City and County of Honolulu

City Boards and Commissions

City boards, commissions, and committees play an important role in the City and County of Honolulu. Members of these bodies are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, except where otherwise noted. Members do not receive salaries or other forms of compensation.
The chairperson of each board, commission or committee is listed first and noted with an asterisk (*) next to their name.

To apply for a vacant position on one of the City’s boards or commissions, please send a cover letter and resume to

Board of Water Supply

Ka ʻOihana Wai

As a semi-autonomous agency, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. The BWS sets policies and prescribes regulations for the management, control and operation of the public water systems on Oahu and the properties of these systems, and fixes and adjusts rates and charges for the furnishing of water services. The Board of Directors also appoints the Manager and Chief Engineer of the BWS.

Members (7):Term:
Bryan P. Andaya*6/30/2025
Na‘alehu Anthony6/30/2026
Jonathan Kaneshiro6/30/2027
Dana Kapua’ala Sproat6/30/2024
Lance Wilhelm6/30/2028
Ed SniffenEx officio
Gene AlbanoEx officio


Appointing Authority:
Charter Section 7-104 creates a policy-making body consisting of seven members, five appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to staggered five-year terms and two ex officio (the Chief Engineer of the Department of Facility Maintenance and the State Director of Transportation).

Building Board of Appeals

Ka Papa Noi Kūkulu Hale

The Building Board of Appeals hears and determines appeals from actions of the Director of the Department of Planning and Permitting in the administration and enforcement of Building, Electrical, and Plumbing codes, and appeals from actions of the Fire Official in the enforcement of the fire code. The Board also hears and determines requests for variance from provisions in the building code, electrical code, plumbing code, fire code, and building energy efficiency standards, as well as appeals concerning the summary removal of unlawful signs from street right-of-way and public malls.

Members (9):Term:Special Position:
Geena Thielen*12/31/2025General Contractor
Christopher T. Hong12/31/2028Engineer/Architect
Fernando J. Frontera12/31/2024 Engineer/Architect
Jay T. Higashi12/31/2025Fire Safety
Scott Inatsuka12/31/2024Engineer/Architect
Brent Tokita12/31/2026Engineer/Architect
Aditya Situmeang12/31/2024Plumbing
VacantFire Safety


Appointing Authority: ROH Section 16-1.1 (International Building Code – SECTION 112), provides that of the 9 members appointed by the mayor, 4 members shall be registered engineers or architects with the State of Hawaii board of registration of professional engineers, architects, land surveyors, and landscape architects; 1 member shall be experienced and trained in electrical work; 1 member shall be experienced and trained in plumbing work; 2 members shall be trained and experienced in fire safety; and 1 member shall be a general contractor licensed under HRS Chapter 444.

Citizens Advisory Commission on Emergency Management

Komikina Aʻoaʻo o ka Poʻe Kīwila no nā Ulia Pōpilikia

The five-member Citizens Advisory Commission on Emergency Management advises the Mayor, the City Council, and the Director of the Department of Emergency Management on matters pertaining to disaster emergency planning and operations and promotes community participation, understanding, and interest in emergency management and disaster emergency preparation.

Members (5):Term:
Joseph Miller*3/31/2025
Jerald K. Dolak3/31/2021
Darryll Wong3/31/2027
Lani Hubbard3/31/2028
Marc E. Dexter3/31/2029


Appointing Authority:
Charter Section 6-104 establishes a Citizens Advisory Commission on Civil Defense consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.                       

Civil Service Commission

Komikina no ka Poʻe Hana Kīwila

The primary functions of the Civil Service Commission are to prescribe rules to carry out the provisions of the City Charter, hear appeals, and advise the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Human Resources on issues and problems concerning personnel administration.

Members (5):Term:
Alan K. Bluemke*6/30/2025
Cindy S. Inouye6/30/2021
Ethel L. Fleming6/30/2022
Clyde Hayashi6/30/2024

One (1)

Appointing Authority:
Charter Sec. 6-1110 provides that no more than three members shall belong to the same political party.

Clean Water & Natural Lands Commission

Komikina Aʻoaʻo no ka Wai Maʻemaʻe & ka ʻĀina Kūlohelohe

The purpose of the Clean Water and Natural Lands Fund is to provide for the purchase of or to otherwise acquire real estate or any interest therein for land conservation in the City for the following purposes:
• Protection of watershed lands to preserve water quality and water supply
• Preservation of forests, beaches, coastal areas and agricultural lands
• Public outdoor recreation and education, including access to beaches and mountains
• Preservation of historic or culturally important land areas and sites
• Protection of significant habitats or ecosystems, including buffer zones
• Conservation of land in order to reduce erosion, floods, landslides, and runoff; and
• Acquisition of public access to public land and open space.

Members (7):Term:Special Position:
Sherry P. Broder*1/14/2025Mayoral Appointee
Keliiahonui Kotubetey1/14/2026Mayoral Appointee
Susie Fong1/14/2029Mayoral Appointee
Frederick Reppun1/14/2026Council Appointee
Jason Kekahi “Kahi” Pacarro1/14/2029Council Appointee
Jamie K. Tanimoto1/14/2025Council Appointee
William Kamanaʿolana Mills1/14/2027Appointed by majority vote of other members


Appointing Authority:
The CWNL Commission (Res. 07-355, CD1) attached to the Council was eliminated by 2016 Charter Amendment Question 11. Pursuant to Charter Sec. 9-204.8, the membership of the new commission consists of three Mayoral appointees, three Council appointees, and one member appointed by a majority vote of other members.

