthen the department, city, brand, and marketing efforts.
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