JANUARY 2024 |
January 1, 2024 Monday 7:00 AM Lane Closes 9:00 AM Lane Reopens (Approximate) | BOSETTI 10K RUN sponsored by the Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club. The run is expected to have 200 runners. It will start at Kalama Community Park, to Kealahou St, to Ipuai St., to Honokahua St., to Mokuhano St., to Kealahou St., to Hawaii Kai Dr, to Lunalilo Home Rd, turn around near Kamilo'iki Neighborhood Park, and return via same route, end at Kalama Community Park. No lanes will be closed, only coning at start/finish area starting 6:30 am. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070 E-mail: joaniediva1@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 1, 2024 Monday 8:00 AM Lane Closes 10:00 AM Lane Reopens (Approximate) | LANIKAI WOES DAY RUN/PARADE sponsored by the Lanikai Community Association. The run is expected to have 75 runners. Parade will consist of 20 marchers, 5 vehicles and 5 floats. The event will start at Aalapapa Drive to Mokulua Drive and return to Aalapapa Drive. Contact: John Bell 497-6546 E-mail: jkbell007@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 7, 2024 Sunday 7:00 AM Race Starts 9:30 AM Race Finishes (Approximate) | BOB & RON'S MANOA 5K RUN sponsored by the Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club. The run is expected to have 200 runners. It will start at Manoa Rec Center, to Pawaina St., to Pakanu St., to East Manoa Rd., to ., to Oahu Ave., to Lowrey Ave and end at Manoa Valley District Park near Kaaipu Ave. No lanes will be closed, only coning at start/finish area starting 6:30 am. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070 E-mail: joaniediva1@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 13, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI FESTIVAL sponsored by Uncle Glenn's Hawaiian Food LLC. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Ramona Silva 531-5050 Email: ughfcatering@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 13-14, 2024 Saturday-Sunday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 8:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HURT TRAIL 100 sponsored by HURT. The event is expected to have 80 participants. It will start at Hawaii Nature Center via trail to Paradise Park in Manoa, via trail to Jackass Ginger, back to Hawaii Nature Center, loop endurance course, end at start/finish area. Two road crossings per 20 mile loop: 1. Nahuina/Tantalus Dr. 2. Moleka Trail/Manoa Cliffs Trail. No lanes will be closed, only periodic crossings of runners. Contact: Marian Yasuda (808) 221-5171 Email: marian.yasuda@hurthawaii.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 15, 2024 Monday 8:30 AM Roads Close 11:30 AM Roads Open (Approximate) | DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY PARADE sponsored by Martin Luther King Coalition. This is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 700 marchers, 30 vehicles, 4 floats and 2 bands. It will start at Ala Moana Park, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Lane closures start at 8:30 am. Contact: Patricia Anthony Rushing 384-4038 Email: ahehong@aol.com. This permit application has been approved. |
January 17, 2024 Wednesday 9:30 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | ONIPA'A PEACE MARCH sponsored by The Queenʻs Court. The event is expected to have 7,000+ marchers. It will start at Mauna Ala to Nuuanu Ave., to Beretania St., to Richards St., to S. King St., to end at Iolani Palace. Lane closures start at 9:30 am. Contact: Rhonda Vincent (808) 352-4116. This permit application has been approved. |
January 20, 2024 Saturday 6:30 AM Lanes Close 11:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | AKAHAI HALF MARATHON sponsored by Aloha Racing LLC. The event is expected to have 500 runners. It will start at Wai Kai, to Keoneula Blvd.,to Kamakana St., to Geiger Rd., to Franklin D Roosevelt Ave., to Coral Sea Rd., and to return via same route to end at Wai Kai. Contact: D Wiedeman 724-7932 E-mail: events@aloharacing.com For more info, visit their website: www.aloharacing.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 21, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Lanes Close 9:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | CHAPSON DIAMOND HEAD DASH 8K RUN sponsored by Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club. The event is expected to have 250 runners. It will start at Monsarrat Ave. near Waikiki Shell Lot 1, to Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Paikau Rd., to Diamond Head Rd., and return via same route to end at Kapiolani Park near the ewa-most turnaround. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070 E-mail: joaniediva1@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
January 28, 2024 Sunday 11:30 AM Roads Close 1:30 PM Roads Open (Approximate) | SOLIDARITY MARCH FOR PEACE sponsored by Citizens For Peace. This is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 2000+ marchers. It will start at Ala Moana Park, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Rose Elovitz 805-729-0381 Email: 626.rose@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 2, 2024 Friday 6:00 PM Roads Close 11:00 PM Roads Open (Approximate) | CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION, LION DANCES sponsored by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The event is expected to have 5,000 + participants. There will be lion dance groups visiting various businesses in area bounded by River St., on west side, Beretania St., on north side, Bethel St., on east side, & Nimitz Hwy. on south side. All streets will be closed for lion dances. All lanes of Hotel Street will be closed starting at 7:30pm. Contact: Leonard Kam 479-9331 Email: leonard.kam@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 3, 2024 Saturday 7:00 AM Roads Close 12:00 AM Roads Open (Approximate) | NIGHT IN CHINATOWN STREET FESTIVAL sponsored by the Chinatown 808. The event is expected to have 10,000 + participants. The event will close Beretania St. all lanes/sidewalk areas from Maunakea St. to Aala St. Contact: Leonard Kam 479-9331 Email: leonard.kam@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 3, 2024 Saturday 3:00 PM Roads Close 6:00 PM Roads Open (Approximate) | CHINESE LUNAR NEW YEAR PARADE sponsored by the Chinatown 808. Parade will consist of 200 marchers, 20 vehicles & 2 bands. It will start at Richards St./Hotel St., to Hotel St., ewa bound to end at River St. Lanes will be closed starting 3 pm. Hotel Street will be closed starting at 4:00pm.Contact: Leonard Kam 479-9331 Email: leonard.kam@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 4, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Lanes Close 9:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | JOHNNY FAERBER 10K RUN sponsored by RRCA/Mid Pacific Roadrunners Club. The event is expected to have 250 runners. It will start on Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kahala Ave., to Paikau St., to Diamond Head Rd., to 22nd Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Elepaio St., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to finish at Honolulu Marathon finish line area. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, E-mail: joaniediva1@gmail.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.mprrc.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
February 10, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | LOKAHI FESTIVAL sponsored by Uncle Glenn's Hawaiian Food LLC. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Ramona Silva 531-5050 Email: ughfcatering@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 10, 2024 Saturday 7:00 AM Lane Closes 8:30 AM Lane Reopens (Approximate) | MAKAHA TIME TRIAL sponsored by USA Cycling. The event is expected to have 30+ participants. It will start at Keawaula Beach Park, to Farrington Hwy., to Makaha Beach Park, u-turn and return via same route. Contact: Benjamin Williams 333-1151 Email: ben@hitricenter.com This permit application has been approved. |
February 19, 2024 Monday 3:00 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | GREAT ALOHA RUN sponsored by Great Aloha Run/Carole Kai Charities. The event is expected to have 15,000+ runners. It will start on Nimitz Hwy. at Nuuanu Ave., to Nimitz Hwy., ewa bound, to Kamehameha Hwy then under the H-1 viaduct, to Kamehameha Hwy., to Aloha Stadium service road into the main gate of Aloha Stadium, to finish in the north end zone of Aloha Stadium. Contact: Alan Sunio 753-1999 Email: alan@greataloharun.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.greataloharun.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
February 25, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAILUA 10-MILER sponsored by MPRRC. The event is expected to have 200 runners. It will start at the Boys and Girls Club to Kainalu Dr., to Kuupua St., to Kuuala St., to Kuukama St., to S Kalaheo Ave., to Kailua Rd., to Kailua Beach Park, to Kawailoa Rd., to Mokulua Dr., to Aalapapa Dr., complete loop, to Mokulua Dr., to Kailua Beach Park, to Kailua Rd., to Aumoe Rd., to Awakea/Ka Awakea Rd., to Papalani St., to Keolu Dr, complete loop, to Papalani St., to Ka Awakea/Awakea Rd., to Aumoe Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kainalu Dr., and finish at the Boys and Girls Club. Lane closures begin at 5:30am. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.mprrc.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
February 26, 2024 Monday 8:30 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | ALOHA 5K RUN sponsored by BOCA Hawaii. The event is expected to have 300 runners. It will start at Kapiolani Park, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., and end at Kapiolani Park (2 loops). Contact: Raul Torres 223-2622 Email: boca@bocahawaii.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
MARCH 2024 |
March 3, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KING'S RUNNER 10K sponsored by the Honolulu Marathon Association. The event is expected to have 4,000+ participants. The event will start at Thomas Square, to Victoria St., to S. King St., to Punchbowl St., to Pohukaina St., to Cooke St., to Ilalo St., to Keawe St. to Waterfront Park promenade, to Ahui St., to Ward Ave. extension, to Ala Moana Blvd., to ewa entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park, u-turn at midblock crosswalk at the High Rise, continue westbound on Ala Moana Park Drive, to Ala Moana Blvd. westbound, to Ward Ave. extension, to Ilalo St., to Cooke St., to Pohukaina St., to South St., to S. King St., to Victoria St. to end at Thomas Square. ontact: Honolulu Marathon Assn. 734-7200 Fax: 732-7057, E-mail: info@honolulumarathon.org This permit application has been approved. |
