Oʻahu General Plan
The Oʻahu General Plan sets forth the City’s objectives and broad policies for the long-range development of the island. It contains statements of the general social, economic, environmental, and design objectives to be achieved for the general welfare and prosperity of the people of Oʻahu and the most desirable population distribution and regional development pattern (Section 6-1508, Revised Charter).
In working with the community, the policies and objectives of the Oʻahu General Plan were developed and organized into 11 key focus areas reflecting the needs of the people and the functions of government:

- Population
- Balanced economy
- The natural environment and resource stewardship
- Housing and communities
- Transportation and utilities
- Energy systems
- Physical development and urban design
- Public safety and community resilience
- Health and education
- Culture and recreation
- Government operations and fiscal management
The O’ahu General Plan (2021) was adopted by the City Council on December 1, 2021, as Resolution 21-023, CD1, and signed by the Mayor on January 14, 2022.
General Plan Amendment Application
Any individual or organization may independently propose an amendment to the General Plan. Proposals for an independent amendment are submitted by application to the Director of the DPP.
All applications for an amendment are reviewed from the perspective of a contribution to the public welfare, whether or not there is a public issue or need to serve as a basis for the proposed amendment, consistency with the Hawai’i State Plan, and conformance with the rules for processing amendments to the General Plan pursuant to Section 6-1503 of the Revised Charter.