Development Plans and Sustainable Communities Plans
The DPP prepares and revises development plans for O’ahu’s eight regional planning areas (Section 6-1509, Revised Charter). These plans are adopted by Ordinance and can be found in Chapter 24, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu (ROH).
These community-based long-range plans share the vision for each region and guide its land use planning and development. These plans support the City’s Departments and Agencies in developing functional plans and programs that move our island towards the objectives and policies found in the General Plan.
Of O‘ahu’s eight regional plans, two are referred to as Development Plans (DPs), Primary Urban Center and ‘Ewa; and the majority of the island’s residential and commercial growth is directed to these areas. Six are referred to as Sustainable Communities Plans (SCPs), Central O‘ahu, Wai ‘anae, North Shore, Ko‘olau Loa, Ko‘olau Poko, and East Honolulu, and are focused on modest development and preserving each region’s rural character.
O'ahu's Eight Regional Planning Areas
Required Reviews
Per each plan’s adopting ordinance, a comprehensive review of the Development Plans and Sustainable Communities Plans is conducted by the DPP every 5-10 years. These community-based reviews evaluate the validity and effectiveness of each Plan, makes recommendations on how the implementation of each Plan may be improved, and revises the Plan as necessary.
Development Plan Amendment Application
Any individual or organization may independently propose an amendment to the Development Plans and Sustainable Communities Plans. Amendment proposals are submitted by application to the Director of the DPP.
All applications for an amendment are reviewed from the perspective of contribution to the public welfare, whether or not there is a public issue or need to serve as a basis for the amendment, consistency with the Hawaiʻi State Plan, and conformance to the rules for processing amendments to Development Plans.
Flowchart of the DP/SCP Amendment Process