Department of Customer Services

Ke‘eaumoku Complete Streets Virtual Meeting scheduled for November 16

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Travis Ota: 808-518-7057

Keeaumoku Complete Streets Virtual Meeting scheduled for November 16

Keeaumoku Complete Streets banner

Keeaumoku Complete Streets Banner

HONOLULU – The City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services is hosting an online community meeting for the Ke‘eaumoku Complete Streets Project on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Complete Streets is the City’s policy to design streets for all roadways users.

Ke‘eaumoku Street provides mauka-makai connections between Makiki, Ala Moana, and the future Honolulu Rail Transit station. The purpose of this project is to implement critical safety improvements along Ke‘eaumoku Street to better serve everyone using the street, whether they are walking, using a wheelchair or stroller, on a bike, riding transit, in a car, young or old. The changes will be incorporated into an upcoming roadway rehabilitation and repaving project.

The City requests those who live, work, play and travel along Ke‘eaumoku Street to participate and provide input into what improvements are most important for this particular street and community. The meeting will be held virtually and those wishing to participate may register at:

Comments are also being solicited on the project website at, and comments and questions can be sent via email to:


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