Department of Planning and Permitting

Special Area Plans

Special Area Plans give communities the opportunity to define the identity, function, organization, and character of their specific neighborhoods in accordance with the general planning framework provided by their area’s Development Plan or Sustainable Communities Plan.

Icon Special Area Plans

The Aiea-Pearl City Livable Communities Plan is intended to improve traffic-congested roadways, provide a more pedestrian-friendly environment, and revitalize the livability and character of the Aiea-Pearl City neighborhoods. It includes a transportation plan, a community design plan, and an implementation plan.

The ʻEwa Villages Master Plan was prepared to guide the revitalization of the ʻEwa plantation villages of Renton, Tenney, and Varona by the City and County of Honolulu in anticipation of the closing of the Oʻahu Sugar Company and the acquisition of the villages by the City and County. The objectives of the Plan are to ensure continued residency for the existing residents of the village, develop new affordable housing units, preserve the historic character of the villages, alleviate flooding, and develop economic opportunities. An assessment report has been prepared as part of a project begun in 2010 to update the Master Plan.

The Kahaluʻu Community Master Plan is intended to preserve and enhance the community’s rural character, natural and cultural resources, and public spaces; improve circulation and increase transportation safety; and create a stronger community core. The Plan provides general design guidance and prioritizes future Physical improvement projects in support of the community’s efforts to realize their shared vision.

Barbers Point Naval Air Station is the only area in Ewa identified for Special Area Plan status. Its Special Area Plan is a combination of Redevelopment District and Resource Area Plan.

The Kalihi-Pālama Action Plan recognizes and builds upon the beauty, uniqueness and diversity of Kalihi-Pālama’s places and people, and identifies projects and actions designed to achieve the vision of a visually, economically and socially successful Kalihi-Pālama.

The Kāneʻohe Town Plan study focuses on town center concepts at Windward Mall, potential linkages to Kāneʻohe Bay, and looks at issues of mobility and connectivity for residents, both town-wide and in the proposed town center area.

The Plan seeks to balance preservation of the Mākaha Valley’s rural environment and character with the existing urban zoning, and provides guidance for future projects and actions. The project involved the creation of a partnering process through which major stakeholders can formulate an agreement for further cooperative actions. Also, the study presents a Mākaha Rural Development Concept addressing rural character, environmental protection, open space preservation, land use compatibility, and circulation.

The Master Plan for the 18.6 mile long rail-and-trail system links neighborhoods and regional attractions between ʻAiea and Nānākuli, while focusing on the recreational, economic and cultural benefits of the Trail. The Plan provides design guidelines for adjoining property development. 

The Plan presents an overall direction for the economic revitalization of Waialua Town. While the Waialua Town Master Plan is broadly conceptual, it provides a framework and jumping-off point for the community to set the stage for the more detailed planning, design and partnering efforts that will define and enable the revitalization of the community.

The Waimānalo Community Business Center project was conceived to assist community and workforce development by providing a facility to support a wide range of career training opportunities, new business establishments, and secure storage area or facilities. The study evaluated several sites throughout the Waimānalo community, considered preliminary user needs and developed programmatic requirements and recommendations.

The Waipahu Livable Communities Initiative project is intended to improve the quality of transportation facilities and to promote economic revitalization in Waipahu. The project will help implement the Waipahu Town Plan.

The Plan provides comprehensive, long-range objectives to guide land use and public improvements, which address the needs and concerns of the community and enhance the long-term livability and economic vitality of Waipahu.

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