Sarah Allen, Director
Department of Community Services
City and County of Honolulu
Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed by the United States Congress on March 27, 2020 as Public Law 116-136, the City and County of Honolulu (City) was awarded $2,429,569.00 and $22,370,813.00 in Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus, or to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus.
As a deviation to the City’s normal annual Action Plan process, as allowed by the CARES Act and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CPD 20-08 notice and waivers, the City intends to omit the citizen participation and consultation requirements for substantial amendments and new consolidated plan submissions and utilize the flexibilities provided to distribute the additional ESG Program funds it was allocated via the CARES Act to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus as follows:
- Through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) process, or
- By increasing funding for projects selected under the 23rd, 24th, 25th or 26th Year Action Plan (or under the last four years), or
- To other projects of an organization that previously submitted an application for any City Competitive Selection process in the last three years, including but not limited to competitive selection processes for ESG, Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships, Housing Trust Fund, Affordable Housing Fund, City Grant in Aid, City property management agreements, a lease of City property, or the City’s Housing First programs, or
- To other projects of an organization that can adequately and immediately deploy funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
The City also intends to reserve portions of funding for City capital improvement and public service projects.
Pursuant to this revised process, as published in the Honolulu Star Advertiser on October 16, 2020, the City hereby provides a list of changes to the second allocation of ESG-CVII projects for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2020 (Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan).
DCS COVID Rapid Re-Housing Project
Project Description: Provision of grant and contract funds for a DCS rapid re-housing program that will follow consistent standards and policies to provide eligible participants with medium-term rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services in order to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. All providers will implement a single uniform program. DCS will provide $1,150,000 in grant funds to a lead agent, Partners in Care, to coordinate with DCS to oversee the rapid re-housing program. Partners in Care will provide grant funds to homeless service providers chosen by the City, including Family Promise and Alternative Structures International, to provide consistent case management and housing navigation services and to make financial assistance payments when needed. DCS will contract with Housing Solutions Inc. for a total of $8,850,000 for contract services and for financial assistance payments, including rent, rental application fees, security deposits, last month’s rent, utility deposits, utility payments, moving costs, and other eligible financial assistance costs. ESG funds will be used to provide rapid re-housing assistance, eligible under 24 CFR §576.104, and pursuant to HUD Notice CPD-20-08.
Funding Source: ESG CVII
Proposed Amount: $10,000,000.00
Location: Various locations on the island of Oʻahu
DCS COVID Rapid Re-Housing Project – Administrative Funds (Subrecipient Partners in Care and/or Contractor)
Project Description: Grant and contract funds for administrative costs related to the DCS COVID Rapid Re-Housing Project in order to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus A portion of the administrative funds, $450,000, will be allocated to the lead agent – Partners in Care, to coordinate with DCS to oversee the rapid re-housing program. DCS will use the remainder $300,000, for project contractor administrative costs and to contract for landlord engagement services and to incentivize landlord participation as allowed by HUD Notice CPD-20-08. ESG funds will be used to provide administrative costs, eligible under 24 CFR § 576.108, and pursuant to HUD Notice CPD-20-08.
Funding Source: ESG CVII
Proposed Amount: $750,000.00
Location: Citywide