Department of Planning and Permitting

Site Development Permits

The Site Development Division is responsible for the review, approval, and inspection of new subdivisions and their associated improvements; proposed infrastructure improvements necessary to support new development such as streets, utilities, bridges, drainage, flood control, street lights, traffic signs and markings, etc.; work within the City’s rights-of-way; improvements to existing City infrastructure; and grading work. The Division is comprised of the following four branches;

Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Branch is responsible for reviewing, issuing, and inspecting projects related to grading, stockpiling, and grubbing permit requirements, as well as trenching or excavation within the City and County of Honolulu rights-of-way. This includes private drain connections, driveway and sidewalk variance requests, and surface encroachment authorization requests.


The Subdivision Branch is responsible for the review of plans for site development work and for compliance with subdivision and land use regulations. This includes coordinating the review of plans for infrastructure construction, work in existing rights-of-way, and grading.

Phone (808) 768-8100

Traffic Review

The Traffic Review Branch (808-768-8083) reviews construction plans for compliance with City Street and Traffic Standards, reviews driveway/access locations for new developments, conducts Traffic Impact Analysis Report review and approvals, enforces road widening setbacks and coordination for plan review for the installation of street lights (DDC: 808-768-8431) and traffic signals (DTS: 808-768-8388).


The Wastewater Branch reviews projects for sewer capacity and for conformance to the current City and County of Honolulu Design Standards. We review Sewer Connection Applications, ADU applications, construction plans and projects in areas with sewers maintained or owned by the City and County of Honolulu.

Phone (808) 768-8210

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