Climate Change Commission

Komikina Loli Aniau

The Climate Change Commission is charged with gathering the latest science and information on climate change impacts to Hawai‘i, with a focus on O‘ahu. They also provide advice and recommendations to the mayor, City Council, and executive departments as they look to draft policy and engage in planning for future climate scenarios.

Members (5) :Term:
Dr. Rosanna ʻAnolani Alegado*6/30/2023
Melanie Islam6/30/2026
Kiana Otsuka6/30/2027
Dr. Kirsten L.L. Oleson6/30/2029
Dr. Bradley Romine6/30/2025


Appointing Authority:
The Climate Change Commission was created by 2016 Charter Amendment Question 7. Pursuant to Charter Sec. 6-107(h), the Commission is to consist of five members with expertise in climate change in Hawaii.

The Commission on Culture and the Arts

Komikina no ka Moʻomeheu a me ka Pāheona

The Commission on Culture and the Arts was founded in 1968 after the passage of the Percent for Art law in 1967 that established the Art in City Buildings Program. The Commission consists of 11 members who are all appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council with the following objectives:
• To assist the city in attaining national preeminence in culture and the arts
• To assist the city in the preservation of the artistic and cultural heritages of all its people
• To promote a community environment which provides equal and abundant opportunity for exposure to culture and the arts in all its forms, and
• To encourage and provide equal opportunity for the development of cultural and artistic talents of the people of Honolulu.

Members (11) : Term: Special Position:
Stephen F. Mechler*6/30/2024 Urban design
Taylour Chang6/30/2029Multi-media
Jasper Wong6/30/2025At-large
Vincent A. Hazen6/30/2025 Fine Arts
Josh Tengan6/30/2026Crafts
Leighton K. F. Liu6/30/2021Design
Gail N. Harada6/30/2022Literature
Elizabeth Soto6/30/2027Theater
Paige Miki Okamura6/30/2028Music
Mamoru Sato6/30/2028Visual arts
Victoria M.H. Takamine6/30/2027Dance
Kaʻili Trask O'ConnellEx Officio


Appointing Authority: 
ROH Section 3-2.2, provides that the 11 members shall be in the following categories: design; urban design; drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture (2 members); crafts; music; theater arts; dance; multi-media; literature; and at large.

The Economic Revitalization Commission

Komikina Hoʻomohala Waiwai

There shall be an economic revitalization commission consisting of nine members with expertise in small business, finance, sustainable economics, and community development. The economic revitalization commission shall be governed by the provisions of Section 13-103 and shall:
(1) Prepare a five-year strategic plan that will include recommended strategies for the city to encourage equitable and sustainable economic advancement, development of new businesses and industries, and reinvestment.
(2) Update the five-year strategic plan every five years and which will guide the city’s economic investment strategy.
(3) Meet quarterly, unless deemed unnecessary by a majority of the commission members

Members (9) : Term:
Olin Lagon*12/31/2027
Anthony Mizuno12/31/2028
Bobby-John “Olu” Campbell12/31/2024
Eliza Talbot Manchester12/31/2024
Deborah Lui-Anderson12/31/2025
Reid Chung12/31/2025
Gregory Kim12/31/2026
Keoni Lee12/31/2026
Melialani James12/31/2027


Appointing Authority: 
Section 6-109. Office of Economic Revitalization
There shall be an office of economic revitalization headed by an executive for economic revitalization who shall be appointed and may be removed by the mayor; and establishes an Economic Revitalization Commission consisting of nine members. The members of the Commission are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council and serve for staggered five-year terms. The commission members must have expertise in small business, finance, sustainable economics, and community development.

Honolulu Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee

Kōmike Aʻoaʻo no ke Kākoʻo Poʻe Koho Pāloka Kīnānā

The purpose of the advisory committee shall be to ensure equal and independent access to voter registration, casting of ballots, and all other county elections division services.

Members (4) : Term:
Donald Sakamoto*7/1/2025
Ho’opio Balaz7/1/2024
Brandon Young7/1/2023
Ann Elizabeth Lemeke 7/1/2026

One (1)

Appointing Authority: County voters with special needs advisory committees. (a) Each county shall establish a county voters with special needs advisory committee. (b) Each advisory committee shall consist of five members appointed by the mayor of each respective county based on recommendations from organizations within the county that are comprised of a majority of officers and members who are persons with physical disabilities including visual impairment. Each member shall identify as a voter with special needs arising from physical disabilities including visual and hearing impairments which require an accommodation to vote. The terms of advisory committee members shall be four years; provided that initial terms shall be one, two, three, or four years to ensure staggered rotation of members. (c) Each advisory committee shall meet at least annually to review election procedures, services, and technology and access to information, and shall make recommendations to the office of elections on at least an annual basis. The advisory committees may meet and subsequently make recommendations at additional times as determined by a majority of the members.”

Ethics Board of Appeals

Ka Papa Noi Lawena Hana Pono

Inactive for over 3 years because no one has filed an appeal

Ethics Commission

Komikina Lawena Hana Kūpono

The Honolulu Ethics Commission advances the standards of ethical conduct in government as expressed in the Revised Charter and the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu. The purpose of these laws and the Commission’s work is to improve and maintain public confidence in government officials and employees

Members (7) : Term:
David B. Monk*12/31/2026
Shelton G. W. Jim On12/31/2025
Peter S. Adler12/31/2025
Victoria S. Marks12/31/2024
Allene R. Suemori12/31/2024
Muhtadia Rice12/31/2026
Cynthia Lynch12/31/2028

One (1)

Appointing Authority: Charter Section 11-107 establishes an Ethics Commission consisting of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to five-year terms.
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