City and County of Honolulu

City Boards and Commissions

City boards, commissions, and committees play an important role in the City and County of Honolulu. Members of these bodies are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, except where otherwise noted. Members do not receive salaries or other forms of compensation.
The chairperson of each board, commission or committee is listed first and noted with an asterisk (*) next to their name.

To apply for a vacant position on one of the City’s boards or commissions, please send a cover letter and resume to

O’ahu Historic Preservation Commission

Kōmike Aʻoaʻo Mālama Hale Kumupaʻa

Members of the Oʻahu Historic Preservation Commission assist federal, state and city government agencies in carrying out historic preservation responsibilities, including the recommending of historic properties for inclusion in registers of historic places and the maintaining of an inventory of historic resources.

Members (9):Term:
Nanea Lo6/16/2024
Mahealani Cypher6/16/2025
Hailama V.K.K. Farden6/16/2025
Kai E. White6/16/2026
Richard Douglas Davis6/16/2026
N. Mehanaokala Hind6/16/2027
Thomas 5, Dye6/16/2027
Glenn E. Mason6/16/2028
Kehaunani Abad6/16/2028


Appointing Authority:

Pursuant to § 3-10.3 (b), the nine members of the Commission are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council and shall be appointed from among professionals and persons with special interest in the following disciplines: (1) Architecture; (2) History; (3) Archaeology; (4) Planning; (5) Architectural history; (6) Hawaiian culture; (7) Anthropology; (8) Ethnography; and (9) Sociology.

Board of Parks and Recreation

Ka Papa Pāka a me nā Hana Hoʻonanea

Board of Parks and Recreation consists of nine members. The Board advises the Mayor, the City Council and the Director on matters relating to recreation and cultural activities and associated facilities.

Members (9) : Term:
J Pedro12/31/2028
Michael Robinson12/31/2028
Katharine Chang12/31/2024
John Leong12/31/2025
Carla Houser12/31/2025
Judith Stilgenbauer12/31/2026
Nikki Medwetz12/31/2026
Christy-Ann Nishita12/31/2027
Robert Medeiros12/31/2027


Appointing Authority:
Charter Section 6-1404 establishes an advisory Board of Parks and Recreation consisting of nine members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to staggered five-year terms.

Planning Commission

Komikina Hoʻolālā

The Planning Commission holds public hearings and makes recommendations through the Mayor to the City Council on proposals to adopt or amend the General Plan, Development Plans, and Zoning Ordinances. The Commission holds public hearings, makes recommendations on state land use district boundary amendments for parcels of 15 acres or less (other than conservation districts), and approves state land use special use permit applications for changes of land use on agricultural land

Members (9) : Term:
Ryan Kamo6/30/2025
Nathaniel Kinney6/30/2025
Melissa May6/30/2026
Hilarie Alomar6/30/2026
Pane Meatoga III6/30/2027
Joy Kimura6/30/2027
Kai Nani Kraut6/30/2028
Jason Woo6/30/2029
Elena Bryant6/30/2024


Police Commission

Komikina Mākaʻi

The Honolulu Police Commission is made up of seven individuals appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. All members serve staggered terms of five years, volunteering their services and receiving no compensation. The commission elects its own chair and vice chair each year from among its members.
The Police Commission has the following mandated responsibilities:
•appoints and may remove the Chief of Police;
•reviews rules and regulations for the administration of the Honolulu Police Department;
•reviews the annual budget prepared by the Chief of Police and may make recommendations thereon to the Mayor;
•receives, considers, and investigates charges brought by the public against the conduct of the department or any of its members and submits a written report of its findings to the Chief of Police.

Members (7) : Term:
Douglas Chin*12/31/2025
Ann Botticelli12/31/2025
Carrie K. S. Okinaga12/31/2025
Kenneth Silva12/31/2026
Dr. Elizabeth Char12/31/2027
Laurie Foster12/31/2028
Jeannine Souki12/31/2027


Rate Commission

Komikina Lākiō Kāki

The purpose of the Rate Commission is to review the fares, fees, rates, tolls and other charges for the use of any and all modes of the multimodal municipal transportation system. The Rate Commission recommends adjustments , such that the revenues derived from fares, in conjunction with any other revenues allocated to the multimodal municipal transportation system, is sufficient or as nearly sufficient as possible, to support the operation and maintenance of the multimodal municipal transportation system. In making recommendations on fares, fees, rates, tolls and other charges, the Rate Commission may also consider factors such as transportation equity, accessibility, sustainability, availability, and effect on ridership.

Members (7) : Term:Special Position:
Dreannalee Kalili*6/30/2027Mayor with City Council Confirmation
Maeda Timson6/30/2024Mayoral Appointee
Gary Gill6/30/2025 Mayoral Appointee
Cynthia McMillan6/30/2025Council Appointee
James Burke6/30/2026Council Appointee
Rex Akutagawa6/30/2024Council Appointee
Charlotte Townsend6/30/2026Mayoral Appointee

One (1)

Appointing Authority:
Charter Section 6-1704 establishes a Rate Commission consisting of seven members appointed to five-year terms as follows: three are appointed by the Council; three are appointed by the Mayor without necessity of Council confirmation; and one is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council.

