Monday, 22 2024
Cindy Cromwell: (808) 768-8400
City to perform rehabilitation of Orchid Street in Pālolo Valley
Aerial image showing the location of the project area on Orchid Street
HONOLULU – The City and County of Honolulu Department of Design and Construction wishes to inform the public of an upcoming road rehabilitation project on Orchid Street, between Palolo Avenue and Ginger Street in Palolo Valley.
Construction is expected to start on April 29th, 2024 and will last approximately 3 months. Work hours will be Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
This project includes the excavation and installation of perforated underdrain pipes and reconstructing the asphalt concrete pavement for sections of the roadway. The work is expected to improve roadway infrastructure, enhance drainage capabilities, and reduce the risk of subsurface water accumulation that can deteriorate roadways.
Please note that the contractor will not be working on the entire project area at one time. Construction is performed in phases to help reduce impacts to the public and facilitate pedestrian and vehicular traffic movement as much as possible. The current bus route (TheBus) will be temporarily routed during this construction period.
The Contractor, Integrated Construction, Inc. (ICI) will help direct local area traffic through the construction site. “NO PARKING” signs will be placed in work areas on both sides of Orchid Street one week in advance of the project start date. Drivers are asked to observe the dates and times of these notices as vehicles parked on posted streets will be towed at the owner’s expense. Please note that the contractor may temporarily delay access through the construction site during work hours for the safety and protection of the public.
Every effort will be made to complete this essential work as quickly as possible and with as little inconvenience to the community as possible. We appreciate the public’s assistance and cooperation during this project and thank them for their patience and support while we work to improve the roads in your community.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the City & County of Honolulu at (808) 768-8400.
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Department of Design and Construction