March 10, 2024 Sunday 5:45 AM Lanes Close 10:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | PINEAPPLE SPRINT ROAD RACE sponsored by Tradewind Cycling Team. The event is expected to have 100 cyclists. The event will start at North Shore Marketplace in Haleiwa Town, to Kamehameha Hwy., to Joseph Leong Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaukonahua Rd., ending 1.3 miles from intersection. Contact: Charles Calvet 351-9745 E-mail: hawaiigasman@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
March 10, 2024 Sunday 7:15 AM Lanes Close 1:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU RAINBOW EKIDEN RACE sponsored by JTB Hawaii/Honolulu Festival Organizing Committee. The event is expected to have 500 runners in relay teams. The event will start at end of Carriage Road Kapiolani Park, to Kalakaua Ave., kkhd on Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Hd Rd., to turnaround at 2nd lookout and return same route to Kapiolani Park. Makai half of Diamond Head from Dillingham Fountain to 2nd lookout will be closed from approx 8 am to 1 pm.Contact: Ben Williams 333-1151. , E-mail: ben@hitricenter.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.honolulufestival.com/This permit application has been approved. |
March 10, 2024 Sunday 3:30 PM Road Closes 8:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HONOLULU FESTIVALS PARADE sponsored by JTB Hawaii/Honolulu Festival Organizing Committee. The event is expected to have 1,500 marchers, 10 floats, 20 vehicles & 3 bands. It will start at Kalakaua Ave. at Saratoga Rd., kkhd on Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot, Queen Kapiolani Park. Lanes will be closed starting 2 pm. Contact: Rick Taniguchi 347-3045, For more info, visit their website: https://www.honolulufestival.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
March 16, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Roads Close 7:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | OUR KAKAAKO KEIKI STREET FESTIVAL sponsored by Olomana Loomis ISC, INC. The event is expected to have 10,000 participants. The event will close Auahi St., all lanes and sidewalk areas, between Keawe St. and Coral St. and Keawe St. between Auahi St. and Pohukaina St. Contact: Alan Tang 261-8412 Email:alan@olomanaloomisisc.com For more info, visit their website: www.olomanaloomisisc.com This permit application has been approved. |
March 16, 2024 Saturday 10:30 AM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | MURPHY'S ST. PATRICK'S DAY STREET FEST 2024 sponsored by Aloha 808 Entertainment. The event is expected to have 5,000+ participants. The event will close 1) NUUANU AVE., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from King St. to Nimitz Hwy. 2) MERCHANT ST., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Nuuanu Ave. to Bethel St. 3) MARIN LN., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Smith St. to Nuuanu Ave. Contact: Stacy Fujitani 209-747-7557 Email: stacyfujitani@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
March 16, 2024 Saturday 3:00 PM Roads Close 7:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | ANNUAL PRINCE KUHIO PARADE sponsored by Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. The event is expected to have 1,000 marchers, 15 vehicles, 15 floats, & 10 bands. It will start at Kapolei Parkway and Kamaaha Ave., eastbound to continue on Kapolei Parkway, to end at Ka Makana Ali'i. Contact: DreanaLee Kalili 388-5969, E-mail: dreanalee@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
March 17, 2024 Sunday 6:30 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | NORTH SHORE TRIATHLON sponsored by North Shore Triathlon/BikeFactory. The event is expected to have 200 triathletes. The event is expected to have 200 triathletes. SWIM-400meters: It will start at Mokuleia Beach Park out and back course ending on beach near transition area. BIKE-10.3m: Mokuleia transition area, to Farrington Hwy., west on Farrington Hwy., u-turn at the end, continue eastbound on Farrington Hwy. past Mokuleia Beach park to second u-turn at Waialua High School, return to Mokuleia Beach Park transition area; RUN-3m: From Mokuleia Beach Park transition area, right onto Farrington Hwy-west on Farrington Hwy-turnaround on Farrington Hwy-east on Farrington Hwy-finish at Mokuleia Beach Park. Lanes will be closed 6:30 am. Contact: Ben Williams (808) 747-3716. For more info, visit their website: https://www.northshoretriathlon.com/ THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN RE-SCHEDULED TO SUNDAY AUGUST 25, 2024. |
March 17, 2024 Sunday 11:30 AM Road Closes 1:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE sponsored by Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hawaii. The event is expected to have 200 marchers, 40 vehicles, 4 bands. It will start at Saratoga Rd./Kalakaua Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Lanes will be closed from 11:30 am. Contact: Matthew McConnell 285-0874 Email: mattmcconnell1@yahoo.com For more info, visit their website: https://www.friendsofstpatrickhawaii.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
March 24, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Road Closes 10:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WINDWARD HALF MARATHON sponsored by Mid Pacific Road Runners Club. The event is expected to have 300+ participants. It will start at Kailua District Park, to Kainalu Dr., to Kailua Rd., to Aumoe Rd., to Mahealani Pl., to Kakahiaka St., to Wanaao Dr., to Keolu Dr., to Kainalu Dr., to Kainui Dr., to Oneawa St., to Mokapu Blvd., to Old Mokapu Rd., to Kaimalino St., u-turn and return via same route to end at Kailua District Park. Lane closures begin at 5:30am. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070. Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
March 24, 2024 Sunday 8:30 AM Lanes Close 9:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | PALM SUNDAY PARADE sponsored by St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. This is a first amendment event expected to have 50 marching participants. It will start at St. Elizabeth's Church, to King St., to Palama St., to Kanoa St., to Pua Ln., and end at St. Elizabeth's Church. Contact: Kaleo Patterson 330-3769 Email: kaleop@me.com This permit application has been approved. |
March 29, 2024 Friday 5:30 PM Road Closes 8:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | NATIONAL VIETNAM VETERAN'S DAY PARADE sponsored by Historic Programs/Vietnam Veterans Day Parade Committee. The event is expected to have 3,000 marchers, 30 vehicles, 12 bands. It will start at Saratoga Rd./Kalakaua Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: MGySgt (Ret) Earl Hurrey 808-425-2908; Email: earl@historicprograms.org. For more info, visit their website: www.historicprograms.org This permit application has been approved. |
APRIL 2024 |
April 3, 2024 Wednesday 6:00 PM Road Closes 8:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | SALUTE TO YOUTH PARADE sponsored by Hawaii Invitational International Music Festival/Coastline Travel Advisors Inc. The event will have 500 marchers, 15 vehicles, 5 floats, 10 bands. It will start at Ft. DeRussy, to Kalakaua Ave., kkhd on Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Stephanie Louzil 1-714-621-1040. E-mail: stephanie@hawaiiinvitational.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 7, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | TANTALUS TIME TRIAL BIKE RACE sponsored by Tradewind Cycling Team. The event is expected to have 80 bike racers. It will start at Makiki Nursery to Makiki Heights Dr.-uphill past Hoalu Pl., to Tantalus Dr., to finish at top (4.5 miles) where Tantalus Dr. turns into Round Top Dr. No lane closures with cones, cyclists will ride with the flow of traffic.Contact: Charles Calvert 351-9745 Email:hawaiigasman@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 7, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HAWAII PACIFIC HEALTH WOMEN'S 10K RUN sponsored by Hawaii Pacific Health. The event is expected to have 2,000 runners. The event will start near Kapiolani Park Band Stand on Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kahala Ave., to Paikau St., to Diamond Head Rd., to 22nd Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Elepaio St., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at the Honolulu Marathon finish line. 5K RUN: Start near Kapiolani Park Band Stand on Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Head Rd, u-turn at last lookout, finish at Marathon Finish Line. Contact: KC Carlberg 946-0346, E-mail: kc@nawahineracing.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 13, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Road Closes 6:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HEART OF HONOLULU STREET FESTIVAL sponsored by Downtown Art Center. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. The event will close Nuuanu Ave., all lanes, from Chaplain Ln. to N. King St., Pauahi St. from Smith-Beretania Lot driveway to Mark's Garage driveway. Contact: Sandy Pohl 226-4787. Email: executivedirector@downtownarthi.org. This permit application has been approved. |
April 14, 2024 Sunday 3:00 AM Lanes Close 11:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HAPALUA HONOLULU MARATHON HALF MARATHON sponsored by Honolulu Marathon Association. The event is expected to have 10,000+ runners. It will start on Kalakaua Ave., near Dukes Statue, head Ewa on Kalakaua Ave., to Kapiolani Blvd., to Atkinson Dr., to Ala Moana Blvd. mauka side, turn around at Fort St. Mall, to Ala Moana Blvd., makai side., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Head Road, to Paikau St., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Honolulu Marathon finish line. Contact: Honolulu Marathon Assn. HOTLINE (808) 264-8157; JJ Johnson 782-2161; For more info, visit their website: http://www.thehapalua.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 21, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LANIKAI TRIATHLON sponsored by BOCA. The event is expected to have 300 participants. Swim: Loop course Kailua Beach Boat Ramp 500 meters; Swim/Bike Transition Bike: Kailua Beach Park Swim/Bike Transition area, to Kalaheo Ave., to Mokapu Blvd. to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Mokapu Blvd., to Kalaheo Ave., to end at bike/run transition area in Kailua Beach Park; Run: Kailua Beach Park (Transition Area), to Mokapu Dr., to Aalapapa Dr., back to Kailua Beach Park finish line. Contact: Raul Torres 223-2622 Email: boca@bocahawaii.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
