Department of Planning and Permitting

DPP Administrative Rules

General Department Processes

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Chapter 1: Definitions; Public Information
Chapter 2: Rulemaking
Chapter 3: Declaratory Rulings
Chapter 4: Reconsideration of a Previous Action
Chapter 5: Public Hearings
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Interpretation of Land Use Ordinance by the Director
Chapter 8: Restrictive Covenants
Chapter 9: Zoning Variances
Chapter 10: Enforcement: Administrative Fines for Land Use Ordinance Violations

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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Permit Processing
Chapter 3: Enforcement
Chapter 4: Violations Requiring Relocation Assistance
Chapter 5: Special Inspection
Chapter 6: Material and Method Approval
Chapter 7: Third Party Review

Plan and Map Amendments

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Rule 1: Authority
Rule 2: Purpose and Objective
Rule 3: Definitions
Rule 4: Where Information May be Obtained by the Public
Rule 5: Petition for Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules
Rule 6: Rules of Procedure – Who May Submit Request for Amendments
Rule 7: Rules of Procedure – Procedures for Amending the General Plan
Rule 8: Severability
Rule 9: Effective Date of these Rules
Attachment A: Application

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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Where Information May be Obtained
Chapter 3: Petition for Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules
Chapter 4: Who May Submit Requests for Amendments
Chapter 5: Application Fees for Development Plan and Sustainable Communities Plan Amendments
Chapter 6: Procedures for Processing Amendments to the Development Plans or Sustainable Communities Plans
Chapter 7: Procedures for Processing Amendments to the Development Plans or Sustainable Communities Plans
Chapter 8: Severability
Chapter 9: Effective Date of these Rules

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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Procedures for Revising the Public Infrastructure Map

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Rule 1: Authority
Rule 2: Purpose and Objective
Rule 3: Definitions
Rule 4: Where Information May be Obtained by the Public
Rule 5: Petition for Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules
Rule 6: Declaratory Rulings by the Department
Rule 7: Rules of Procedure – Who May Submit Petitions to Amend State Land Use Classification
Rule 8: Rules of Procedures – Procedures for Amending the State Land Use District Boundaries Between Agricultural and Urban Districts
Rule 9: Severability
Rule 10: Effective Date of these Rules


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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Affordable Housing Program
Chapter 3: Applicant Qualifications
Chapter 4: Selection
Chapter 5: Restrictions on Transfer, Sale/Buyback, and Use
Chapter 6: Affordable Housing Compliance Monitoring Program
Chapter 7: Public Information
Chapter 8: Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Rules
Chapter 9: Hearings on Disputes

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Chapter 1: Rules of General Application
Chapter 2: Terms and Conditions
Chapter 3: Applicant Qualifications
Chapter 4: Selection
Chapter 5: Restrictions on Transfer, Sale/Buyback, and Use
Chapter 6: Periodic and Final Reports
Chapter 7: Public Information
Chapter 8: Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Rules
Chapter 9: Declaratory Rulings by DPP
Chapter 10: Hearings on Disputes

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Subchapter 1: Rules of General Applicability
Subchapter 2: Eligibility and Application Processing
Subchapter 3: Fees

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Subchapter 1: General Provisions
Subchapter 2: Certification of Persons and Firms
Subchapter 3: Miscellaneous Provisions

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Subchapter 1: General Provisions
Subchapter 2: Elibible Project Loan Funding Program
Subchapter 3: Loans to Lenders Program
Subchapter 4: Advance Commitment Program
Subchapter 5: Purchase of Existing Loan Program
Subchapter 6: Miscellaneous Provisions

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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Designation of Ohana-Eligible Areas
Chapter 3: Procedure for Obtaining an Ohana Building Permit
Chapter 4: Compliance With Land Use Ordinance
Chapter 5: Existing Ohana Dwellings

Specific Department Processes

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Section 1: General Provisions
Section 2: Preliminary Map
Section 3: Final Map
Section 4: Design Standards
Section 5: Improvements 
Section 6: Construction
Section 7: Conflicting Rules and Regulations
Section 8: Severability
Section 9: Effective Date
Subdivision Street Standards & Appendix

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Rule 1: Authority
Rule 2: Title
Rule 3: Methods Whereby Public May Obtain Information
Rule 4: Petition for Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules
Rule 5: Declaratory Rulings by Agency
Rule 6: Definitions
Rule 7: Scope of Rules and Regulations
Rule 8: Parks and Playground Land Area Requirements
Rule 9: Standards and Requirements Applicable to Providing or Dedicating Land for Parks and Playgrounds
Rule 10: Standards and Requirements Applicable to Credit for Private Parks and Playgrounds
Rule 11: Credits for Lands Previously Dedicated
Rule 12: Standards and Requirements Applicable to Determination of Amount of Fees to be paid in lieu of Dedicating or Providing Land (amended Ordinance No. 81-65 effective 9/1/81)
Rule 13: Procedural Requirements
Rule 14: Administration and Disbursement of Fees Collected for Parks and Playgrounds
Rule 15: Recordation
Rule 16: Appeals
Rule 17: Validity
Rule 18: Effective Date of these Rules and Regulations 

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Part I: Hydrologic Criteria
Part II: Design Standards
Design Charts

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Subchapter 1: General Provisions and Requirements
Subchapter 2: General Requirements for Development and Land Disturbing Activities
Subchapter 3: Project Categories and Classifications
Subchapter 4: Requirements for Regulated Projects and Activities During Construction
Subchapter 5: BMPs, Standards, and Specifications for Activities During Construction
Subchapter 6: Post-Construction Requirements
Subchapter 7: BMPs, Standards, and Specifications for Permanent Post-Construction BMPs an Low Impact Development
Subchapter 8: Variances
Subchapter 9: Violations and Enforcement
Subchapter 10: Appeals 

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Subchapter 1: General Provisions
Subchapter 2: Requirements for Self-Certification
Subchapter 3: Applications Processed Under the Self-Certification Program
Subchapter 4: Violations, Penalties, and Appeals

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Chapter 11: Definitions
Chapter 12: Contested Case Hearings
Chapter 13: Determination of the Shoreline Setback Line
Chapter 14: Mapping and Marking of the Shoreline and the Shoreline Setback Line
Chapter 15: Minor Structures and Activities
Chapter 16: Nonconforming Structures
Chapter 17: Shoreline Setback Variances 

Boards and Commissions

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Chapter 1: General Provisions; Definitions; Fees
Chapter 2: Rules of Practice and Procedure
Chapter 3: Rulemaking Procedures 

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Rule 1: Definitions
Rule 2: Public Information and Inspection
Rule 3: Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Rules
Rule 4: Declaratory Rulings by Board
Rule 5: Rules of Practice – Appeals from Actions of the Building Official or the Fire Official in the Administration of the Building Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Fire Code and Section 18-5.4, Including Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits, Denial of the Use of New or Alternate Materials, Types of Construction, Equipment, Devices or Appliances
Rule 6: Rules of Practice – Variance from Any Provision of the Building Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, or Fire Code
Rule 7: Hearings from Action of the Building Official Under Section 25-10.2 of the Housing Code
Rule 8: Judicial Review 

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Chapter 21: General Provisions
Chapter 22: Procedure for Appeals 

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