Department of Planning and Permitting

Planning Documents

Plans on this page cover specific geographies, time horizons, and content. Plans typically characterize an area and make recommendations, such as for infrastructure improvements or the type and intensity of land uses, which in turn inform zoning regulations.  Data and other related materials for certain items, including zoning and public infrastructure maps, can be found on the Resources page.

This plan provides an island-wide vision with broad policy direction for managing the built and natural environment and seeks to balance growth on the island in a holistic way.

O’ahu is comprised of eight planning regions. These regional plans guide City land use policies, approvals, infrastructure improvements, and private sector investment decisions.  

These plans define rail transit station areas and serve as the basis for the TOD Special District and zoning.

These plans focus on a particular area’s identity, function, organization, and character.

These plans are a new class of Special Area Plan to address the specific challenges of adapting city land use practices, infrastructure, and building guidelines to the changing conditions of the global climate.

These plans provide a basic framework for site planning, land use, circulation, and infrastructure.

Identification of high quality farmland for long-term agricultural use.

Apply for Changes

Applicants may request modifications to certain planning- and zoning-related items. Instructions and application forms, including applicable fees, are available for the following:

Planning Programs

These programs are comprised of and emphasize the implementation of various plans, policies, and ordinances, and are not directly or solely a permitting function.

This program leverages DPP’s land use permitting authority to require or incentivize private developers to include affordable units in market-driven residential projects. The DPP is among several City agencies tasked with growing and maintaining the number of affordable homes on Oʻahu.

This program promotes compact, mixed-use development near transit, particularly around rail stations, to create more livable and desirable communities. To ensure that growth proceeds in concert with the vision and goals of each TOD neighborhood, the DPP coordinates public and private developments, infrastructure, and financing.

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