April 27, 2024 Saturday 4:30 AM Lanes Close 12:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | 47TH ANNUAL PINEAPPLE 10K RUN sponsored by Central Oahu CPO Association. The event is expected to have 1,500 runners/walkers. It will start at Kaala Elementary School on Mahele St., circle the school heading South to California Ave., to Anoni St., to Kilani Ave., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaukonahua Rd., to Kamananui Rd., to Wilikina Dr., to Kamehameha Hwy., to California Ave., to Mahele St., to end at Kaala Elementary School on Mahele St. Contact: Shayne Fairgrieve 477-5285. Email: pineapplerunhi@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 27, 2024 Saturday 6:00 AM Road Closes 8:30 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | MILILANI YMCA CHARITY 5K FUN RUN sponsored by the YMCA of Honolulu, Mililani Branch. The event is expected to have 250+ participants. The event will start at Nakamura Park on Hikikaulia St., to Makaimoimo St., to Meheula Pkwy., to Lanikuhana Ave., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Meheula Pkwy., to Hikiaulia St., to end at Mililani YMCA. Contact: Maisha Abbott 275-4629. E-mail: mabbott@ymcahonolulu.org. This permit application has been approved. |
April 27, 2024 Saturday 1:30 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI SPAM JAM STREET FESTIVAL sponsored by SJ Foundation. The event is expected to have 25,000+ participants. Lane closures begin at 12:30 pm for setup. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue, all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Seaside Ave. to Liliuokalani Ave. from 1:30pm. Contact: Barbara Campbell 285-8446, Email: barbara.campbell@outrigger.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 28, 2024 Sunday 8:00 AM Road Closes 2:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KALIHI HAND TOOL COMPETITION sponsored by Slim's Power Tools. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. Traffic will be diverted starting 8pm 4/27 for setup. The event will close Republican Street, all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Libby St. to Kalihi St. Contact: Rand Okemura 841-0902 or 927-9995, Fax: 845-4180 Email: rjokemura@slimspowertools.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 28, 2024 Sunday 9:00 AM Road Closes 5:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | I LOVE KAILUA TOWN PARTY sponsored by The Outdoor Circle. The event is expected to have 3,000+ participants. The event will close Kailua Road, all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Hahani St. to Kuiliei Rd. Lanes will be closed 9 am. Contact: Diane Harding 593-0300, Email: lani-kailua@outdoorcircle.com This permit application has been approved. |
April 28, 2024 Sunday 7:30 AM Event Starts 2:00 PM Event Ends (Approximate) | JOHN KELLEY HALEIWA METRIC CENTURY RIDE sponsored by Hawaii Bicycling League. The event is expected to have 800 riders. It will start/end at Kaiaka Beach Park. 30K: Kaiaka Beach Park, to Haleiwa Rd., to Paala Rd., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaukonahua Rd., to Farrington Hwy., to YMCA Camp Erdman, u-turn to Farrington Hwy, Goodale Ave., to Waialua Beach Rd., to Waialua Elementary School, to Haleiwa Rd., to end at Kaiaka Beach Park. 50/100K: continuing from Kaiaka Beach Park to Joseph Leong Bypass, to Kamehameha Hwy., to u-turn at Sunset Beach Neighborhood Park and return via same route to end at Kaiaka Beach Park. 80/100K continue from Sunset Beach Neighborhood Park to Kamehameha Hwy., to u-turn at Kahuku High School and return via same route to end at Kaiaka Beach Park. 100K continue from Kahuku High School to Kamehameha Hwy., to u-turn at Hauula Beach Park and return via same route to end at Kaiaka Beach Park. No lanes will be closed, except for start of ride. Contact: HBL Lori McCarney 347-0833, Email lori@hbl.org. For more info, check out their website: http://www.hbl.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
MAY 2024 |
May 3, 2024 Friday 6:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION sponsored by I Love Chinatown Festivals LLC. The event is expected to have 500+ participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, 1) NUUANU AVE., from Pauahi St. to S. King St. 2) HOTEL ST., from Bethel St. to Smith St. *City buses to be diverted off of Hotel St. at 7:30pm. Contact: Kelsie-Ann Suan-Kon 808-636-7196, Email: ilovechinatown808@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
May 4, 2024 Saturday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HO'OMAU HALF MARATHON sponsored by Aloha Racing LLC. The event is expected to have 500 runners. It will start at Wai Kai, to Keoneula Blvd.,to Kapolei Pkwy., to Papipi Rd., turn around at end of Papipi Rd., to Kapolei Pkwy., to Geiger Rd., to Roosevelt Ave., turnaround near Nassau St., and return to Kapolei Pkwy., to Keoneula Blvd., and to end at Wai Kai. Contact: D Wiedeman : 724-7932 E-mail: events@aloharacing.com For more info, visit their website: www.aloharacing.com This permit application has been approved. |
May 4, 2024 Saturday 6:00 AM Road Closes 12:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | 45th ANNUAL VISITOR INDUSTRY CHARITY WALK sponsored by Hawaii Hotel Industry Assn. The event will have 5,000 + runners/walkers. It will start at Ala Moana Park's Magic Island, exit to Ala Moana Blvd. at Atkinson Dr., mauka sidewalk area, to Ala Wai Promenade area, to Kalakaua Ave., makai side, crossover to mauka side sidewalk at King Kalakaua Park, to cross to makai side at Paoakalani Ave., to Kalakaua Ave. makai side ewa bound direction, to Lewers St., to to Kalia Rd., to Ala Moana Blvd., to end at Ala Moana Park's Magic Island. Contact: Jared Higashi 923-0407 Fax: 924-3843 E-mail: jhigashi@hawaiilodging.org For more info, visit their website:http://www.charitywalkhawaii.org This permit application has been approved. |
May 4, 2024 Saturday 8:00 AM Road Closes 6:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | FILIPINO FIESTA sponsored by The Filipino Community Center, Inc.. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Mokuola St. from Waipahu St. to the YMCA driveway. Contact: Edmund Aczon 222-3109, Email: eaczon@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
May 4, 2024 Saturday 10:30 AM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | CINCO DE MAYO STREET FEST 2024 sponsored by Aloha 808 Entertainment. The event is expected to have 5,000+ participants. The event will close 1) NUUANU AVE., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from King St. to Nimitz Hwy. 2) MERCHANT ST., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Nuuanu Ave. to Bethel St. 3) MARIN LN., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Smith St. to Nuuanu Ave. Contact: Stacy Fujitani 209-747-7557 Email: stacyfujitani@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
May 5, 2024 Sunday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MALAEKAHANA-HAWAII STATE CYCLING TIME TRIAL CHAMPIONSHIP sponsored by USA Cycling/Aloha State Bicycle Racing Association. The event is expected to have 100 bikers. It will start at the Malaekahana Camp Grounds, to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaaawa, to the turnaround and return via same route to Malaekahana Camp Grounds. No lane closure with cones, cyclists will be riding with the flow of traffic. Contact: Tony Lang 321-2338 Email: tonylang808@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
May 11, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | LEAHI FESTIVAL sponsored by Da Ultimate Grindz LLC. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30 pm for set up. Contact: Marivic Rafael 531-5050 Email: events@millwoodohanaproductions.com This permit application has been approved. |
May 13, 2024 Monday 5:30 PM Lanes Close 6:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | POLICE WEEK MEMORIAL MARCH sponsored by the Honolulu Police Department. The event is expected to have 100+ participants. It will start at the HPD main station, to S Beretania St., and end at the State Capitol. Contact: Sgt. Joel Saniatan 723-3514 Email: jsaniatan@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
May 18, 2024 Saturday 7:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | 2024 JAMBA HAWAII 5K BANANA CHASE FUN RUN sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of Hawaii. The event is expected to have 1,500 participants. It will start at Honolulu Hale, to S King St., to Alapai St., to Beretania St., to Bishop St., to S King St., and to end at Honolulu Hale. Contact: Paddy Kauhane 949-4203 Email: pkauhane@bgch.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
May 19, 2024 Sunday 3:45 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU TRIATHLON RACE sponsored by USA Triathlon/Honolulu Triathlon Race Committee. The event is expected to have 1,500+ participants. Staggered wave start at 5:45 am. Ala Moana Blvd, Nimitz Hwy, and Kamehameha Hwy makai side will be closed to traffic. SWIM: Loop course (2X) just ewa of Magic Island, to end at Magic Island Swim/Bike Transition area. BIKE: Loop course (2X) Magic Island Swim/Bike Transition area, to Ala Moana Park Rd., to Ala Moana Blvd., via Atkinson Dr. entrance/exit, westbound on Ala Moana Blvd (on makai half), continue westbound onto Nimitz Hwy, crossover to mauka half at Puuhale Rd., u-turn at Lagoon Dr. to continue eastbound on Nimitz Hwy. (makai half), continue eastbound on Nimitz Hwy to Ala Moana Blvd., u-turn at Atkinson Dr. intersection and repeat. Course to end at bike/run transition area near Magic Island. RUN: Ala Moana Beach Park (Transition Area), to Ala Moana Blvd. (Kamakee exit), to Ilalo St., to Kakaako Park running path, to Olomehani St., to Ahui St., and to finish in Ala Moana Beach Park. Lanes will be closed starting at 3:45 am. Contact: Honolulu Triathon, JJ Johnson 782-2161, Fax: 808-528-5066, Email: goprojj@hawaii.rr.com HOTLINE: 808-264-8157, For more info, visit their website: http://www.honolulutriathlon.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
May 26, 2024 Sunday 3:30 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HIBISCUS HALF MARATHON sponsored by Tropical Triple Crown Charitable Racing and Road Runners Club of America. The event is expected to have 900 runners. It will start at Kapiolani Park, to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Waialae Ave., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kealaolu Ave., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Honolulu Marathon Finish line. Contact: Jen McVeay 348-0634, E-mail: tropicaltriplecrown@gmail.com For further info, check their website: www.tropicaltriplecrown.com. This permit application has been approved. |
May 27, 2024 Monday 6:30 PM Road Closes 9:30 PM Road Opens (Approximate) | SHINNYO-EN LANTERN FLOATING CEREMONY (TORO NAGASHI) sponsored by Na Lei Aloha Foundation/Shinnyo-en Hawaii. The event is expected to have 30,000+ participants in Ala Moana Beach Park. Various traffic controls in and around Ala Moana Park may be implemented as early as 6 am. Ewa Entrance will be closed to inbound traffic. Avoid this area if possible, use alternate routes. Contact: Kenji Stevens 358-1484 Email: kenji.stevens@gmail.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.lanternfloatinghawaii.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
