Department of Transportation Services

U.S. MEDICARE (Red / White / Blue)

The U.S. Medicare HOLO Card is available at the Transit Pass Office. U.S. Medicare card must be presented. U.S. Medicare Form required

Load U.S. Medicare HOLO Cards at a HOLO retail location,, or call 808-768-4656.


Cash Fare for TheBus


Single Cash Fare             $1.25

Fare is to be paid upon each boarding. Rider must present their U.S. Medicare card to pay the reduced fare.


HOLO Card for TheBus and Skyline


Single Fare                            $1.25
Includes 2.5 hours unlimited transfers 

Day Cap                                 $3.00
When this amount is paid, no additional payments for the day


Proof of Residency required

Cash Fare                               $1.25
Fare is to be paid upon each boarding. Rider must present their U.S. Medicare HOLO Card to pay the reduced far.

Month Cap                             $20.00
When this amount is paid, no additional payments for the month

Month Pass                            $20.00
Purchase at Transit Pass Office
, or call 808-768-4656

Annual Pass                          $45.00

Purchase at the Transit Pass Office or call 808-768-4656


HOLO Card Fee  

U.S. Medicare Card                $2.00
Fee for initial and replacement cards
Cards to be renewed every 4 years.

Passes purchased after the 20th of the month will be active starting on the 1st day of the next month.

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