Department of Planning and Permitting

Click the points on the map below for standalone, site-specific projects that are open for public input. Regional and island-wide projects, including proposed amendments to plans or regulations, can be found below the map. Many projects processed by DPP go through the State’s environmental review process first; go to the State’s Environmental Review Program website to review and comment on those projects, and to subscribe for updates.

Individual Projects

Click the Map legend icon icon in the top left corner of the map to show the list of projects. Please submit testimony to

Regional and Island-Wide Projects

indication of PUC location

Primary Urban Center Development Plan Update

The success of the Primary Urban Center Development Plan update depends on community participation. Your input will help guide decision-makers on choices that will affect the quality of life and economic vitality of your community! Click on the link to get involved!

Logo North Shore SCP

North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan Update

Community outreach has taken place over the past two years. Stay tuned for the North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan Public Review Draft! Click the link to learn more and sign up to receive email updates.

indication of WSCP location

Waianae Sustainable Communities Plan Update

The last version of the WSCP was adopted in 2012 so the City is reaching out to the community to help update it! This comprehensive review will assess the appropriateness of the WSCP's regional vision, policies, guidelines, and implemeting actions, as well as its consistency with the City's General Plan. Click the link to learn more and sign up to receive email updates.

Land Use Ordinance Update

The City’s zoning code, or Land Use Ordinance (LUO), has not been updated in a comprehensive manner since 1986. It has been incrementally amended over the years. The City hired consultants to undertake the various phases of the LUO Update Project.

Phase I: Input from over 100 individuals and professional land use planning organizations was gathered to determine how to proceed with an overall update to the aging document. In February 2019, the consultant prepared the Phase I Recommendations Report.

Phase II
: The main tasks of Phase II involved updating the Master Use Table, Article 5 Development Standards, and the uses in the Definitions section. Outreach continued throughout Phase II which included input from the Neighborhood Board members. A public review draft was posted on this page on June 2021. A list of comments received on the initial public draft can be found below.

A public hearing before the Planning Commission was held November 24, 2021. The staff report, Draft bill, spreadsheet, and Revised Article 5 are linked below:

The amendment was introduced at City Council on 2/3/2022 as Bill 10. A total of three readings are required, and the public can provide written or oral testimony for each hearing through the Council Calendar. A 90-day extension of time to consider Bill 10 was approved by City Council on 1/25/2023.

Phase III
: The DPP and our consultant have started working on Phase III of the LUO Update Project. It will result in the streamlining of permitting processes and improvement of criteria associated with each permit type. We create a Google Form to collect additional comments associated with this Phase. Click on the link below to add your comments:

Future Phases: Phase IV will involve updating the zoning districts, and finally, Phase V will update the remaining content and make the document more user-friendly overall, with new graphics and images.

Archived Projects

Please visit our Archived Projects page for more information on recently rejected, approved, or adopted projects.

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