May 31, 2024 Friday 7:00 PM Road Closes 10:30 PM Road Opens (Approximate) | TROY BARBOZA LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN sponsored by Special Olympics Hawaii. The event is expected to have 500+ participants in relay teams, escorted by HPD. Route #1: Smaller group will start at 381 Kapahulu Ave and run mauka bound on Kapahulu Ave, then turn left onto Waialae Ave. then right onto Kalele Rd into the University of Hawaii campus. Route #2: Larger group will start at University of Hawaii Campus, turn right from Kalele Rd onto S. King St, then turn right onto University Ave, then turn right onto Dole St, then turn right onto Lower Campus Rd into the University of Hawaii campus. Contact: High Shin Lin 723-3920 Email: hlin@honolulu.gov For more info, visit their website: http://www.specialolympicshawaii.org THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN RE-SCHEDULED TO JUNE 7, 2024. |
JUNE 2024 |
June 2, 2024 Sunday 10:30 AM Lanes Close 1:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION sponsored by Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Honolulu. The procession is a First Amendment event and is expected to have 200 participants. It will start at St. Theresa Co-Cathedral on School St., to Nuuanu Ave., to Beretania St., to Bishop St., to Fort St. Mall, to end at Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Peace. Contact: Rev. Alfred Omar Guerrero 585-3342, Email: alguerrero@rcchawaii.org This permit application has been approved. |
June 7, 2024 Friday 5:30 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | 41st ANNUAL PAN-PACIFIC MATSURI HOOLAULEA sponsored by Pan Pacific Festival Foundation. The event is expected to have 10,000 + participants. Lane closures begin at 12noon for setup. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas on Kalakaua Avenue, from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Traffic will be diverted at 5:30pm. Contact: Yusuke Komoriya 926-8177 x 0258, Fax: 923-1008, Email: yusuke.komoriya@panpacificfestival.org For more info, visit their website: www.panpacificfestival.org This permit application has been approved. |
June 7, 2024 Friday 7:00 PM Road Closes 8:30 PM Road Opens (Approximate) | TROY BARBOZA LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN sponsored by Special Olympics Hawaii. The event is expected to have 500+ participants in relay teams, escorted by HPD. Route #1: Smaller group will start at 381 Kapahulu Ave and run mauka bound on Kapahulu Ave, then turn left onto Waialae Ave. then right onto Kalele Rd into the University of Hawaii campus. Route #2: Larger group will start at University of Hawaii Campus, turn right from Kalele Rd onto S. King St, then turn right onto University Ave, then turn right onto Dole St, then turn right onto Lower Campus Rd into the University of Hawaii campus. Contact: High Shin Lin 723-3920 Email: hlin@honolulu.gov For more info, visit their website: http://www.specialolympicshawaii.org This permit application has been approved. |
June 8, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM Roads Close 1:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION FLORAL PARADE sponsored by King Kamehameha Celebration Commission. The event is expected to have 200 marchers, 50 vehicles, 10 floats & 5 bands. It will start at King St./Richards St., to King St., to Punchbowl St., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Lane closures begin at 7:30 am. Contact: King Kamehameha Celebration Commission 586-0333 Fax: 586-0335 Email: kkcc@hawaii.gov This permit application has been approved. |
June 8, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU NIGHT MARKET SERIES sponsored by Olomana Loomis ISC. The event is expected to have 20,000 participants. The event will close Auahi St., all lanes, from Cooke St. to Keawe St.; and Keawe St., all lanes, from Auahi St. to Pohukaina St. Contact: Megan Chinn, 636-6028, meganc@olomanaloomisisc.com. This permit application has been approved. |
June 9, 2024 Sunday 7:00 AM Lanes Close 11:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | PINEAPPLE HILL ROAD RACE sponsored by Aloha State Bicycle Racing Association. The event will have 100 bike racers. It will start at Kaukonahua Rd. near Wilikina Dr., to Thompson Corner, to Weed Circle, to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kamananui Rd., to end at Kaukonahua Rd. near Wilikina Dr.. No lanes will be closed, cyclists will ride with the flow of traffic. Contact: Carl Brooks 375-0979, E-mail: outtaboundshawaii@gmail.com. This permit application has been approved. |
June 9, 2024 Sunday 4:15 PM Road Closes 7:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | 41st ANNUAL PAN-PACIFIC MATSURI Waikiki PARADE sponsored by Pan Pacific Festival Foundation. The event is expected to have 2,000 marchers, 19 vehicles, 3 floats & 4 bands. The parade will start at Kalakaua Ave. at Saratoga Rd./Fort DeRussy, to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Lane closures begin at 3pm. Contact: Yusuke Komoriya 926-8177 x 0258, Email:yusuke.komoriya@panpacificfestival.org For more info, visit their website: www.panpacificfestival.org This permit application has been approved. |
June 15, 2024 Saturday 12:00 PM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HAWAII CHILDREN CANCER FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER sponsored by Murphy's Bar & Grill. The event is expected to have 250+ participants. The event will close MERCHANT ST., all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, from Nuuanu Ave. to Bethel St. Contact Don Murphy 754-1502, E-mail: don@murphyshawaii.com This permit application has been approved. |
June 15, 2024 Saturday 12:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | SAILOR JERRY FESTIVAL sponsored by I Love Chinatown Festivals LLC. The event is expected to have 500+ participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, 1) NUUANU AVE., from Pauahi St. to S. King St. 2) HOTEL ST., from Bethel St. to Smith St. *City buses to be diverted off of Hotel St. at 4:30pm. Contact: Kelsie-Ann Suan-Kon 808-636-7196, Email: ilovechinatown808@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
June 15, 2024 Saturday 6:00 PM Road Closes 10:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | NUUANU STREAM PROJECTION sponsored by Mayor's Office of Culture and Arts. The event is expected to have 500+ participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, NUUANU AVE., from Pauahi St. to S. King St. Contact: Marion Cadora 768-4105, Email: marion.cadora@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
June 16, 2024 Sunday 5:45 AM Lanes Close 7:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HALEIWA TRIATHLON sponsored by North Shore Triathlon. The event is expected to have 200 triathletes. Swim will be offshore of Halewia Beach Park. Bike race will start at Haleiwa Beach Park transition area, to Kamehameha Hwy., to Joseph Leong Bypass road, 3 loops clockwise through Haleiwa Town, to end at Haliewa Beach Park. Contact: Ben Williams 333-1151, Email: ben@hitricenter.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
JULY 2024 |
July 4, 2024 Thursday 6:30 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | EPILEPSY FOUNDATION FREEDOM RUN sponsored by Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii/USA Track & Field. The event will have 350 runners. It will start at Kailua High School on Akiohala St., to Keolu Dr., 5K turnaround at Akamai St. intersection; 10K to continue left onto Akamai St., to Akumu St., to Kahili St., to Akumu St., turnaround at Alahiki St. intersection and return via same route to end at Kailua High School. Lane closures start at 6:30 am Contact: Ed Kemper 225-2965, E-mail: Edracers@aol.com For more info check out their website: www.hawaiiepilepsy.com/efh This permit application has been approved. |
July 4, 2024 Thursday 9:30 AM Road Closes 11:30 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KAILUA 4th OF JULY INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE sponsored by Kailua Chamber of Commerce. The event will have 1,000 marchers, 30 vehicles, 20 floats, & 10 bands It will start at Kainalu Dr./Omao St., to Kainalu Drive, to end at Kailua Intermediate School. Lane closures start at 7:30 am. Contact: Michael Fry 343-3688 E-mail: mdfry@me.com For more info check out their website: www.kailuachamber.com This permit application has been approved. |
July 4, 2024 Thursday 8:00 PM Lanes Close 8:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAILUA 4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY sponsored by Kailua Fireworks . The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. Show will be off Kailua Beach Park. Parking will be restricted on various streets for emergency vehicle clearance. Various traffic controls will be instituted by HPD at end of fireworks show. Contact: Michael Fry 343-3688 E-mail: mdfry@me.com For more info check out their website: www.kailuafireworks.net This permit application has been approved. |
July 6, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 11:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | MOILIILI SUMMER FEST sponsored by Mōʻiliʻili Festivals. The event is expected to have 5,000+ participants. The event will close Coyne St., all lanes, between University Ave St. to Bingham St. Contact: Cedric Duarte 221-0991 Email: moiliili.events@gmail.com. For more info, visit their website: moiliilisummerfest.com This permit application has been approved. |
July 13, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Road Closes 11:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | FAMILY DAY PARADE (GOD'S OHANA DAY PARADE) sponsored by Prayer Center of the Pacific. The parade is a First Amendment event that will have 500 marchers, 10 vehicles, 4 floats, and 1 band. It will start at Kalakaua Ave/Fort DeRussy/Saratoga Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Lane closures start at 7:30 am. Contact: Virginia Domligan 630-1187 E-mail:prayercenterpacific@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
July 13, 2024 Saturday 5:45 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LAULEA HALF MARATHON sponsored by Aloha Racing LLC. The event is expected to have 1,000 runners. It will start at Wai Kai, to Keoneula Blvd.,to Kamakana St., to Geiger Rd., to Franklin D Roosevelt Ave., to Coral Sea Rd., and to return via same route to end at Wai Kai. Contact: D Wiedeman 724-7932 E-mail: events@aloharacing.com For more info, visit their website: www.aloharacing.com This permit application has been approved. |
July 21, 2024 Sunday 6:30 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LANIKAI LOOP 8K sponsored by Mid-Pacific Roadrunners Club/RRCA. The event is expected to have 250 runners. It will start by monument on Mokulua Dr., to Aalapapa Dr. bike path twice counter clockwise, finish at Kailua Beach boat ramp. Contact Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com For more info, visit their website: www.mprrc.com This permit application has been approved. |
AUGUST 2024 |
