Please be aware that compliance with the State’s Environmental Review process is required before applying. If an action hits one of the 13 triggers requiring environmental review listed in HRS 343-5(opens in a new tab), either:
- The determining agency must declare the action exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment (agency exemption lists can be found here(opens in a new tab));
- An environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact must be published (if significant environmental impacts are not anticipated); or
- An environmental impact statement must be accepted and published (if significant environmental impacts are anticipated).
Zoning Permits
The following permits and approvals may be required before applying for building or site development permits. All applications for these permits must include a completed Master Application Form(opens in a new tab). If you need to request State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) review, you may use our SHPD comment request(opens in a new tab) letter (revised November 2024).
Permit or Approval | Regulation | Apply | Guidance |
Affordable housing exemptions Zoning flexibility for affordable housing | Instructions | ||
Cluster Zoning flexibility for developments with 3 or more dwellings, which encourages preservation of open space or agricultural land | ROH 21-3.50-1 (ag lots) ROH 21-3.60-1 (country lots) | Instructions | Guidebook |
Conditional Use Permit (minor) Use requires minor CUP per Master Use Table | ROH 21-2.90 | See following rows | |
Conditional Use Permit Minor CUPMeeting facilities, day-care facilities, schools (elementary, intermediate, and high), and hotels with up to 180 units in the BMX-3 district | Instructions | ||
Conditional Use Permit Minor CUPJoint development of two or more zoning lots | ROH 21-5.380 | Instructions | Sample (single party) Sample (multiple parties) Sample (overlapping) |
Conditional Use Permit Minor CUPOff-site parking and/or joint use of parking facilities | ROH 21-6.70 | Instructions | |
Conditional Use Permit Minor CUPAll other uses | |||
Conditional Use Permit (major) Use requires major CUP per Master Use Table | ROH 21-2.90 | Instructions | |
Existing Use Permit Nonconforming developments that now require a CUP or cluster | ROH 21-2.100 | Instructions | |
Minor Modification Minor modifications to most of the approvals listed here | ROH 21-2.20(k) | Instructions | |
Plan Review Uses Use requires PRU per Master Use Table (hospitals, prisons, airports, colleges and universities, trade or convention centers, and some golf courses) | ROH 21-2.120 | Instructions (golf courses) Instructions (all other uses) | |
Planned Development – Housing Zoning flexibility for large mixed use developments | ROH 21-8.50-4 | Instructions | Guidebook |
Planned Development – Resort and Apartment Zoning flexibility for projects in Waikiki | ROH 21-2.110-2 | Instructions | |
Planned Development and Interim Planned Development – Transit Zoning flexibility in future rail station areas | ROH 21-9.100-5 | Instructions | |
Special District Permit (minor) Use requires minor SDD permit per special district use table | ROH 21-9 | ||
Special District Permit (major) Use requires major SDD permit per special district use table | ROH 21-9 | Instructions | |
Special Use Permit Unusual uses within the State Agricultural Land Use District | Instructions | ||
Street Tree Approval Planting trees along the roadway landscape strip | Instructions | ||
Temporary Use Approval Temporary construction yards, structures, etc. | ROH 21-1.60 | Instructions | |
Zone Change Zone changes can involve changes from one zoning district to another, a change in the height limit indicated on a zoning map, or an amendment to an existing unilateral agreement | Instructions | ||
Zoning Adjustment Zoning flexibility in the specific situations listed in the following rows | See following rows | See following rows | |
Zoning AdjustmentCarports and garages that must encroach into the required front or side yard | ROH 21-2.140-1(a) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentEnergy-saving rooftop designs | ROH 21-2.140-1(b) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentFlag lots that require narrower access | ROH 21-2.140-1(c) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentAdditional height to compensate for grade irregularities | ROH 21-2.140-1(d) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentLanai enclosures | ROH 21-2.140-1(e) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentLoading requirements (low-rise multi-family dwellings) | ROH 21-2.140-1(f) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentOff-street parking and loading requirements upon change in use | ROH 21-2.140-1(g) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentOhana (accessory) dwelling expansion | ROH 21-2.140-1(h) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentOhana (accessory) dwelling rebuilding | ROH 21-2.140-1(h) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentAdditional height for receive-only antennas | ROH 21-2.140-1(i) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentResidential height exemption for slopes greater than 40 percent | ROH 21-2.140-1(j) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentAdditional height for retaining walls | ROH 21-2.140-1(k) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentRooftop height exemption for rooftop structures housing elevator machinery and air conditioning equipment | ROH 21-2.140-1(l) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentSign master plans | ROH 21-2.140-1(m) | Instructions | |
Zoning AdjustmentAccessory dwelling unit (ADU) conversions | ROH 21-2.140-1(n) | Instructions | |
Zoning Variance Forgiveness from zoning rules when there is hardship | Charter 6-1517 | Instructions | Guidebook |
Zoning Verification Request property information, including zoning designations, flood zones, development standards, legality of existing uses, and whether existing structures can be rebuilt | Request form | ||
Zoning Waiver Zoning flexibility for public uses and structures, utility installations, small lots for landscaping and open space purposes, improvements rendered nonconforming through eminent domain, and retrofits required to comply with federal mandates | ROH 21-2.130 | Instructions |