Classification is the grouping of positions on the basis of the kind and level of work and knowledge, skills, abilities and qualifications required for performance of the work.
A class is a group of positions sufficiently similiar in duties, responsibilities and authority to be given the same class title and same pay range or grade. A class may consist of many positions or only one position.
An official document that defines and outlines the primary purpose and functions of a specific class. It summarizes the nature and scope of duties and responsibilities, level of difficulty and authority, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the work, and education, training, certification and licensure required, and other pertinent information about the job.
A specific job, whether occupied or vacant, consisting of all the current duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated, requiring full or part time employment by one person.
An official document that describes the specific duties and responsibilities assigned to a particular position.
A class specification provides the standard by which positions are evaluated and allocated. They are broader and may generally provide the parameters for a group of positions. However, a position description describes the duties and responsibilities assigned to a particular position or job.
Class specifications can be accessed through the Department of Human Resources, Classification and Pay Division at:
Position descriptions need to be updated when there are significant changes in the work assigned and performed and prior to establishing performance standards. Position descriptions should also be reviewed and updated when filling vacancies.
Copies of position descriptions can be obtained from your departmental personnel officer or administrative services officer.
As management retains the authority to assign the work to be performed, supervisors are responsible for writing position descriptions. However, employees may be asked to provide input in the process or to draft a position description for their supervisor’s consideration.
The hiring pay rate is the minimum or entry rate of the pay grade for the class. While the pay grades are determined by DHR, the actual rates an employee receives is based on negotiated salary schedules.
Recruitment incentives may be authorized for certain critical-to-fill and labor shortage positions. The job announcements will reflect whether an incentive has been authorized.
Your basic rate of pay is determined based on the pay grade assigned to your position, the appropriate salary schedule, and applicable rules and/or collective bargaining agreements. Your basic rate of pay does not include additional or extra compensation such as overtime, stand-by duty, lump sum pay, bonuses, recruitment incentives, and other pay differentials.
The pay grade for each class is based on a number of factors, including but not limited to, the kind and level of duties and responsibilities assigned; the nature, scope and complexity of work; level of supervision and/or supervisory responsibility; nature of available guidelines; etc.