August 3, 2024 Saturday 7:00 AM Event Begins 12:00 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | OAHU PENTATHLON sponsored by Point One Vision. The event is expected to have 100 participants. Swim: starting at 6:10 am from Kailua Boat Ramp and ending at Castles Beach. Transition to run. Run: starting from Castles Beach transition area, to exit onto Kailuana Beach Access, to Kalaheo Dr., continue northbound on Kaneohe Bay Dr., RT onto Kamehameha Hwy., continue on Kamehameha Hwy. through Kaneohe Town, to Haiku Rd., to Kahekili Hwy., to end at Waiahole Beach Park. Kayak: starting from Waiahole Beach Park to Clissel's Beach. Bike: starting from Clissel's Beach onto Kamehameha Hwy., northwest bound toward Haleiwa town, from Kamehameha Hwy. to Joseph P. Leong Hwy., to Weed Circle, to Waialua Beach Rd., to Goodale Ave., to Farrington Hwy., to Kaena Point Trailhead, North Side. Hike: starting from Kaena Point Trailhead to end at Kea'au Beach Park. No lane closures. For more info, please visit their website at www.oahupentathlon.com Contact: Sarah Loogman 503-822-7715, Email sarah@oahupentathlon.com This permit application has been approved. |
August 3, 2024 Saturday 6:30 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | 2024 HAWAII HEART WALK sponsored by the American Heart Association. sponsored by the American Heart Association. It is expected to have 4,000 walkers. The event will start at Queen Kapiolani Park, to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., unto Kalakaua Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Alyssa Nurre 202-8364; Email: Alyssa.Nurre@heart.org For more info, visit their website: www.hiheartwalk.org This permit application has been approved. |
August 4, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | NA WAHINE SPRINT TRIATHLON sponsored by USA Triathlon/Try Fitness. The event is expected to have 300 triathletes. SWIM: Queen's Beach, Kapiolani Park, RUN: Transition area, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., 2 loops inside park, to end mauka of bandstand inside Queen Kapiolani Park. BIKE: Start on Kalakaua Ave., near Queen Kapiolani Park Bandstand, to Kalakaua Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Makaiwa St., to Moho St., to Kealaolu Ave., to Kahala Ave., to Paikau St., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Makaiwa St., to Moho St., to Kealaolu Ave., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Bandstand transition area, Contact: KC Carlberg 371-4532. For more info, visit their website: https://nawahineracinghi.com/na-wahine-festival/ Email: tryfitness@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
August 10, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KANIKAPILA WAIKIKI FESTIVAL sponsored by Four Caterers LLC. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Edgar Hope 531-5050, Email ehope@live.com This permit application has been approved. |
August 10, 2024 Saturday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 11:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAPOLEI CRITERIUM BICYCLE RACE sponsored by Tradewind Cycling Team. The event is expected to have 50 cyclists. The race will take place on Kapolei Pkwy. between Kamaaha Ave. and Manawai St. in multiple loops. Contact: Charlie Calvet 808-351-9745, Email: hawaiigasman@yahoo.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
August 11, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | OLOMANA ROAD RACE sponsored by Tradewind Cycling Team. The event is expected to have 100 cyclists. It will start at State Maintenance Yard on Kalanianaole Hwy. to Old Kalanianaole Hwy. clockwise direction, to end at State Maintenance Yard in multiple loops. Contact: Charlie Calvet 808-351-9745, Email: hawaiigasman@yahoo.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
August 11, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | NORMAN K. TAMANAHA 15K sponsored by MPRRC.The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start at Queen Kapiolani Regional Park near the Tennis Courts, to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Waialae Ave., to Kealaou Ave., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Marathon Finish Line. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com For more info, visit their website at: www.mprrc.com This permit application has been approved. |
August 14, 2024 Wednesday 6:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | MURPHY'S PIGSKIN PIGOUT BLOCK PARTY sponsored by Murphy's Bar & Grill. The event is expected to have 200+ participants. The event will close MERCHANT ST., from Nuuanu Ave. to Bethel St. Contact: Don Murphy 754-1502 Email: don@murphyshawaii.com This permit application has been approved. |
August 25, 2024 Sunday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | NORTH SHORE TRIATHLON sponsored by North Shore Triathlon/BikeFactory. The event is expected to have 200 triathletes. The event is expected to have 200 triathletes. SWIM-400meters: It will start at Mokuleia Beach Park out and back course ending on beach near transition area. BIKE-10.3m: Mokuleia transition area, to Farrington Hwy., west on Farrington Hwy., u-turn at the end, continue eastbound on Farrington Hwy. past Mokuleia Beach park to second u-turn at Waialua High School, return to Mokuleia Beach Park transition area; RUN-3m: From Mokuleia Beach Park transition area, right onto Farrington Hwy-west on Farrington Hwy-turnaround on Farrington Hwy-east on Farrington Hwy-finish at Mokuleia Beach Park. Lanes will be closed 6:30 am. Contact: Ben Williams (808) 333-1151. For more info, visit their website: https://www.northshoretriathlon.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
August 25, 2024 Sunday 9:45 AM Lanes Close 1:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | DICK EVANS MEMORIAL BIKE RACE sponsored by Bicycle Racing Hawaii. It will consist of 100 cyclists. The event will start at Kalama Valley Shopping Center to Kealahou St., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Lunalilo Home Rd., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Waialae Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to 18th Ave., to Diamond Head Rd. to Paki Ave., to Ala Wai Blvd., to Niu St., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Nimitz Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Farrington Hwy., to Kunia Rd., to Wilikina Dr., to Kamananui Rd., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Joseph P Leong Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy., (around north shore to windward side) to Kahekili Hwy., to Kulukeoe St., to Keneke St., to Anoi Rd., to Likelike Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Mokapu Saddle Rd., to Kapaa Quarry Rd., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kumuhau St.,to Waikupanaha St., to Ahiki St., to Hihimanu St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kealahou St., to finish approx. fronting Queen's Gate. Contact: Carl Brooks 375-0979, Email: outtaboundshawaii@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
September 7, 2024 Saturday 12:00 PM Roads Close 12:00 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | FESTA ITALIANA sponsored by Events International, Inc. The event is expected to have 3,000+ participants. The event will close Cooke St., all lanes between Halekauwila St. and Pohukaina St. and Pohukaina St., all lanes between Coral St. and Cooke St. Contact: Zachary DiIonno 634-6367, Email: zach@cialohagroup.com. For more info, visit their website at www.festaitalianahawaii.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
September 8, 2024 Sunday 4:00 PM Lanes Close 7:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | 23RD ANNIVERSARY MAYOR'S REMEMBRANCE WALK sponsored by the City & County of Honolulu, Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts. This event is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 200+ participants. The event will start at HPD's Main Station on S. Beretania St., to Alapai St., to South St., to Queen St., to Punchbowl St., to end on S. King St. fronting Honolulu Hale. Contact: Angelica Fajardo 768-6628. Email: angelica.fajardo@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 9:30 AM Event Begins 11:30 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | OUT OF DARKNESS WALK sponsored by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Hawaii Chapter. The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start on Civic Center grounds fronting the Sky Gate, to S. King St., to Alapai St., to Beretania St., to Punchbowl St., to S. King St., to end at Sky Gate. Event will be on sidewalks only. Contact: Cathryn Langan 469-1650, Email: catlangan.afsphi@gmail.com. For more info, visit their website: www.afsp.org/hawaii This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 9:45 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MILILANI HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Mililani High School. The event is expected to have 400+ marchers, 12 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at Mililani HS parking lot, left onto Meheula Pkwy., left onto Hookelewaa St., right onto Kipapa Dr., left onto Kuahelani Ave., right onto Moenamanu St., left onto Kipapa Dr., and end at MHS Stadium. Contact: Danielle Castro 307-4265, Fax: 627-7375, Email: danielle.castro@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI STREET JAM sponsored by Mega Load Burgers. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Crisitna Wallace 531-5050, Email:megaloadburgers@outlook.com This permit application has been approved. |
September 15, 2024 Sunday 8:00 AM Event Begins 11:00 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | HAWAII STATE TEAM TIME TRIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS sponsored by Aloha State Bicycle Racing Association/Wolf Pack Cycling. The race will begin near Kualoa Beach Park and run 12.5 miles on Kamehameha Hwy., u-turn near Laie shopping center, and end near Kualoa Beach Park. Contact: Tony Lang 321-2338, Email: tonylang808@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
September 20, 2024 Friday 3:00 PM Lanes Close 4:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MOANALUA HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Moanalua High School. The event is expected to have 600 marchers, 4 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at MHS Student Parking Lot to Ala Ilima St., to Ala Nanala St., to Likini St., to Ala Napunani St., end at MHS student parking lot. Contact: Neilson Ishida (808) 305-1026 Email: neilson.ishida@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
September 21, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 1:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | ALOHA FESTIVALS WAIKIKI HO'OLAULEA/STREET FEST sponsored by Aloha Week Hawaii, Incorporated. The event expected to have 10,000+ participants. Makai curb lanes of Kalakaua Ave. will be closed from 12 pm for setup. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue, all lanes from Seaside Ave. to Lilioukalani Ave. Contact: Rick Egged 923-0775, Email: rick@waikikiimprovement.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.alohafestivals.com/. This permit application has been approved. |