Real Property Tax Assessment Board of Review I

Ka Papa Hōʻoia ʻAuhau ʻĀina Kūʻiʻo I

There are three Boards of Review that resolve real property assessment and/or disallowances of exemption disputes between taxpayers and the Real Property Tax Assessor. There are 2 employees providing support of this function. These Boards are attached to the Real Property Assessment division for administrative support and consist of five members each.

Members (5) : Term:
Gwenette Higa6/30/2026
Scott W. Hayashi6/30/2025
Patrick Chandler6/30/2026
Tina Y. T. Au6/30/2022

One (1)

Appointing Authority:     
ROH Section 8-12.6 establishes three boards of review for real property tax appeals consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.

Real Property Tax Assessment Board of Review II

Ka Papa Hōʻoia ʻAuhau ʻĀina Kūʻiʻo II

Members (5) : Term:
Catherine Segi*6/30/2025
Randall C. Whattoff6/30/2021
Jeffrey Freitas6/30/2023


Appointing Authority:      
ROH Section 8-12.6 establishes three boards of review for real property tax appeals, each consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.

Real Property Tax Assessment Board of Review III

Ka Papa Hōʻoia ʻAuhau ʻĀina Kūʻiʻo III

Members (5) : Term:
Jennifer Andrews*6/30/2024
Vince Otsuka6/30/2028
Michael J. Golojuch, Sr.6/30/2020
Peter F. Young6/30/2026


Appointing Authority:         
ROH Section 8-12.6 establishes three boards of review for real property tax appeals consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.

Salary Commission

Komikina Uku Hana

There shall be an independent salary commission to establish the salaries of all elected officials, including the mayor, councilmembers, and prosecuting attorney, and the following appointed officials: managing director, deputy managing director, department head, deputy department head, and band director. The commission shall also establish schedules for salaries of deputies of corporation counsel and prosecuting attorney.

Members (7) : Term: Special Position:
Lila T. Tom*1/15/2025Mayoral Appointee
Sarah E. Guay1/15/2027Mayoral Appointee
Elmer Kaʻai, Jr.1/15/2026Council Appointee
Rebecca Soon1/15/2027Council Appointee
Malia Manol Espinda1/15/2025Council Appointee
Marie Kumabe1/15/2028Mayor & Council
VacantMayoral Appointee

One (1)

Appointing Authority:
Charter Section 3-122 establishes a Salary Commission consisting of seven members appointed to five-year terms as follows: three are appointed by the Council; three are appointed by the Mayor without necessity of Council confirmation; and one is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council.

Youth Commission

Komikina ʻŌpio o Honolulu

The Commission shall be the conduit for the youth of the City to express their policy priorities and concerns regarding the effects of policies, assessments, priorities, programs, and budgets upon the you of Honolulu.
Members (15) : Term:Special Position:
Daniel Nguyen7/31/2024Council District 1
Diego Carranza7/31/2025Council District 2
Maia Payne7/31/2024Council District 3
Asa Shimizu7/31/2025Council District 4
Kalena Shea7/31/2024Council District 5
Kolten Soon7/31/2025Council District 6
Clark Duran7/31/2024Council District 7
Riley Mishina7/31/2025Council District 8
Lindsey Millerd7/31/2024Council District 9
Esther Lim7/31/2025Mayor’s Office
Jinie Ho7/31/2026Mayor’s Office
Kahn Ho7/31/2025Mayor’s Office
Nicole Balidoy7/31/2025Mayor’s Office
Alana Sagaysay7/31/2026Mayor’s Office
VacantMayor’s Office


Appointing Authority:
Charter Sec. 6-108 provides that there shall be 15 members between the ages of 14 to 24 at the time of appointment and shall serve for staggered terms of 2 years. Members who have attained the age of majority at the time of appiontment must be duly registered voters of the City. Each Councilmember shall appoint one member and the Mayor shall appoint 6 members.

Zoning Board of Appeals

Ka Papa Noi Mokuna ʻĀina

The zoning board of appeals shall hear and determine appeals from the actions of the director of the Department of Planning and Permitting in the administration of the zoning ordinances, including variances there from, subdivision ordinances and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to either.  An appeal shall be sustained only if the board finds that the director’s action was based on an erroneous finding of a material fact, or that the director had acted in an arbitrary or capricious manner or had manifestly abused discretion

Members (5) : Term:
James Wataru*6/30/2025
Margaret Cannell6/30/2025
Landon Kaneshiro6/30/2022
Max Lindsey6/30/2028


Appointing Authority:        
Charter Section 6-1516 establishes a Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.

Sec. 21-1.40 Appeals:
Appeals from the actions of the director in the administration of the provisions of the LUO shall be to the zoning board of appeals as provided by Section 6-1516 of the charter. Appeals shall be filed within 30 days of the mailing or service of the director’s decision.

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