Department of Transportation Services


What is car-sharing? Car-sharing (not to be confused with ride-sharing), offers a middle ground between not owning a car and having a personal vehicle. People can easily rent car-sharing vehicles for short periods of time, paying only for the time they use. This allows people to comfortably live without their own personal vehicle while knowing that they have access to a car when they need it.

In the urban setting, people who frequently car-share tend to eventually sell their cars preferring instead car-sharing and other transportation options, like transit, ride-sharing, biking, and walking.

City and County Car-Sharing Program

2024 Call for Applications

The City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is actively seeking Car-Sharing Organizations (CSO) to apply for reserved car-share parking stalls under the City’s Car-Sharing Program for 2024. 

Qualified CSOs can apply for a special parking privilege to park car-sharing organization vehicles in city-controlled parking facilities, including on- and off-street parking. The Program supports the City’s sustainability goals and is part of the City’s efforts to promote multi-modal transportation options. The goal of the Program is to widen mobility choices which mutually supports and sustains other transportation modes including transit, biking, or walking.

To be considered during the first review of applications, and initiate service, CSOs must submit their completed application via email to City staff will review applications on a continuous basis.

2024 Call: How to Apply

  • Complete the application;
  • In addition to the completed application, CSOs must provide a:
    • Map identifying the desired reserved stall location(s);
    • Reserved Parking Stall Cleanliness Plan
    • Summary report of outreach to applicable neighborhood boards;
    • Copy of the CSO’s Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affair’s Certificate of Good Standing, issued within 2 months;
    • Copy of the CSO’s insurance certificates; and
    • Copy of the CSO’s proof of registration with the Hawaii Department of Taxation.


For further information about the 2024 Call for Applications, please contact the Transportation Performance and Development (TPD) Division at 808-768-8357 or

Car-share Resources


A carpool is a journey in a single vehicle shared by riders who take turns to drive others to commute to work and other destinations. Carpool vehicles with more than one rider may share High Occupancy Vehicle lanes on highways.


HiRideShare is a free statewide online carpool matching service.

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