September 28, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM Roads Close 1:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | ALOHA FESTIVALS FLORAL PARADE sponsored by Aloha Week Hawaii, Inc/Aloha Festivals/Waikiki Improvement Association. The event is expected to have 1,500 participants, 15 vehicles, 9 bands & 7 floats. It will start at Ala Moana Park ewa entrance/exit, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Clint Kalaola 330-5858, Email: info@alohafestivals.com or For more info, visit their website:http://www.alohafestivals.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
September 28, 2024 Saturday 2:30 PM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KAILUA FALL FESTIVAL sponsored by Krave Marketing Group LLC. The event is expected to have 5000 participants. The event will close Hahani St. between Kailua Rd. and USPS driveway. Contact: Ben Marumoto 429-8846, Email: ben@kravemarketinggroup.com For more info visit their website at http://www.kravemarketingllc.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
September 29, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU CENTURY BIKE RIDE sponsored by Hawaii Bicycling League. The event expected to have 1,500 cyclists. It will start at Kalakaua Ave., mauka half near Monsarrat, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kahala Ave., to Elepaio St., to Kilauea Ave., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Lunalilo Home Rd., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Kealahou St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., 25 milers turnaround at Sandy Beach to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kealahou St., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Lunalilo Home Rd., to Wailua St., to Keahole St., to Hawaii Kai Dr., and return to start, others continue, to Kalanianaole Hwy, to Hihimanu St., to Ahiki St., to Waikupanaha St., to Kumuhau St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Keolu Dr., to Wanaao Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kainalu Dr., 50 milers turnaround at Kailua Intermediate School and return to start, others continue to Kainalu Dr., to Kainui Dr., to N. Kalaheo Ave., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Kahekili Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy. past Hygenic Store, 75 milers turnaround at 7-11 Aid Station and return to start, others continue, to Kamehameha Hwy., 100 milers turnaround at Swanzy Beach Park and return to start via Kamehameha Hwy., to Kahekili Hwy., to Keaahala Rd., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Mokapu Saddle Rd., to Oneawa St., to Kainui Dr., and continue via same route to end at Kapiolani Park. Contact: Chris Salas 805-428-5108, Email: chris@hbl.org For more info, visit their website: http://www.hbl.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
OCTOBER 2024 |
October 4, 2024 Friday 2:30 PM Road Closes 4:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | PEARL CITY HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Pearl City High School. The event is expected to have 500 marchers & 1 band. It will start at Pearl City High School, to Hookiekie St., to Hoomoana St., to Hoolaulea St., to Hoomaemae St., to Waimano Home Rd., and end at Pacheco Park parking lot. Contact: Kyle Miyashiro 307-5552, Fax: 453-6521, E-mail: kyle.miyashiro@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 4, 2024 Friday 4:00 PM Road Closes 5:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | NANAKULI HIGH & INTER SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Nanakuli High & Intermediate School. The event is expected to have 150 marchers, 8 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at 89-235 Pua Ave., left onto Nanakuli Ave., mauka on Nanakuli Ave., end at 89-980 Nanakuli Ave. Nanakuli High School parking lot. Contact: Robin Kitsu 753-2811, Fax: 668-5828, E-mail: robin.kitsu@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 5, 2024 Saturday 11:30 AM Road Closes 1:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | SOLIDARITY MARCH FOR PEACE. This is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 300+ marchers. It will start at Ala Moana Park, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Ku'uleilani Souza (323) 412-0554 E-mail: h4p808@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
October 5, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Road Closes 11:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIPAHU STREET FEST sponsored by Kamehameha Schools. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. The event will close Hikimoe St., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Waipahu Depot Rd. to Kaihuailani St. and Waipahu Depot Rd. from Hikimoe St. to Farrington Hwy. Contact: Benjamin Balberdi 534-8475, E-mail: bebalber@ksbe.edu THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
October 6, 2024 Sunday 7:00 AM Road Closes 5:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | 31ST ANNUAL CHILDREN AND YOUTH DAY 2024 sponsored by Kama'aina Care Inc. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Punchbowl St., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Beretania St. to King St. Contact: Jeff Subee 262-3623, Email: info@hawaiicyd.org For more information visit their website at www.kamaainakids.com and www.hawaiicyd.org This permit application has been approved. |
October 12, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI FALL FESTIVAL sponsored by Mega Load Burgers. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Crisitna Wallace 531-5050, Email:megaloadburgers@outlook.com This permit application has been approved. |
October 13, 2024 Sunday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MORE THAN PINK BY SUSAN G. KOMEN HAWAII sponsored by Susan G. Komen Foundation. The event is expected to have 3,000 runners/walkers. It will start at Honolulu Marathon Finish Line near Bandstand, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., end at Honolulu Marathon Finish Line near Bandstand. Contact: Alan Sunio 753-1999, Email: aysunio@yahoo.com For more info, visit their website: www.komenhawaii.org This permit application has been approved. |
October 16, 2024 Wednesday 5:30 PM Lanes Close 6:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAISER HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Kaiser High School. The event is expected to have 300 marchers, 10 vehicles, 4 floats, and 1 band. It will start at Koko Head District Park, to Anapalau St., to Lunalilo Home Rd., and end at Kaiser High School. Contact: Paul Balazs 738-7954, Email: paul.balazs@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 16, 2024 Wednesday 6:30 PM Lanes Close 8:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LEILEHUA HIGH SCHOOL CENTENNIAL sponsored by Leilehua High School. The event is expected to have 1,000 marchers, 10 vehicles, and 2 bands. It will start at Ka'ala Elementary School, to California Ave., and end at Fred Wright Park. Contact: Jason Nakamoto 305-3000, Email: jason.nakamoto@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 18, 2024 Friday 3:15 PM Lanes Close 4:15 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | WAIPAHU HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Waipahu High School. The event is expected to have 300 marchers, 1 vehicles, 1 float & 1 band. It will start at Waipahu High School, to Waipio Access Rd., to Kahualii St., to Kahuaina St., to Kahuanani St., to Kahuanui St., to Paiwa St., to Awanui St., to Awalai St., to Waipio Access Rd., to end at Waipahu High School Contact: Joy Takara 528-9552, Fax: 675-0257, E-mail: joy.takara@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 19, 2024 Saturday 3:30 PM Road Closes 6:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HONOLULU PRIDE PARADE sponsored by Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation. The parade is a First Amendment event and is expected to have 5,000 marchers, 15 floats, 35 vehicles, & 5 bands. It will start at Atkinson/Ala Moana Blvd., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Hawai'i LGBT Legacy Foundation 808-369-2000, Email: HonoluluPride@HawaiiLGBTLegacyFoundation.com This permit application has been approved. |
October 20, 2024 Sunday 6:30 AM Road Closes 2:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HAWAII STATE CRITERIUM CHAMPIONSHIP sponsored by Aloha State Bike Racing Association. The event is expected to have 100 participants. It will start on Kahelu Ave., to Palii St., to Akamainui St. in multiple loops. Contact: Joshua Ludwig 541-971-2606, Email: navybeaver@yahoo.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
October 20, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Road Closes 8:30 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KAILUA HALF MARATHON sponsored by Mid Pacific Roadrunners Club. The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start at Boys and Girls Club, to Kainalu Dr., to Kailua Rd.,to Mahealani Pl., to Kakahiaka St., to Wanaao Rd., to Keolu Dr. (counter clockwise) back to Wanaao Dr., to Kakahiaka St., to Aumoe Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kainalu Dr., to Kainui Dr., to Oneawa St., to Mokapu Blvd., to Old Mokapu Rd., to Kaimalino St., u-turn and return via same route to end at the Boys and Girls Club. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com. For more info visit their website: http://www.mprrc.com/ This permit application has been approved. |
October 26, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 10:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | FALL FEST sponsored by the Moanalua Gardens Missionary Church. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas on Mahiole St. from Onipaa St. to 1424 Mahiole St. Contact: Charis Logan 358-9071, Email: charischinen@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
October 26, 2024 Saturday 3:00 PM Roads Close 2:00 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HALLOWBALOO MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL sponsored by Hawaii Halloween, LLC The event is expected to have 5,000 participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, 1) NUUANU AVE., from Chaplain Ln. to N. King St. 2) HOTEL ST., from Richards St. to Alakea St. 3) SMITH ST., from Pauahi St. to King St. 4) PAUAHI ST., from Smith St. to Bethel St. *Buses detoured off of Hotel St. at 4:00 pm. Contact: Mark Tarone 808-271-9140, Email marktarone@gmail.com. THIS PERMIT HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
