Department of Transportation Services

Annual Parking Placard Rules & Regulations





  1. §15-2-1 Purpose
  2. §15-2-2 Definitions
  3. §15-2-3 Eligibility
  4. §15-2-4 Parking privileges
  5. §15-2-5 Issuance of placards
  6. §15-2-6 Display and use of placards
  7. §15-2-7 Replacement placards
  8. §15-2-8 Return of placards
  9. §15-2-9 Fees
  10. §15-2-10 Denials, suspensions, and revocations; appeals
  11. §15-2-11 Severability
  12. §15-2-12 Effective date
  1. §15-2-1 Purpose. This chapter implements Section 15-13.13(b) of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990, as the same may be amended from time to time, and sets forth the guidelines and procedures under which the director of the department of transportation services may issue parking placards to employees of certain city, state and federal agencies when driving vehicles while on official government business. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  2. §15-2-2 Definitions. The following words or terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
  3. “Employee” shall also mean the applicant and/or permittee.
  4. “Department” shall mean the Department of Transportation Services of the City and County of Honolulu.
  5. “Director” shall mean the Director of Transportation Services.
  6. “Official business” shall mean an incidental action performed by an employee which has been authorized by a proper authority within the agency.
  7. “Permittee” shall mean the employee who has been issued a parking placard.
  8. “Parking placard” or “placard” shall mean the parking placard issued by the department and used for the parking privileges afforded under this chapter. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  9. §15-2-3 Eligibility. The following categories of persons are eligible for a parking placard:
    1. An employee of a city agency whose official duties require parking in on-street metered parking spaces.
    2. An employee of a State or Federal agency whose official duties involve inspections and require parking in on-street meter parking spaces.
    3. A member of a City Board or Commission whose official duties require parking in on-street metered parking spaces. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  10. §15-2-4 Parking privileges. Placards issued under this chapter may be used by the permittee to park in on-street metered parking spaces where the meters are administered by the City, without payment of the parking meter fees, while the permittee is on official business. The placards may not be used in on-street metered parking spaces on private property, in off-street metered parking spaces, or for parking in loading, tow away, or other no parking zones. While using the placards, parking is not limited by designated parking time length periods except during no parking and tow away hours. Placards are not effective during parades or special events when parking is prohibited. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  11. §15-2-5 Issuance of placards.
    1. Parking placards shall be issued on a calendar year basis, with all placards expiring on December 31st of the calendar year. Placards shall be of the design and color approved by the director.
    2. All requests for a parking placard shall be made on an application form provided by the department. Incomplete or illegible applications and any application containing discrepancies may be rejected by the department.
    3. All applications shall be approved by the head of the department or agency by which the applicant is employed or in the case of a board or commission, by the officer identified in ROH Section 15-13.13(b)(2), prior to submission to the department, and shall include a letter signed by such head or officer stating that the applicant, by name, is an employee of said department, agency, or board or commission. The letter shall also include the job title and a description of the nature of the work that requires the placard. Applications without such approval and letter shall be considered incomplete.
    4. Applicants shall also provide a current State of Hawai’i driver’s license. In the case of an applicant who will be utilizing his or her personal vehicle, the applicant shall also provide the following:
      1. Current State of Hawai’i vehicle registration naming the applicant as the registered owner;
      2. Current vehicle safety check; and
      3. Current vehicle insurance.
    5. Each applicant shall be allowed only one placard. No temporary placards shall be issued.
    6. Applications for renewal of parking placards shall be accepted by the department no earlier than November 1 of each calendar year. An applicant for renewal must submit a new application form with the letter and all other information required by this section for an original application.The applicant shall also return the permit for the prior or current calendar year. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  12. §15-2-6 Display and use of placards.
    1. In order to receive the parking privileges authorized by this chapter, the parking placard shall be displayed in the permittee’s vehicle on the dashboard, in such a manner as to be clearly visible through the front windshield. The parking placard shall be used only while on official business. At all other times, the parking placard shall be secured and hidden from view.
    2. Parking placards are not transferable. The placard shall not be used by anyone other than the permittee. An unauthorized person using the placard shall be guilty of the underlying parking violation and subject to the penalties provided by law. A placard may be suspended or revoked for unauthorized use.
    3. Parking placards shall not be mechanically or otherwise reproduced. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  13. §15-2-7 Replacement placards.
    1. In the event a placard is lost, stolen or mutilated, the permittee shall submit a new application to the department stating the original placard number and the date the original placard was lost, stolen, or mutilated. In the event the placard was stolen, a copy of the police report shall accompany the request. In the event the placard was mutilated, the remaining pieces of the placard shall be returned to the department.
    2. In the case a replacement placard is necessary due to acquisition of a new vehicle, changes of vehicle license plates, or other similar reasons, a new application shall be filed indicating the reasons for issuance of a replacement placard. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  14. §15-2-8 Return of placards. Parking placards are the property of the department and shall be returned to the department promptly upon:
    1. expiration of the permit;
    2. death of the permittee; or
    3. termination of the permittee’s employment with the requesting agency. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  15. §15-2-9 Fees. Fees for new and replacement placards shall be paid to the extent authorized by ordinance. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  16. §15-2-10 Denials, suspensions and revocations; appeals.
    1. Violation or noncompliance by a permittee with any provision of Section 15-13.13 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990 or this chapter shall constitute sufficient grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of that person’s placard by the director for a period not exceeding one year.
    2. In the case of any suspension or revocation pursuant to this subsection, the permittee shall return the placard to the director.
    3. Prior to the suspension or revocation of a placard, the director shall give the person whose placard is proposed to be suspended or revoked 15 calendar days notice of the proposed suspension or revocation, stating the reasons therefor. Such notice shall be sufficient if mailed to the address stated upon the latest application submitted by the permittee to the director under this chapter. The permittee may demand a hearing on the proposed suspension or revocation at any time prior to the suspension or revocation by making a written demand therefor to the director. Such demand shall include a written approval from the head of the department or agency by which the permittee is employed or in the case of a board or commission, by the officer identified in ROH Section 15-13.13(b)(2). Upon receiving such demand, the director shall schedule a hearing on the proposed suspension or revocation before a hearings officer to be designated by the director. Notice of the [time and place of the] hearing shall be given to the permittee at least 15 days prior to the scheduled hearing by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested. The notice of hearing shall be sufficient if mailed to the address to which the notice of suspension or revocation was mailed, unless the permittee requests in writing that such notice be mailed elsewhere. Pending the hearing, if demand for a hearing has been made, the placard shall not be suspended or revoked. The hearings officer shall determine at the hearing whether there exists good cause under Section 15-13.13 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990 or this chapter for the proposed suspension or revocation, and shall issue an order either suspending or revoking the placard for a specified period or prohibiting such suspension or revocation. The hearing provided herein shall be a contested case hearing and the notice of, procedure for, and appeal from the hearing and order shall be as provided in HRS Chapter 91.
    4. In the event of a denial of a placard, the procedures set forth in subsection (c) shall apply, except that no placard shall be issued prior to the conclusion of the hearing and order of the hearings officer. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  17. §15-2-11 Severability. In the event that any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is rendered or held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable under the laws of the State of Hawai’i or the United States of America in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect the validity of this chapter as a whole, or the validity of any remaining provision of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or application, or any application of the provision to other persons or circumstances. To this end, the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
  18. §15-2-12 Effective date. This Chapter shall take effect ten days after filing of a certified copy of this Chapter with the City Clerk of the City and County of Honolulu. [Eff ] (Auth: ROH § 15-13.13(b)(Imp: ROH § 15-13.13(b))
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