Apply for Changes
What types of changes can I apply for through the Planning Division?
The types of changes you can apply for vary in scope and scale. Below are applications that are processed by the Planning Division. They include some applications involving the state land use district classifications along with the State Land Use Commission.

County Level
At the policy level, individuals or organizations can apply for amendments to Long Range Plans. At the parcel level, a zone change is an application for an amendment to the zoning ordinance adopted by the City Council to establish the affected zoning map. Amendments to the Public Infrastructure Map are typically requested by City departments to appropriate funds for project land acquisition or construction.

Long Range Plans
Long Range Plans include the Oʻahu General Plan, and Development Plans and Sustainable Community Plans. These guide public policy, infrastructure investment, and land use decisions over a 20-year time span.
The Public Infrastructure Maps follow the boundaries of the eight Development Plan and Sustainable Communities Plan areas. PIMs show symbols that represent the general location of proposed major public infrastructure facilities projects, such as roads, wastewater, and drinking water facilities, as defined in the PIM ordinance (Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, Section 4-8). Applications for amendment to a PIM must be consistent with the General Plan and relevant Development Plans and/or Sustainable Communities Plans. Amendments to a PIM must be approved prior to the appropriation of funds for project land acquisition or construction in the City’s Capital Improvement Program budget.
Zone changes can involve changes from one zoning district to another, a change in height indicated on a zoning map, or an amendment to an existing Unilateral Agreement.
State Land Uses Processed by the Planning Division
There are four major land use districts in which all lands in the State are placed: urban, rural, agricultural, and conservation (HRS, Sec. 205-2(a)). On Oahu, there are only the urban, agricultural, and conservation districts. Changes to the boundaries involves a petition to amend these districts. In addition, special permits may be issued for uses not expressly permitted in the State agricultural districts.
State land use districts on Oʻahu include: Conservation, Agricultural, and Urban. A petition for land use district boundary amendments requests a change of existing designation(s). Petitions for lands 15 acres or less are processed by the Planning Division for submission to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission Recommends approval or denial to the City Council. District boundary amendments involving lands in the conservation district, land areas greater than fifteen acres, or lands delineated as important agricultural lands shall be processed by the State Land Use Commission (HRS, Sec. 205-3.1(a)). Petitions for lands greater than 15 acres are submitted directly to the State Land Use Commission(opens in a new tab).
The County may permit certain unusual and reasonable uses within the State Land Use Agricultural District that are not currently listed (HRS, Sec. 205-6). Allowable uses for State land use districts are defined in HRS Sections 205-2, 205-4.5, 205-5, 205-6, and 205-8 and are further defined under LUC rules Sections 15-15-19, 15-15-25, 15-15-28 through -33, 15-15-36, and 15-15-96.1.
The Planning Division processes State Special Permits applications. For applications that are 15 acres or less, the DPP transmits a recommendation to the Planning Commission, who has authority to approve these permits. If the petition area is greater than 15 acres, or includes Important Agricultural Lands, the Planning Commission issues a recommendation and transmits its findings to the State Land Use Commission for their approval.
Important Agricultural Lands (IAL) are lands that:
- Are capable of producing sustained high agricultural yields when treated and managed according to accepted farming methods and technology;
- Contribute to the State’s economic base and produce agricultural commodities for export or local consumption; or
- Are needed to promote the expansion of agricultural activities and income for the future, even if currently not in production.
Any State Land Use DBA or change in zoning involving IAL shall require a decision by a two-thirds vote of the City Council. Any application for special permit involving IAL shall be referred to the State Department of Agriculture and the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development.