November 2, 2024 Saturday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HAWAII KAI MILE sponsored by Hawaii Running Lab. The event is expected to have 200 participants. The event will start at Kamiloiki Community Park, to Lunalilo Home Road, and end at Kaiser High School. Contact: Michael Garrison 797-9050, Email: michael@hawaiirunninglab.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 2, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU NIGHT MARKET SERIES sponsored by Olomana Loomis ISC. The event is expected to have 20,000 participants. The event will close Auahi St., all lanes, from Cooke St. to Keawe St.; and Keawe St., all lanes, from Auahi St. to Pohukaina St. Contact: Natalie Cook 392-0420, Email: natalie@olomanaloomis.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 3, 2024 Sunday 7:00 AM Lanes Close 9:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAILUA HIGH SURFRIDERS 5K/10K RUN/WALK sponsored by Friends of Kailua High School/USA Track & Field Inc. The event is expected to have 350+ participants. 5K: It will start at Kailua HS Gym on Akiohala St., to Keolu Dr., to Akamai St., turnaround in dead end, to end at the gym. 10K: It will start at Kailua HS Gym on Akiohala St., to Keolu Dr., to Akumu St., to Kahili St., to Akumu St., turnaround and return via same route to finish at Kailua HS Gym. Contact Ed Kemper 524-0330 or 262-6228, Fax: 523-1406, E-mail: edracers@aol.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 9, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KALAKAUA FESTIVAL sponsored by Da Ultimate Grindz LLC. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Liliuokalani Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30 pm for set up. Contact: Marivic Rafael 531-5050, Email: daultimategrindzhi@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 10, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Road Closes 10:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | VAL NOLASCO HALF MARATHON sponsored by Mid-Pacific Road Runner Club. The event is expected to have 500 runners. It will start at Kalakaua Ave., mauka side Queen Kapiolani Park, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Waialae Ave., to Kalanianaole Hwy., turnaround near W. Hind Dr., to Kealahou St., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Queen Kapiolani Park Bandstand/Hon Marathon Finish. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.mprrc.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
November 11, 2024 Monday 8:30 AM Road Closes 11:30 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAHIAWA LION'S CLUB VETERANS DAY PARADE sponsored by Wahiawa Lions Club. The event is expected to have 1,000 participants. It will start at Wahiawa District Park, cross Kamehameha Hwy., continue on California Ave., to end at California Ave., near Kaala Elementary School. Contact: Rene Mansho 291-6151. This permit application has been approved. |
November 11, 2024 Monday 11:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | THE ROYAL TRIBUTE TO HAWAII'S SOVEREIGN (DAY 1) sponsored by Sabina Kupa. The event is expected to have 25 participants. It will start at Washington Place, to Richards St., to S King St., to Punchbowl St., and end at Kawaiahao Church. Contact: Sabina Kupa 954-5157, Email:sabinakupa@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
November 17, 2024 Sunday 6:30 PM Lanes Close 7:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | THE ROYAL TRIBUTE TO HAWAII'S SOVEREIGN (DAY 2) sponsored by Sabina Kupa. The event is expected to have 25 participants. It will start at Kawaiahao Church, to Punchbowl St., to S King St. and end at Iolani Palace. Contact: Sabina Kupa 954-5157, Email:sabinakupa@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
November 18, 2024 Monday 10:30 AM Lanes Close 12:30 PM Lanes Reopens (Approximate) | THE ROYAL TRIBUTE TO HAWAII'S SOVEREIGN (DAY 3) sponsored by Sabina Kupa. The event is expected to have 25 participants. It will start at Iolani Palce, to Richards St., to Beretania St., to Nuuanu Ave., and end at Maunaala. Contact: Sabina Kupa 954-5157, Email:sabinakupa@gmail.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
November 23, 2024 Saturday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MAKOA HALF MARATHON sponsored by Aloha Racing LLC. The event is expected to have 500 runners. It will start at Wai Kai, to Keoneula Blvd.,to Kapolei Pkwy., to Papipi Rd., turn around at end of Papipi Rd., to Kapolei Pkwy., Keoneula Blvd., u turn at Kamakana St., to Kapolei Pkwy., to Geiger Rd., to Roosevelt Ave., to Coral Sea Rd., and return via same route and to and to end at Wai Kai. Contact: D Wiedeman : 724-7932 E-mail: events@aloharacing.com For more info, visit their website: www.aloharacing.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 23, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Lanes Close 10:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | DINE, ART, SHOP, AND LOVE HONOLULU sponsored by the Office of Economic Revitalization, City and County of Honolulu. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. It will close Bethel St. between King St. and Pauahi St. Contact: Guillaume Maman 768-2337 E-mail: guillaume.maman@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
November 24, 2024 Sunday 6:00 AM Road Closes 9:00 AM Road Reopen (Approximate) | KA IWI COAST RUN/WALK sponsored by Hui Nalu Canoe Club. The event is expected to have 3,000 runners. It will start at Sandy Beach Park., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to turn into Maunalua Bay Beach Park at Keahole St, to finish at Hui Nalu Canoe Halau near Hawaii Kai Dr. Lane closures begin at 4:30 am. Contact: Kristi Matson 306-2514 Email: kristi@matsons.net For more info, visit their website at: http://www.kaiwicoastrun.org/. This permit application has been approved. |
November 28, 2024 Thursday 7:00 AM Road Closes 9:00 AM Road Reopen (Approximate) | HOMEWARD BOUND 5K FUN RUN/WALK sponsored by The Institute for Human Services. The event is expected to have 300+ participants. It will start at Manoa Valley District Park, to Manoa Rd., to Pawaina St., to Pakanu St., to East Manoa Rd., to Oahu Ave., to Lowrey Ave., to Kaaaipu St., to end at Manoa Valley District Park. Contact: Steven Tseu 778-2402 Email: stevent@ihshawaii.org This permit application has been approved. |
November 29, 2024 Friday 5:30 PM Road Closes 6:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | LILIHA/PALAMA CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Kamehameha Lions Club. The event is expected to have 300 marchers & 8 vehicles. It will start at United Church of Christ, to Judd St., to Liliha St., to N. King St., to end at Kohou St. Contact: Vernon Nakamura 282-2334 Fax: 525-3250, E-mail:vern.naka73@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 29, 2024 Friday 6:00 PM Road Closes 7:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | KALIHI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Kalihi Business Association. The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start at Kalihi Union Church, to N. King St., to Waiakamilo Rd./Houghtailing St., to N. School St., to end at Kapalama Elementary School. Contact: Dana Yap 347-1005 E-mail: dana.yap@msn.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 29, 2024 Friday 6:30 PM Road Closes 9:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI HOLIDAY PARADE sponsored by Gateway Music Festival & Tours/Superior Bands. The event is expected to have 2,000+ marchers, 10+ vehicles, & 10+ bands. It will start at Saratoga Rd/Kalakaua Avenue to Kalakaua Ave, to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Stacy Thielman-Jost 763-238-8631, Email: stacy.jost@musicfestivals.com For more info, visit their website: www.musicfestivals.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 30, 2024 Saturday 6:30 AM Event Begins 8:30 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | KAHUKU TRIATHLON sponsored by USA Triathlon. The event is expected to have 200 participants. It will start at Kawela Camp Rd. and head east 6 miles and u-turn to finish at Kawela Camp Rd. Contact: Ben Willams 333-1151, E-mail: ben@hitricenter.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 30, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HAWAII KAI HOLIDAY PARADE sponsored by Hawaii Kai Lions Club. The event is expected to have 1,200 marchers, 30 vehicles, & 3 bands. It will start at Kamiloiki Park, to Lunalilo Home Rd., to end at Koko Marina Shopping Center. Contact: Ken Nishibun 754-6605, E-mail: knishibun@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
November 30, 2024 Saturday 12:00 PM Roads Close 11:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KAPOLEI CITY LIGHTS HOOLAULEA sponsored by City and County of Honolulu. The event is expected to have 4,000+participants. It will close Uluohia St. from Kamaaha Ave. to Haumea St., Kamaaha Ave. from Alohikea St. to Uluohia St., and Ala Kahawai from Uluohia St. to Alohikea St. Contact: Laura Thielen 768-3003, E-mail: parks@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
November 30, 2024 Saturday 5:00 PM Roads Close 8:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KAPOLEI CITY LIGHTS PARADE sponsored by City and County of Honolulu. Lane closures on Fort Barrette begin at 4pm and Kapolei Parkway. It will start at Fort Barrette/Kapolei Parkway, west on Kapolei Parkway (mauka side), to end at Kealakapu St. One (1) lane will be contraflowed on Kapolei Parkway for west bound traffic from Ft Barrette to Kunehi St. Contact: Laura Thielen 768-3003, E-mail: parks@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
