Bicycle and Pedestrian Faqs
Q: Do you provide pedestrian safety presentations? If yes, whom do I contact?
A: Yes, we provide presentations to various groups, from children to seniors. Our presentation to children is about 45 minutes, while the presentation for adults is approximately 30 minutes. Generally, an officer from the Honolulu Police Department accompanies us at the adult presentations, while our own Ped Man accompanies us to the children’s presentation.
Please email or call Dustin if you would like to schedule a presentation. He can be reached at or (808) 768-8395.
Q: Can we volunteer at your pedestrian safety booth?
A: Our department participates at many events throughout the year. We welcome volunteers who are interested in educating the public on pedestrian safety. Students (high school and college) have volunteered at our booth in order to obtain community service credit for their classes. Please email or call Dustin if you are interested in assisting at one of our events. See his contact information above.
Q: Would your department staff a pedestrian safety booth at an upcoming event? What do you do at these events?
A: We participate at various events throughout the year, provided there is no charge for the booth space. Our budget is limited, so we are not able to participate at your event if there is a fee. We usually bring a plinko game, whereby attendees (adults) can win a safety related prize such as a blinker, flashlight and visible white bag. We provide different prizes at children’s fairs, such as squeeze flashlights, reflective shoelaces and glow-in-the dark wristbands. Prior to playing the plinko game, each attendee is educated about pedestrian safety.
Please email or call Dustin if you would like our department to host a pedestrian safety booth at your event. See his contact information above.
Q: Bicycle registration: Do all bicycles need to be registered? What is bicycle registration for? How can I get my bicycle registered?
A: All bicycles in the City and County of Honolulu with 20″ or larger wheels are required to be registered. There is a one-time fee of $15 and a fee of $5 when transferring ownership of a bicycle. After payment of the fee, the owner will be provided with a decal to attach to the bicycle frame’s seat tube facing the forward direction. All taxes collected from the registration fees are deposited in a special bikeway fund (Fund 140) which can only be used for bicycle-related City projects and programs. Bicycle registration provides the city with data to track the popularity of bicycle ridership and impact bikeway planning in addition to creating a way for police to track and return stolen bicycles.
When registering your bike, please have the serial number for the bike (usually located under the bottom bracket or on a rear dropout), a description of the bike (color, make, wheel size) and a bill of sale. If you do not have a bill of sale, there is an additional form to fill out.
Bicycles can be registered or transferred at Satellite City Halls, or by mail. Bicycle registration is managed and administered by the Department of Customer Services (CSD). Please call (808) 768-2540 for further information.
Applications for bicycle registrations and transfers are being accepted by mail. Please send to:
Motor Vehicle Control / Bicycle Registration
P.O. Box 30350
Honolulu, HI 96820-0350
Telephone: (808) 768-2540
Q: How and why are bikeways created?
A: The city encourages bicycle ridership since it is a clean, low cost, healthy and space efficient mode of transportation. Bicycles are allowed on all roadways unless explicitly prohibited. Dedicated bike facilities are created to provide separation between bicyclists and motor vehicles. Bikeways such as paths and separated bike lanes allow bicyclists to ride without merging with motor vehicles. Separation allows for a wide variety of people with varying skills, purposes, and speeds to use a bicycle.
Q: Do bicyclists have to wear a helmet?
A. The State of Hawaii requires all bicyclists under 16 years of age to wear a helmet. HRS 291C-150
Q: Are bicyclists allowed to ride on the sidewalk?
A: The City and County of Honolulu prohibits bicyclists from riding on sidewalks within business districts or where prohibited. In all other areas, bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks provided the speed is 10 mph or less. The bicyclist must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, giving an audible signal before overtaking them. ROH 15-18.7
The State of Hawaii defines business districts as “the territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any six hundred feet along such highway there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes, including but not limited to hotels, banks, or office buildings, and public buildings which occupy at least three hundred feet of frontage on one side or three hundred feet collectively on both sides of the highway.” HRS 291C-1