December 1, 2024 Sunday 10:30 AM Roads Close 12:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | STREET BIKERS UNITED-TOYS FOR TOTS CARAVAN sponsored by Street Bikers United Hawaii/The Toy Parade Inc. The event is expected to have 4,000 motorcycles. It will start at Magic Island, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Waikiki Shell Lots 3 and 4. Contact: Ray Pagan 282-6419 Email: onerican@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 1, 2024 Sunday 4:00 PM Roads Close 6:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | PEARL CITY CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Pearl City Shopping Center. The event is expected to have 500 marchers, 9 vehicles, 1 band & 20 floats. It will start at Momilani Elementary School, to Hookiekie St., to Hoomoana St., to Hoolaulea St., to end at Pearl City Shopping Center. Contact: Barry Villamil 217-1657, E-mail:barimo@aol.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 1, 2024 Sunday 4:00 PM Roads Close 6:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | MANOA COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by East Manoa Lions Club. The event is expected to have 1,100 marchers, 12 vehicles, & 5 bands. It will start at Noelani School., to Woodlawn Dr, to Kolowalu St., to East Manoa Rd., to Lowrey Ave., to Manoa Rd., to Manoa Park finish. Contact: Garrett Ogawa 271-1431, E-mail: liongarrettogawa@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 5, 2024 Thursday 5:00 PM Lanes Close 8:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAIMUKI CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Kaimuki Business & Professional Association. The event is expected to have 1,500 marchers, 30 vehicles & 3 bands. It will start at St. Louis HS/Chaminade University grounds, to Waialae Ave., to Koko Head Ave., to end at Municipal Parking Lot. Parade will be on makai half of Waialae Ave., mauka half to be contraflowed from 3rd Ave to Koko Head Ave. Lane closures begin at 5 pm. Contact: Jon Brunold 633-1046. Email:jon@kbmresorts.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 6, 2024 Friday 5:30 PM Lanes Close 8:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | WAHIAWA TOWN SANTA PARADE sponsored by Wahiawa Community Business Association. The event is expected to have 600 marchers, 100 vehicles, 10 bands, and 25 floats. It will start at Ka'ala Elementary School, to California Ave., and end at Fred Wright Park. Contact: Marcia Sumile 348-2238, Email: tsumile@hotmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 4:30 AM Roads Close 8:30 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | ANNUAL KALAKAUA MERRIE MILE RUN sponsored by Honolulu Marathon Association. The event is expected to have 2,000 runners. Lane closures will begin at 4:30AM. It will start at Monsarrat Ave., eastbound, to Kalakaua Ave., u-turn fronting Hyatt Regency, to Kalakaua Ave. to end at Queen's Beach. Contact: JJ Johnson 782-2161. Honolulu Marathon Assn. 734-7200 Fax: 732-7057 For more info, visit their website: http://www.honolulumarathon.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM Roads Close 11:00 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | MILILANI HOLIDAY PARADE sponsored by Mililani Lions Club. The event is expected to have 1,500 marchers, 80 vehicles, 5 floats, and 2 bands. It will start at Mililani High School, to Kipapa Dr., to Moenamanu St., to Kipapa Dr., to Meheula Pkwy., to Lanikuhana Ave., to Mililani Town Center, to end at Mililani Town Center. Contact: Bud Jenkins 349-1650, Email: budjenkins@hawaii.rr.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Roads Close 12:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KANEOHE CHRISTMAS PARADE ponsored by Kaneohe Christmas Parade Committee.The event is expected to have 2,800 marchers, 56 vehicles, 23 floats, & 7 bands. It will start at Windward Mall at Haiku Rd., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to end at Castle High School. Contact: Janice Lai 457-0166, Email: kaneohechristmasparade@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 11:30 AM Road Closes 11:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HONOLULU CITY LIGHTS OPENING NIGHT BLOCK PARTY sponsored by The Friends of Honolulu City Lights. The event is expected to have 1,000+participants. It will close Punchbowl St. from Beretania St. to S. King St. Contact: Charles "Woody" Woodward 808-590-7403 or Email: chas.k.woodward@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 5:00 PM Roads Close 11:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | MAYOR'S ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY/PARADE sponsored by the City and County of Honolulu. The event is expected to have 2,000 marchers, 40 vehicles, and 15 bands. It will start at Aala Park to King St., eastbound on King St., to end in closed off portion of King St., between Punchbowl & South Sts. Lanes will be closed from 5 pm. Contact: DFM- Warren Mamizuka 768-3350 Email: warren.mamizuka@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
December 7, 2024 Saturday 5:30 PM Road Closes 7:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL ANNIVERSARY PARADE sponsored by Pearl Harbor Tours LLC. The event is expected to have 3,000 marchers, 60 vehicles, 6 floats, & 10 bands. It will start at Ft. DeRussy, to Kalakaua Ave., to end at Kapahulu/Kalakaua/Monsarrat Aves. grassy area fronting the Honolulu Zoo. Contact: Fabian Tuimaunei 754-6380, Email: fua@pearlharbortours.com For more info, check out their website: http://www.pearlharborparade.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
December 8, 2024 Sunday 2:30 AM Roads Close 4:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU MARATHON sponsored by Honolulu Marathon Association. They expect to have 15,000+ runners. It will start on Ala Moana Blvd., near Queen St., to Ala Moana Blvd., ewa bound, to Nuuanu Ave., to King St., to Kapiolani Blvd., to Piikoi St., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Hd. Rd., to 18th Ave., to Kilauea Ave., to Waialae Ave., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Keahole St. to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kealaolu Ave., to Kahala Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kalakaua Ave., end at Honolulu Marathon finish/Kapiolani Bandstand. Roadways closed: 1)H1 Freeway closed at Waialae Ave. off ramp to Aina Koa Ave., 2)Kalanianaole Hwy., makai half closed for runners, between Aina Koa Ave. & Kawaihae St., mauka half converted to contra flow, 3)Kalanianaole Hwy., all lanes closed, between Kawaihae St. & Keahole St., Contact: JJ Johnson 782-2161. Honolulu Marathon Assn. 734-7200 Fax: 732-7057 For more info, visit their website: http://www.honolulumarathon.org/ This permit application has been approved. |
December 12, 2024 Thursday 6:30 PM Lanes Close 7:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAPAHULU-MOILIILI CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Kapahulu-Moiliili Lions Club. The event is expected to have 250 marchers & 5-8 vehicles. It will start at Kuhio Elementary School, to King St., to Beretania St., to end at Isenberg St., fronting the Old Stadium Park. Contact: Glen Takamori 479-7139 Fax: 532-0110 Email: glen@mutualunderwriters.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 13, 2024 Friday 5:30 PM Road Closes 9:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HALEIWA TOWN CHRISTMAS PARADE ponsored by North Shore Chamber of Commerce. The event is expected to have 800 marchers, 50 vehicles, & 3 bands. It will start at Weed Circle, to Kamehameha Hwy., thru Haleiwa Town, to end at Haleiwa Beach Park. Contact: Erica Lehmkuhl 271-4142 Email: info@gonorthshore.org This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 8:00 AM Lanes Close 10:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | AIEA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Aiea Community Association. The event is expected to have 450 marchers, 35 vehicles, & 3 bands. It will start at Pearlridge Elem School Parking lot , to Moanalua Rd., to Kaamilo St., to Ulune St., to Halewiliko St., to end at Aiea Library on Halewiliko St. Contact: Claire Tamamoto 429-1282 E-mail: claire2164@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 8:00 AM Lanes Close 11:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | EWA BEACH LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Ewa Beach Lions Club. The event is expected to have 250 marchers, 45 vehicles, 10 floats & 2 bands. It will start at Campbell High School Parking Lot, to North Rd., to Ft. Weaver Rd., to Kuhina St., to Hanakahi St., to North Rd., to end at Campbell High School Parking Lot. Contact: Jackie Torres 277-0829 E-mail:gjtor@aol.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 11:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | WAIMANALO CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Hawaii Pau Riders. The event is expected to have 100 marchers, 50 vehicles, 40 floats & 10 bands. It will start at Kumuhau St./Humunuiki St., to Humunuiki St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to end at Waimanalo Beach Park. Lane closures begin at 8:45 am. Contact: Leiala Cook 561-6580, E-mail: hawaiipauriders@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 11:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | WAIANAE COAST CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored sponsored by Waianae Coast Rotary Club. The event is expected to have 1,000 marchers, 30 vehicles, 5 bands. It will start at Waianae Boat Harbor, to Farrington Hwy., to end at Waianae Mall. Contact: Anson O. Rego 696-7061 Fax: 696-7765 Email: lawyers@regonakoalaw.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Lanes Close 12:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | CHRISTMAS ON THE AVENUE sponsored sponsored by Ahupua'a O Nanakuli Homestead. The event is expected to have 5,000 participants. It will close Nanakuli Ave. between Mano Ave and Pililaau Ave. Contact: Charlita Mahoe 306-0450 Email: charlita.ahupuaaonanakuli@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 14, 2024 Saturday 7:00 PM Lanes Close 8:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MOANALUA CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Called Ministry Inc. The event is expected to have 300 participants. It will start at Moanalua High School parking lot, to Ala Ilima St., to Likini St., to Ala Napuunani St., , to end at Moanalua High School parking lot. Contact: Landon Mauricio 728-7775 E-mail: landon@calledministry.org This permit application has been approved. |
December 15, 2024 Sunday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 10:30 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LEEWARD OAHU/VILLAGE PARK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Leeward Lions/Village Park Community Association. It will start at Waikele Community Park, to Lumiana St., to Managers Dr., to Hiapo St., to Paiwa St., to Waipahu St., to Honowai St., to Aiki St., to Kupuna Lp, and to end at Kunia Park and Ride. Contact: Maureen Andrade 386-5623 E-mail:andrade_maulena@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 15, 2024 Sunday 2:00 PM Lanes Close 3:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | OLOMANA CHRISTMAS PARADE sponsored by Olomana Community Association. The event is expected to have 50+ marchers, 6 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at Maunawili Elementary School, to Ulupii St., to Ulupuni St., to Uluohao St., to Uluhala St., to Ulupuni St., to Ulukou St., end at Maunawili Elem School. Contact: Gary Wiseman, Email: wiseokole1@aol.com This permit application has been approved. |
December 25, 2024 Wednesday 6:00 PM Lane closes 8:00 PM Lane reopens (Approximate) | CHABAD OF HAWAII (CHANUKAH) CAR MENORAH PARADE sponsored by Chabad of Hawaii. This is a first amendment event and is expected to have 25-30 vehicles. It will start at Kaimuki High School, to Kapiolani Blvd., to Alapai St., to Beretania St., to Bishop St., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Kapahulu Ave., to Kuhio Ave., to Namahana St., to Ala Wai Blvd., to Keoniana St., to Kalakaua Ave., and to end at King Kalakaua Park. Contact: Pearl Krasnjansky, Email: pearlkras@gmail.com This permit application has been approved. |
The above is based on the most current information available, last updated on date shown below . TTD Division, Street Usage Permits: Phone: 808-768-8387 Fax: 808-768-4446 Email: daniel.wightman@honolulu.gov